Vol 5 Chapter 12: : Feng Jiu

Mo Yuan closed down, and Su Jin had no intention of taking care of the mundane affairs. All matters related to Kunlun Xu were given to the head of Kunlun Xu's second-generation disciple, Die Feng Shenjun. See ‘Mao. Thread, Chinese. Text, Net
More than once, the mysterious girl saw the of folding winds leading the younger brothers to organize their internal affairs and teach the younger brothers to practice. Later, he heard that he was the prince of the Xihaihai monarch and had a respectful status. "Encounter" with the of folding wind, but this guy only had practice in her heart, she almost wrote her love on her face, and refused to give the slightest response.
If there is no response, it is rejected. It ’s normal to give up as a girl show for everyone and give up early, even ashamed to stay here again. But Xuan Nu is not everyone's boudoir, she must climb a big tree in the shortest time to change her destiny ...
"Uncle Shi, my fourth brother sent me a book saying that my second sister-in-law is about to give birth. You accompany me to visit Qingqiu." On this day, Bai Qian came to Taihuang Cave and grabbed Su Jin Cuffs.
Su Jin shook his head and said, "No, do you remember you promised me? Use all your thoughts in practice."
"I promised to be good, but this time the situation is special after all." Bai Qian shakes Su Jin's cuffs: "Uncle Master, you can go with me, otherwise I will sneak out by myself, in case it happens What is the danger, it is you and Master who will ultimately trouble you! "
Looking at the stupid fox who continues to play tricks, Su Jin felt quite helpless.
In the original book, she will encounter Yijun Qingcang on this trip, and then meet the second prince of the wing clan to leave the mirror, and lay the groundwork for the future injury. In addition, Mo Yuan suffered a very serious injury to save her The injury lasted for a long time, and finally in the war, he could only choose to seal the Eastern Emperor Bell with his own primordial god, creating another tragedy.
So, this is the beginning of tragedy! If she didn't take her, she ran away secretly, and the tragedy would still repeat itself. wap.EbookFREE.me
Su Jin's family knew about his own affairs, but he didn't have the idea of ​​breaking into the Great Purple Palace and the hero saving the beauty.
"Okay, okay, don't shake it, you are all tens of thousands of years old, can you be a little more mature." Su Jin pulled back his robe and snorted.
"Don't refuse, then you agree?" Bai Qianxi smiled and said, "What are you doing at such a mature age? I'm afraid I won't find it when I feel mature and come back to find today."
"Cross reason." Su Jin knocked on her clean head and said, "I can take you past, but you have to promise me that you have to listen to me on the road, go early and return early, avoiding all things."
"Agree, as long as you are willing to take me with you, I will agree to anything you say." Bai Qiang quickly nodded his head.
Afterwards, Su Jin summoned a dark purple flying sword and stood on the sword and said: "You stand in front of me, we bypass the wing clan's territory and fly over from other places."
Bai Qian, like Feiyan, landed on Feijian. When Feijian broke into the sky and said, "Why should I bypass the Wing Clan? Now the Wing Clan is still our ally. Passing from their place, there is nothing Is it dangerous? "
"Look, it won't take long for the wing clan to rebel. The two of us don't be the banner sacrificers for their rebellion." Su Jin waved his hand.
A few days later, the two came to the fox cave peacefully. After introducing Su Jin to everyone, Bai Qian ran to her second sister-in-law and took a baby child from her, surprised and said, "She On this forehead ... "
"It is a phoenix tail flower, born, so she named her as Feng Jiu and Bai Feng Jiu for her mother." Hu Hou said with a kind smile.
"Feng Jiu, Bai Feng Jiu, good name." Bai Qian sighed heartily.
"Su Jin goes to God, do you not encounter any danger on the way you come?" The Emperor Fox stared at Su Jin with a gleam, and pointedly said.
Su Jin understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "Bypassing the wing clan's territory, no wing clan was encountered."
The Emperor Fox breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "That's good, then that's good."
"What are you two gods talking about?" Bai Qing hugged Xiaofengjiu and asked Fox.
Su Jindao said: "Your father is only worried about your safety. If you can be stronger, there will be no such worry."
"My ears are about to start cocooning, as if my cultivation is for you." Bai Qian said angrily.
Su Jin said: That's not for me to repair. The faster your strength grows, the shorter the time to complete my task.
"Qianqian Jingyan introduced, fortunately to worship Mo Yuan as a teacher, the little girl Fengjiu, I don't know if I have the blessing to worship Su Jin as a teacher." Bai Qing's second brother, Qingqiu's second prince Bai Yishang's eyes shined Looking at Su Jin Road.
As the top gatekeepers occupying the world's five wastelands, the four males of the Bai family all worshiped the ancient deities as teachers. Even now that the ancient gods and demons are gradually dying, Bai Qiang, who is the oldest member, also worshipped his father's son-in-law as a teacher. It can be said that his eyes are above his head. Even if he is a in general, he will not be seen by them.
But is Su Jin generally a god? Obviously not.
Since he became famous in Kunlun, he has become a legend, a living legend. Its status is not only under Mo Yuan, but has a tendency to overshadow Mo Yuan.
In this world, no matter how strong a person is, there is no ability to sweep a family. But Su Jin can, as long as he is willing, it is not very difficult to rejuvenate one family and one country and one country.
Because of this, when he heard that he was empty in Kunlun, the original demonic clan had ceased, and even the ambitious wing clan did not dare to send people to assassinate him.
With such a master present, Xiaofengjiu's future is expected.
Su Jin looked up at the baby in Bai Qian's arms and pondered for a long time before shaking his head: "I have no fate with her, but if she wants to learn alchemy and alchemy in the future, she can always contact me."
"Su Jin can still make alchemy?" Although Bai Yishang was a little disappointed in his heart, he was not dissatisfied with this result. After all, Su Jin had given him face.
"It's okay, second only to the refiner." Su Jin said with a smile.
The Emperor Fox looked at him with a smile on his face, and he was relieved, feeling that his business was worthwhile.
Although he is also in the realm of God himself, to be honest, his combat strength is not outstanding, and even the face-lifting may not be able to fight, let alone any alchemy refiner. In exchange for his cultivation, such a figure, the Qingqiu Bai family, can at least guarantee 100,000 years of peace and the future of Fuze.
"No wonder Tiangong failed to attract God, and he didn't dare to even complain, it was because God's ability was enough to make any force tremble." Bai Yishang said with admiration.
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