Chapter 2151: Asgard and Atrium (7)

Apocalypse and others continued to look ugly at Eric beside Yi Chou.
He also succeeded.
After a few screams, he successfully survived and survived, as did the stormwoman Oloro. . It means success.
However, unlike Lona, which is also induced by the magnetic field, the appearance of the external force is not the same. Eric's new force does not seem to have much to do with the magnetic field.
Lorna’s strength is enhancement, enhancement, and some variation. Originally, her ability was very weak, and it was almost different from her father Magneto. However, after the God of Creation plan, she directly surpassed Magneto, the peak period. After being strengthened by the Apocalypse, it can even interfere with the earth’s magnetic field.
If Lorna is willing, she can.
It's just that her power is not too skilled. . It’s not that the power itself is not skilled, and the Chuangshen plan will directly give Lorna mature power control, and she does not need to re-familiarize herself from the beginning, that is like instinct.
That is how to use power, not familiar.
Because people are wise, they need wisdom to do everything. Even if her new power is like instinct, how to use it still needs wisdom. A lot of skills and combat routines require her to explore slowly.
But the creation of the God Project as the main means of Yi arrogance is obviously not just as simple as turning Lona into an enhanced version of Magneto, although it is also very strong.
In addition to the ability to control the magnetic force has been enhanced, it has also undergone certain changes.
microwave. . metal. .
Lorna's power can already directly affect them vaguely.
Although Eric and Lorna's attack methods have always been overwhelming metal flying, but their power has never been to control the metal.
Magneto, this nickname shows that they control the magnetic force.
Shake metal with magnetic force instead of directly controlling metal.
But the God of Creation plan obviously brought a little change to Lorna. She could directly control the metal, not the magnetic field or the mind, but the metal.
Although still very weak.
Secondly, there are some invisible positions other than metal, such as microwave positions, etc., Lorna found that she seemed to be able to control it.
This is a change.
In general, her power is still in the magnetic field, and she is wandering in the field of these things, and she has not been too biased.
But Eric. .
He turned himself into metal.
Yes, Eric, who came out of the glass sphere, performed a big change for Yi Chou on the spot, turning himself into a silver-white metal pimple.
If it weren't for the steel man whose limbs had been cut off, still lying half-dead in the cage, Yi Chou thought he had caught the wrong person.
This is Eric's new ability. Material changes are not limited to metals, but only to themselves.
I don't know how he evolved such an ability. Perhaps it is that he has too much complaint about his lack of resistance. Without a helmet, he can't fight Charles at all.
Although I don't think there is any use for this ability, because Yi Xiao remembers that the two universes of Marvel and DC have superpowers with similar abilities, and they are basically the ones that do not go to the table on the second and third lines.
Although the God of Creation plan will give everyone different strengths and are of indescribable attributes, it seems that not everyone will have a strong ability.
. . Nobuyoshi Yoshioka's ability to look like a corpse was actually very weak.
But finally, his own metallization can be regarded as complementary to Magneto's original abilities. In the past, he only had a magnetic field ability. He was a mage. Although it was difficult to get close to others, once he got close, there was basically no resistance.
Moreover, the attacking methods are relatively monotonous. Except for destroying the earth with one word and disturbing the magnetic field, the conventional attack is really a loss of metal.
It is no different from an ordinary motivation.
But now, with his own metal and his magnetic field ability, he can be said to be a brand-new melee mage. The superposition of these two abilities will definitely make Eric a humanoid nuclear bomb.
But it’s okay to resist Charles. After all, Charles can still control the Steelers, and Eric doesn’t want to run if he turns into a metal.
unless. . He simulated the metal of that helmet.
"You can do it?"
Yi Xao immediately told Magneto this idea.
Although the Magneto after the creation of God plan was subject to surrender, loyalty, and loyalty, the essence has not changed. The mutants are the first in the world, and I will take Charles.
Although Eric switched to the tumultuous camp, he still had an inexplicable sense of comparison with his future rival Charles.
Hearing this, he was immediately excited.
Then in the next moment, Yi Xiao and other mutants saw Eric silver all over, staring at a purple head.
The forehead is bright purple, and his face is red and purple.
Yi Xiao's face twitched undetectably, and he noticed in the corner of his eyes that the variants in the cage were also twitching, a look that wanted to laugh and seemed not to be laughing at this time.
The aesthetics of Magneto are well known, with purple combat uniforms and purple cloaks. . Purple helmet!
The whole body glowed purple.
Okay, there is no way for a purple helmet. The purple and white helmets are purple because of the characteristics of the metal.
But the other two are purple.
The entire mutant circle. . There is only one male, Magneto, who can control the purple body.
Whether it is the Mutant Brotherhood or the X-Men, in fact, there is no less vomiting.
Now Eric directly turned his entire forehead and face into purple, which is really true. .
But the effect is good. After becoming this kind of metal, Eric can indeed prevent the telepathy of Charles, because even Yi Biao’s magic seems to be subject to certain fluctuations and Yi Biao waved his hand Eric quickly changed himself back.
He is good at being good.
The selection of Eric is not only important because of his ability to overlap with Lorna, but also because of him. . It's actually very important.
In terms of role assignment.
Eric and Charles.
Mutants, or most of the world of superheroes, are group dramas, but even group dramas have their own masters and slaves.
And Eric, obviously, belongs to that popular first-class character, and it can't be overstated as the protagonist.
Yi Chou needs to observe whether as a protagonist exists, whether there will be any accidents in the God of Creation plan. After all, compared with the apocalypse and Charles, who are also protagonists, Eric is still better controlled.
At present, it seems that the effect is quite good, and the Chuangshen Project is still successful, and there are no unexpected problems.
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