: Works Related (15)

You knocked out a word: "We, let's calm down."
☆Chapter 37
This calmness took a long time.
Xing Jiaxin is obediently recuperating at home. When lying in bed, she always remembers the figure of Tan You who fled that day.
She was also quite flustered. At that time, her heartbeat had been so disordered that her chest hurt.
There is always a word in her head, "passion crime".
Passionate crime is nothing more than that. He knows that he is doing the wrong thing, but he can't wait to jump into the abyss because of his emotions.
If Tan You doesn't stop it, Xing Jiaxin can't imagine how far she will develop with Tan You.
She was really happy and melancholy, happy that Tan You was willing to be so close to her, and happy that Tan You had said compromises.
Tan You said that as long as she is willing, she will always be a close friend with her.
The melancholy is...
How to do it? Xing Jiaxin lay on the bed and pointed her finger. She seemed to not want to be friends with Tan You.
When the feet are almost better, it is time to return to the institute.
For the five days without Tan You, Xing Jiaxin stayed in the room and restored to her previous normal life. She would never go out as a last resort.
The long-lost silence made her feel comfortable, but between reading, she would think of Tan You, think of a certain detail of her taking her out to play, and then smile foolishly for a while.
In the past five days, she tried her best to control herself not to send messages to Tan You. There was a word that was too late. Fortunately, Jiaxin was always able to accurately grasp this degree when working on the subject.
Now, she is trying to use this kind of control in her life, Tan You said, to calm down, then reduce the amount a little.
Anyway, anyway... Tan You did something like that to her, indicating that she liked her.
I like that, even in the past, she had a major defect.
This is like laying a solid foundation stone, the kind of cement steel tamped, let Xing Jiaxin feel at ease.
On the morning of the tenth day, Xing Jiaxin came to the institute early.
Everything just woke up, and many of the staff hadn't arrived yet. Fortunately, Jiaxin stopped the little eDonkey. Without hesitation, she hurried to the warehouse all the way.
She is going to ask the Kuguan if there is any waste to be discharged. The holiday is so long, and there must be a pile in the south. She can immediately call Tan You and see her openly.
However, the door of the treasury office was closed. Xing Jiaxin waited for a while and didn't see anyone coming. She was really anxious, so she went to the south for a trip.
The result is really shocking. When the teachers and students were on vacation, the workers on the construction site did not rest. The outer periphery of the experimental building, which had been scaffolded before, had completely changed its appearance, and the new tiles on it were shining in the morning light.
There is a major renovation in this building, but fortunately, Jiaxin is not convinced that it will be completed so soon. Two workers walked out carrying bags of cement without even wearing hard hats.
Xing Jiaxin entered the building, and the guard stopped her: "What did you do?"
Fortunately, Jiaxin took out her work permit and shook it.
The guard said: "Doctoral student? Didn't your teacher say? You can't enter here yet."
Xing Jiaxin stood there, said nothing, turned and left.
Anyway, she was not really curious about the transformation inside, she just wanted to know if the project was completed, and if there was any scrap for her to pull.
All the way back to the warehouse, after waiting for a while, someone finally arrived.
It was the uncle who met her before, Xing Jiaxin greeted her and said, "Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year, Dr. Koyuki." The uncle happily, "The new year is still so early."
"Yes." Xing Jiaxin went straight ahead, "Is there any waste?"
"Hey, you really care about this matter." The uncle opened the door and said, "There was a batch of them piled up in the warehouse, and they were dealt with by the Material Department. They should be gone now, and come back without seeing the south. "
Fortunately, Jiaxin was very disappointed: "Is the south side finished?"
"It wasn't so fast, and the urging was extremely tight. I heard that the project invested a lot of money. If you delay one day, you will burn another day." The uncle smacked, "Professor Chen comes over today, and the project can be started."
It seemed that there was no show at all, and Xing Jiaxin was depressed when she walked to the laboratory building.
She didn't have much energy, so she wouldn't pay attention to the people around her. When she went upstairs, someone suddenly ran past her and bumped her shoulder, which was quite heavy.
Xing Jiaxin frowned, and the short-haired girl who had run in front of her stopped. She turned around and saw that she was busy, saying, "Ah, senior sister, I'm sorry."
She should apologize. Fortunately, Jiaxin ignored her and continued her slow pace of going upstairs.
Professor Wang Qi finally came to the institute on time on the first day of work in the new year. He was fat and beaming. Fortunately, Jiaxin imposts others for so long, this will look at Professor Wang, and occasionally feel a little embarrassed to go wrong.
I wonder what Tan You would think if she knew that Wang Qi was her teacher, a middle-aged man with a beer belly and double chin.
As usual, the mobilization meeting after returning from the holiday will be held at ten o'clock in the large lecture hall of the laboratory building. All students who come to the graduate school for internship will participate. Fortunately, Jiaxin always sits in the middle of the seat, which is quite satisfactory.
The students came in one after another, in groups of three or five, shouting noisily. Fortunately, Jiaxin took the book, and it seemed like no one else was there, and it would soon be able to block out noisy sounds.
But someone stood beside her and said in a low, deliberately lowered voice: "Senior Sister, borrowed it."
What did she borrow? She chose this kind of seat because she didn't have to give way to others. She had to sit next to her, so she could enter from the other side of the aisle.
Xingjia didn't even look at her, and raised her finger to motion her to approach from the other side.
Not only did this person not leave, he suddenly put his hands on the table in front of Xing Jiaxin, pressing the corner of the book Xing Jiaxin was reading.
Xing Jiaxin took the book away, then raised her head: "What are you going to do?"
The girl’s hair color was shining in the sun, showing a withered shit-yellow. She raised her eyebrows to Xing Jiaxin and said, "I want to sit next to you, senior sister."
Greasy, too greasy, Xing Jiaxin glanced in front of her and stood up.
The girl thought she was going to give way, and took a step back quickly.
Xing Jiaxin not only came out, but also bypassed her, went to the front row, wiped the stool with a tissue, and sat down.
But she did not hide, Huang Mao circled a big circle, now knowing that she had entered from the other side, she still sat next to Xing Jiaxin.
The mobilization meeting was about to begin, Xing Jiaxin moved her body and ignored her.
Boring and lengthy leadership speeches, there is always a little whispering chat body in the classroom, the leaders of the institute are all Buddhists and don't care at all, just read their own manuscripts.
Xing Jiaxin continued to read the book, and suddenly there was heat coming towards her, right in her ear.
"Senior sister, we two this morning..."
Xingjia subconsciously raised her hand and waved it over, with a "slap", centered on Huang Mao's face.
"Fuck." Huang Mao cursed in a low voice, covering his face.
The movement was quite loud, and a small circle of people around looked at them.
Fortunately, Jiaxin continued to read.
Ten minutes later, Huang Mao's voice floated into her ears again, but this time it was far away, and fortunately Jiaxin didn't do anything.
"You are so sensitive, senior sister." Huang Mao's voice was suppressed very low, and said in a pitiful tone, "I just said something to you, why are you hitting me."
Xing Jiaxin ignored her.
"Senior Sister, your name is so nice, long-term name, my name is Yang Yun."
"Senior sister, are you under Professor Wang? He is not fierce. I heard people say that he has a good temper. I hope I can pass the test."
"Senior sister, what brand of perfume do you use? You smell so good."
Nagging and nagging, all words that have no practical meaning, Xing Jiaxin automatically blocked her voice and concentrated on reading her book.
She doesn't care when Huang Mao stops, but she still cares about when the meeting ends.
The last professor finished speaking. Fortunately, Jiaxin accepted the book. After he said, "Today's meeting is here," he stood up.
The classroom began to mess up, and it was time for dinner. Everyone rushed to the left toward the cafeteria when they left the classroom. Fortunately, Jiaxin chose the right and went back to the laboratory to finish the morning report.
There was a mess of footsteps behind her, and someone ran up to her.
"Senior sister, aren't you going to eat? Just so I want to go back to the laboratory."
Xing Jiaxin stopped and glanced at her: "Don't follow me."
This person probably didn't understand human words, but smiled and said, "I'm going to follow you."
He also raised his chin, probably thinking that he looked handsome like this.
"What do you want?" Xing Jiaxin cut the mess with a sharp knife.
Huang Mao looked around and saw that there were no people around, and suddenly he put his hand on the wall behind: "Senior sister, I just want to talk to you."
"I don't want to tell you." Xing Jiaxin glanced at her foot, "Be careful of the splits."
After speaking, he walked sideways, not forgetting to hook his foot.
There was a staggering sound behind her, and Xing Jiaxin hurried into the corridor.
At the moment when Xing Jiaxin's figure was about to disappear, Yang Yun's mobile phone captured a highly blurred photo.
Then it quickly posted to the forum of Orange City University:
[Record] The days of chasing ice beauty.
RT of the main building, with that photo.
Most of the students are still on vacation, and the posts on the forum are not fast. Yang Yun waited for someone to reply, but after three or four minutes, the posts sank and no one responded yet.
Yang Yun couldn't believe it, isn't this kind of emotional gossip your favorite to watch?
She thought about it, changed herself a vest, and then occupied her first floor.
-Fortunately, Jiaxin?
This can be considered explosive news. The previous discussion thread about Xing Jiaxin's sexuality was full of screens, and finally it was deleted by the administrator.
Yang Yun rubbed his hands in excitement. Someone should return now.
Sure enough, when she refreshed for the fourth time, a message on the second floor appeared:
-Let me drop the chips and bet on a pack of Weilong. The host is a stupid straight man.
Yang Yun laughed, she must be stable now. She shook the phone, threw it into the pocket of her clothes, and raised her foot to the canteen.
Brush again during lunch, it must be very lively.
When there are more people, she will continue to throw explosive news-the host is a girl.
This building won't have a thousand floors, so she wrote her name Yang Yun upside down.
Fortunately, Jiaxin was led by her instructor for two small meetings in the afternoon. For her, the meeting was more tiring than doing experiments and filling out reports quietly.
Coupled with her feeling of mourning after knowing that there was no waste, it was 5:30 in the afternoon, and Xing Jiaxin felt physically and mentally exhausted.
Do you want to go home? she thinks.
Going back doesn't seem to eliminate her exhaustion, so it's better to stay in the laboratory more interesting.
It's really tangled, Xing Jiaxin turned on her phone and was about to watch a TV series.
The outdoor light slowly dimmed, and Xing Jiaxin's vision gradually lost focus, and her head deviated from the world and ran back into her memory.
She seemed to miss Tan You again. Once her mind realized this, all her emotions were instantly magnified many times.
Someone knocked on the door, probably more than one or two times. Fortunately, Jiaxin took off the earphones and turned her head.
Some familiar boys.
Zhang Ming waited for a long time before finally waiting for Xing Jiaxin to look back. But the confusion in the goddess' eyes was obvious, and he probably didn't remember who he was.
He laughed self-deprecatingly, and he said: "Senior sister, this is Zhang Ming, I have something to do with you."
The name evoked a bit of unpleasant memory. Xingjia didn't move, and asked him, "What's the matter?"
"You know the Orange Forum, do you usually go there?"
"I don't know." Xin Jia said, "I can't go."
Zhang Ming smiled helplessly: "It's an anonymous forum in our school, where there are partitions and everything."
Xing Jiaxin didn't reply and looked at him.
"You... go take a look." Zhang Ming said, "I think there are some things, it is better for you to know than not to know."
Xingjia was stunned and said, "Okay."
"Then you are busy." Zhang Ming raised his hand, "I'm going back."
Xing Jiaxin nodded.
Zhang Ming quickly stepped out of the corridor, and then dashed down the stairs.
He felt that he was really cheap. He was obviously rejected so mercilessly and without any leeway. Now he sees Xing Jiaxin and is still moved.
What he likes is probably her indifferent, impersonal, as if not living in this world, he can't get it, and others can't get it.
So he couldn't bear someone posting a post on public forums pursuing Xing Jiaxin, especially since this post had a weird direction from the beginning, and soon brought up the issue of Xing Jiaxin's disposition.
Regarding Xing Jiaxin's sexuality, he was angry at first, but later he gave birth to a trace of guilt.
Because when he was angry, he cursed in the dormitory without a word, and then that night, someone raised doubts about Xingjia's aspirations in the Xiaohualou of the Orange Forum.
That day, he flicked the posts that popped up one by one, and his anger finally disappeared a little bit.
He wasn't sure if Xing Jiaxin was gay, or whether it was just an excuse Xing Jiaxin used to reject him, but it was probably because of his cursing that night that gave people with gloomy minds a chance.
All posts were deleted at the end, Zhang Ming breathed a sigh of relief.
But it was just a winter vacation, and there was a new momentum.
The pursuit building was really disgusting.
Fortunately, Jiaxin doesn't like social areas on the Internet. Anything that can be avoided is avoided. If it is unavoidable, registering an account is just a form.
This is the first time she has logged on to the campus forum of Orange University. Zhang Ming didn’t make it clear what she was going to watch. She could only browse the latest posts in the fastest way, sliding past district by district, she could see ten lines at a glance. how long.
Soon, she determined the goal, because a photo of her appeared on the first floor of this building.
The angle and location of the photo easily proved that the yellow hair was posted.
The building has three or four hundred floors. The most noisy theme is just three words: "homosexuality".
Xing Jiaxin stared at these three words, lost in thought.
First of all, as far as the love behavior of homosexuality is concerned, Xing Jiaxin feels that this is a very normal and common behavior among creatures. She doesn't quite understand why someone quarrels fiercely about this behavior.
Secondly, and most importantly, some people in this building said she was gay.
Is she? Fortunately, Jiaxin didn't even know.
She had never thought about this. In the process of sexual development and maturity of adolescents, there were countless people around who fell in love. At that time, Xing Jiaxin was busy studying and hiding herself in an invisible corner of the crowd. , Busy staring at his ugly face every day, constantly frustrated and fearful.
Even normal communication with people is an extravagant desire, let alone love.
I didn't think about it when I was young, and even less when I grew up. Even after the plastic surgery, many people confessed to her, but those people were vague and no different from the people she feared and hated.
Love, in her own world, is the same as motherly love and fatherly love, it is blank.
But in love, there can be intimate behaviors, possessive and unique intimate behaviors.
It was like igniting a light in Xingjia's mind, and suddenly illuminating a road brightly.
The road to Tan You.
Those who have been unable to satisfy, exuberant emotions.
There is also the heat radiating from the body, the unspeakable longing.
Fortunately, Jiaxin stood up suddenly, and the stool creaked, making a harsh echo in the laboratory.
She grabbed the bag placed aside, rushed out and sent a message to Tan You as she walked.
-where are you?
where are you? I have found a way, I have found the answer, I have found the perfect goal where we can finally go.
We don't need to be calm anymore, we don't need to be calm anymore. Those abysses that can't be pulled out with one foot in the past are passages, not black holes.
Lead to another dimension of the world and establish a different kind of relationship.
Fuck friendship, I am a gay, what I want is love now.
☆Chapter 38
When Xing Jiaxin rushed to the parking shed, she was stopped.
Huang Mao straddled a motorcycle with a helmet in his hand, and asked Xing Jiaxin: "Sister, where are you going?"
Xing Jiaxin walked around her, walked towards her little eDonkey, plugged in the key, put on the protective gear, and went out of the parking shed.
Huangmao’s motorcycle followed her all the time, and Xing Jiaxin’s phone was placed in the front basket pocket. She deliberately pointed the screen at her sight, so that if Tan You returned her message, she would be the first Time to see.
Then rushed to the direction of Tan You for the first time.
But she was out of the gate of the institute, and the news of Tan You has not returned.
Fortunately, Jiaxin stopped the car and swiped her phone twice to make sure that she did not come.
This made her uncertain about the direction she was going to go now.
The motorcycle was next to her and stopped beside her.
Huang Mao didn't know where he took out his pair of sunglasses and put it on, and raised his chin at her: "Senior sister, which way are you? Maybe we two will be the same."
Fortunately, thinking about this person's post on the Orange Forum, she rolled her eyes: "The direction that didn't go along with you."
"Hahahaha..." Huang Mao laughed for a while, not knowing what it was like, "Senior sister, you are so cute."
Fortunately, Jiaxin didn't even want to give such an idiot anymore.
In order to get rid of the yellow hair, she randomly chose a direction and turned into a narrow and thin alley with bumps on the road.
She has been driving a small electric donkey for so many years, and she is very familiar with this kind of road.
Huang Mao's motorcycle was still behind her, and it seemed that he would not give up easily.
Xing Jiaxin glanced at her in the rearview mirror, deliberately slowed down, and then slowly turned left and then.
Her little eDonkey is light and bicycle-like, as slow as she can.
But the motorcycle behind him was different. It was big and powerful. It was crushed by her. It couldn't pass it, and it couldn't stand side by side. It almost smashed into the shop next to it, and finally stopped.
Xing Jiaxin drew a distance from her, and saw Huang Mao sitting on the motorcycle and taking out her mobile phone, and pointed it at her.
It's going to be sneaked again...
Xing Jiaxin rushed out of the alley at a high speed, then dunked the phone in the basket, and dialed Tan You directly.
It rang several times before being picked up.
There was a knock on the phone. Fortunately, Jiaxin knew this, and Tan You must be driving.
"What's the matter?" Finally came the reassuring and joyful voice.
"Are you out of the car?" Xing Jiaxin asked, pulling the little eDonkey aside.
"I just finished my private job, and I'm walking back."
"It's okay," Tan You smiled, "What are you doing? After get off work?"
"Hmm..." Xing Jiaxin paused, "I sent you a message, but you didn't return me."
"It's in your phone pocket, I didn't pay attention." Tan You asked, "What are you eating tonight? Order takeaway again?"
Xing Jiaxin laughed, "I don't want to either."
"I'll tell you," Tan Youke, "I am happy now. My mother cooks for me every day, so I can eat when I go home."
"Oh." Xingjia answered in a sad voice.
"Do you have time for the Lantern Festival? Come here, come to my side, let my mother make a good meal."
"Okay!" Xing Jiaxin instantly became happy again, "I have time!"
"Hey, you students, just idle..." Tan You paused, "Is there anything else? It's okay. I'm hanging up. I can't call by car..."
"Yes!" Xing Jiaxin hurriedly shouted.
Tan You is the blame. When she heard her voice, Xing Jiaxin forgot even business affairs.
"What's the matter?"
"I want to find you."
"I just said that the Lantern Festival came over for dinner? I'm still on the way today. I have to go back to the company to sell the list and meet you again. It's too late..."
Tan You has many reasons, but Xing Jiaxin feels that love is not good enough to talk about on the phone. She also has to find some reasons to make Tan You have to see.
Looking back and forth, I saw the yellow hair who was also parked in the car not far away, and was playing with his mobile phone.
Fortunately, Jiaxin used her own way to treat her. She turned around and took a photo of her and sent it to Tan You.
"Someone is following me." Xing Jiaxin said.
There was no sound from Tan You, only a few seconds later, and the previous excuses were gone.
"Send me the address and I will go. Find a place with more people, or go back to the research institute."
The voice was anxious, and Xing Jiaxin even heard the friction sound of the vehicle when it turned sharply.
"Don't be too rushed," Xing Jiaxin said quickly, "Be careful. I'm fine here..."
It doesn't seem to be great to say that it's okay. In case Tan You won't be here, Xing Jiaxin changed her words: "There is a shopping mall nearby. I will go over."
"Good." Tan You said, "Be careful."
After the phone was hung up, Xing Jiaxin restarted the eDonkey and rode towards the mall.
Sure enough, it didn't take long for the yellow motorcycle behind him to follow.
Fortunately, Jiaxin parked the car, entered a drink shop, ordered a cup of milk tea, and sat down in the corner of the double seat.
In order to prevent Huang Mao from being shameless, Xing Jiaxin put her bag on the opposite side.
Huang Mao also entered the store, pointed with his finger, clicked a lot in the order area, and then sat down one meter away from her.
Xing Jiaxin turned around, leaving her a back, then quietly swiped her phone, waiting for Tan You.
The clerk suddenly came over and put a large ice cream platter on her table.
"I didn't order this." Xin Jia said.
"That beauty over there gave you some order." The clerk said.
She pointed in a direction, and Xing Jiaxin didn't bother to look back. She frowned, "Let's a drink shop, don't engage in a bar set. Let whoever buys it serve it."
The clerk smiled wryly and took the platter away.
Fortunately, Jiaxin was quiet for a while. She sent Tan You the name of the shopping mall before. She waited anxiously and sent another shared location.
Tan You opened it quickly, and Xing Jiaxin clearly saw the little red dot representing Tan You, quickly approaching her, not far away.
This made her adrenaline surge, and her whole body became excited all at once.
After Tan You's position was very close, Xing Jiaxin turned sideways and glanced at Huang Mao's position.
Huang Mao was smiling with a mobile phone, mentally retarded. But his eyes were very sensitive, and before Xing Jiaxin had time to look back, he looked over.
With this confrontation, Huang Mao immediately beckoned to her: "Senior sister, what a coincidence."
What a coincidence, Xing Jiaxin turned her head and continued to stare at her real-time position.
There were footsteps approaching her, Huang Mao stood opposite her, glanced at the bag she put on the stool, and he hadn't even taken her bag and sat down frantically.
But this posture of bowing hands on the table was disgusting enough, and Xing Jiaxin moved the stool back, widening the distance between the two.
She stared at the phone and read silently, Tan You will come soon, and Tan You will come soon.
"Senior sister, are you waiting for someone?" There was a voice above his head, and the kind of voice that was deliberately lowered, bringing out a Taiwanese accent at the end.
It was time for a conflict. Xing Jiaxin buckled her phone on the table and looked up at her: "Do you think you are a man?"
Huang Mao probably didn't expect that she would return to a topic that she could go on, and immediately smiled: "What are you talking about, I'm a girl."
She raised her hand to grab Xing Jiaxin's bag, and then sat down by herself: "But if you like men, senior sister, I'm much better than men."
Xing Jiaxin watched her series of actions, listened to her contrived tone, and moved the stool back again.
Huang Mao held her bag in her arms: "Senior sister, don't you like ice cream? I thought girls like it."
Xing Jiaxin: "I just don't like what you gave."
"Then who do you like to give it?" Huang Mao put his elbow on the table and looked at her innocently and evilly, "Do you like it from a man?"
Fortunately, remembering her fresh conclusion today, she smiled: "No, I am gay."
Yang Yun's eyes widened, she couldn't figure it out with all her calculations, fortunately Jiaxin would say such a sentence.
In her plan, she had to worry about Xing Jiaxin for a week first, so that she would leave an impression on her. For this ice beauty, it is better to have an unpleasant impression than not.
Next, she reduced the frequency of appearance, making the beauty feel comfortable and at the same time giving birth to a trace of melancholy. After all, when she was there, she let the beauty experience the feeling of being placed in the center of attention all the time.
Moreover, there must be a lot of stories to write during this one-shot, and the forum posts must be turbulent. When the beauty becomes anxious and she appears again, the chances of success will be much higher.
Yang Yun is experienced in dealing with girls. Many girls who say that they have straight steel bars have been bent like this by her, so she didn't care about how they hit a wall at Xing Jiaxin at first.
How low the pressure is, the rebound will be high.
But now, skip the head all at once? Jumped out of her expectations.
When everyone was discussing Xing Jiaxin's sexuality, no one could come up with anything substantive to prove whether Xing Jiaxin liked men or women. This hot topic, she suddenly heard the truth about him now?
Yang Yun really wanted to tap the phone to record, let Xing Jiaxin say it again.
After being stunned for several seconds, Yang Yun was ecstatic when his brain reacted.
When Xing Jiaxin said this straightforwardly, it didn't mean to give her a chance.
Saved the process of straight or not straight, bend or bend, winning Xing Jiaxin is just around the corner!
Yang Yun felt that she could speak more boldly, so he reached out to the table and drew circles on the table: "Senior sister, I don't need to say, since you are, you should see me too. I am concerned It's been a long time since you have never heard of you having a girlfriend, so how did you solve it?"
"Which way?" Xing Jiaxin looked at her, the smile on the corners of her mouth had not subsided.
"That way." Yang Yun moved his fingers to Xing Jiaxin's side, but Xing Jiaxin sat a little far away, and she couldn't touch Xing Jiaxin's body as planned.
Everyone is an adult, and fortunately, Jiaxin is still a doctor. At such an age, it is impossible to live without sex.
If you can start with a friend...
Yang Yun stood up.
Fortunately, seeing her standing up, Xing Jiaxin raised her phone and took a look.
The red dot was close at hand, so she sat in her seat and didn't move.
Yang Yun leaned over, resting one hand on the chair behind her and the other on the table, looking down at her.
"Senior sister, if you need me, I can serve you at any time..."
As she said, her finger went to Xing Jiaxin's shoulder.
It felt like knowing that a dirty and cold snake was about to attack her, but couldn't act rashly. Xing Jia's heart was clamoring to go violently, but for Tan You, she abruptly endured it.
Her fingers were clenched together, silently counting the time.
At this moment, she heard footsteps.
The sound of Tan You's footsteps was stride and aggressive.
Xing Jiaxin stood up abruptly, took a big step backward, and cried out pitifully, "What are you doing!"
Huang Mao didn't have time to answer at all, and Tan You's vigorously greeted her.
Accompanied by the sound of the collision of the chair falling to the ground, it was enthusiastic.
Xingjia's heart beat behind Tan You, short of breath and rapid heartbeat. She clutched the clothes around Tan You's waist, feeling at ease and fanatical in her heart.
Her hero is here, the little hero who is doing the job on the bench, come on!
But Tan You didn't go, Tan You just grabbed Huang Mao's collar and pulled her away from Xing Jiaxin.
"Who are you!!!" Huang Mao called out.
"Oh, don't fight in the store, I called the security guard." The store owner also called out.
"No." Tan You turned around and raised his hand to the shop owner, "Let's go out."
He dragged Huang Mao out as he said, without giving her a chance to refute.
Xing Jiaxin hurried to the seat opposite, frowning when she wanted to take the bag, she only opened the bag and took out the key and wallet, and put them in her coat pocket.
When she looked back, Tan You had already pulled Huang Mao out of the shop.
This kind of wonderful moment must not be missed. Fortunately, Jiaxin hurriedly pursued it.
Yang Yun wanted to struggle, but he couldn't.
The masculine and feminine guy who was half of her head in front of her, the force on her arm was so strong that she felt like she was fighting a man.
The posture is too ugly, there are a lot of people in the mall, and they all came over.
For the sake of her image, Yang Yun stopped struggling. She followed the person's footsteps and quickly left the mall.
She was not scared at first. She Yang Yun had never seen anything in the world, had never been to any place, and the people she knew were taught by others. It doesn't matter where it is.
Fortunately, Jiaxin saw that she was the kind of good girl, no matter how cold she was, she was always a good girl. She often hides from people and hides far away, so there is no courage to meet some messy people.
But the steel-barred arms on the collar dragged her all the way to the black alley next to her, walking in places where there were no people. When the light from the street lamp was completely annihilated and invisible, Yang Yun finally panicked.
Even if she had a background, she couldn't resist a madman now.
She didn't know this person, she didn't know what she would do, the unknown was the most frightening, Yang Yun's legs began to tremble.
The lunatic finally stopped. It was a narrow space with a wall on the left and a garbage truck on the right, which was overflowing.
Yang Yun stared into the eyes of the lunatic, this was her only way out.
Tan You looked at the flowing yellow hair and let go.
She dragged this person all the way just now, and she didn't resist. She was soft, she didn't have much strength at all.
Can't run, as long as she doesn't take the knife out of her pocket, there is no threat to her.
She was a little far away, because she was furious at the thought of what Huang Mao did to Xing Jiaxin just now. She was afraid that she was getting closer and couldn't help but throw a punch.
She looked at Huang Mao and did not speak. It was Huang Mao who would be afraid, she waited for her to say.
Fortunately, Jiaxin chased her, and the small leather shoes knocked on the road, clattering loudly, all the way behind Tan You.
Tan You turned around and looked over, Xing Jiaxin grabbed her arm with both hands.
"Not afraid." Tan You patted her hand, "Is it all right?"
Xing Jiaxin shook her head, panting: "It's okay."
"Senior Sister..." Yang Yun shouted, "Who is this person, do we have any misunderstandings?"
"No misunderstanding." Xingjia was so shocked, she raised her hand and pointed, "It's her, follow me."
Tan You looked at Huang Mao.
Yang Yun looked helpless: "Where did I follow you? It's not that we don't know each other. I just happened to drop by to send you home."
Tan You's voice was calm and permeating: "Did she let you take her home?"
"I didn't." Xing Jiaxin said quickly.
"Senior sister, we must have misunderstood." Yang Yun raised his foot and prepared to slip, "Let's stop talking in this place, it's cold and smelly, find a store to eat..."
He was pulled back by Tan You.
"Hey, what are you doing, what the are you doing!" Yang Yun shouted, "What happened to me and my senior sister for a while! What can you do with me? You have the ability to kill me today..."
Tan You tilted his head, tolerated, and met Xing Jiaxin's eyes. Xing Jiaxin's eyes were bright and full of expectation.
Don't bear the fart, Tan You raised his hand, an uppercut, straight to the cheekbone.
"Ah—" Huang Mao shouted, covering his face, and could not shout again.
Tan You shook her hand. It's been a long time since she hit someone so directly, Jin confiscated it, and her hand hurt.
Huang Mao slowly squatted down, holding his face in a painful look.
Tan You frowned and asked Xing Jiaxin: "Who is this person?"
"I don't know, I suddenly came up to follow me." Xing Jia was innocent.
"Didn't she call you senior sister?"
"Oh, maybe a school."
Tan You raised his hand and touched her head: "Name, major, class?"
"Name... um...
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