Vol 2 Chapter 112: Charming Tiancheng Qiyu

Isolation formation method, the sky thunder rolls, one after another, thundering towards the jade dragon tree in the isolation formation.
However, as Tian Lei continued to hack, the vitality emitted by the Jade Dragon Tree within the isolation array was becoming more and more intense, and this vitality was constantly strengthening and becoming condensed.
This day Thunder turned out to actively help Yulongshu to condense his life and help it to be born.
In the ancient dust place, as the god-level sword domain rises, three ancient gods are circumvented.
Gu Chen, in the spirit of lion fighting rabbits, and with all-out tenet, opened the gate of the sword house, and tens of thousands of sword lan screamed out of the sword house.
The three ancient avatars are in the god-level sword domain, and all other energies around the body are driven out and isolated.
Around them, only ubiquitously, they also possess the sword energy of true damage attributes.
The small sword qi that is automatically generated in these sword fields is like an uncountable ferocious piranha, omnidirectional without leaving a dead end, eating their defense field.
And tens of thousands, condensed like Jianlan Lanshan.
Like a shark in the sea, each one can bite top of their defense field.
When the three of them were in Guchen's sword realm, they finally understood what kind of despair and powerlessness the four ancient avatars killed by Guchen had before.
Swordsman, this is the profession that attacks the sharpest and pursues the intention of killing!
With the light sword energy + real punishment, every attack of Gu Chen will become an attack that cannot be dodged and cannot be defended.
The most perverted thing is that such an attack by Gu Chen is not like the other swordsmen, one sword after another.
Gu Chen usually starts with Qian Jianqi, but a little more serious is Wan Jianqi.
When encountering them like this, you need to move your hands and feet to kill, and it is possible to pose a threat to yourself, at least tens of thousands of swords.
The three of them can't even find a way to perceive and find Gu Chen's true body in such a shadowy atmosphere.
Obviously three ancient avatars, but in the scream of sword gas, they were divided into three battlefields.
They want to join forces, and then rush out of Gu Chen's sword territory.
It is a pity that the ubiquitous sword qi and the flying Jian Lan in the sky are like the most sticky swamps, making them difficult to move.
If it is their body, they may have a way to break through the ancient dust sword field, at least they can do it.
It's a pity that at this moment they are just here, an avatar with one-tenth the energy of the body.
As the protective fields of the three ancient avatars were shredded, they could not even speak half of them, and were torn apart by Jian Qi and Jian Lan instantly, turning into energy and dissipating.
"Du~x3 killing the ancient avatar, the ancient erodes the world and reduces the erosion, and the reward level is 30,000."
Meizizi has included 30,000 permission experience in the bag. At this moment, Gu Chen's permission experience value has reached 130,000, although it is still a long way from the total upgrade of 5 million.
However, if you think about it better, killing this ancient doppelganger has 10,000 privilege experience points. Isn't killing an ancient at least 100,000 privilege experience points?
Compared to destroying 10,000 Soul Source Dreams, it is more convenient to kill enough 50 ancient gods.
As an avatar, although this ancient avatar is worth 10,000 experience points, it has to be said that this avatar is really poor and poorer than the descendants of the ancient god.
In addition to a suit of clothes, Leng is unable to find anything else.
Bang ~ Bang Bang ~
Gu Chen beheaded the three ancient gods on this side, and the Jade Dragon Tree also came to an end.
In Gu Chen's gaze, the last two powerless lightnings fell. Before this day's dissolution, Gu Chen gave Gu Chen a sick and feeble feeling.
It's like a seriously ill person, after bracing himself to do one thing, the feeling of wishing to collapse on the bed and die.
As the black robbery of the sky spread out, a beam of colorful light rushed into the sky dome, as if to show the world its birth.
With strong curiosity and a little inexplicable tension, Gu Chen quickly returned to the isolation.
As soon as he entered the isolation array, a tall white figure suddenly fell on Gu Chen's body.
What is said clearly is an extremely pure tone.
However, the sound is like a succubus outside the sky, full of charm and tempting soul.
"Mmm~ what a thing!"
Gu Chen, who was startled, had not guessed it.
This guy should be the Jade Dragon Tree that he spent 60 million to plant, and he will definitely send her tens of thousands of swords.
"Mmm~ what a thing!"
Hearing Gu Chen's words, the octopus is like Gu Chen, with a beautiful snake-like body, delicate and fair skin like jelly, a green waist-length hair, with the most charming face and temperament, but also like a baby The charming woman with innocent eyes generally followed Gu Chen stupidly and said something.
"Oh mom, can you go down first."
"Oh mom, can you go down first."
"My God, what the did I plant?"
"My God, what the did I plant?"
Gu Chen was really autistic for a while when he planted such a thing.
60 million yuan, just planted such a thing, a fool looking extremely beautiful?
However, this kind of autism soon turned into a surprise, and even a final shock.
Because, after leaving reluctantly from Gu Chen, this woman with a beautiful and charming appearance is advancing at an incredible speed.
After listening for a few seconds with her eyes closed, she learned all the languages ​​of the desolate world, and then tried to speak a few words, she was able to speak Yan Guo's Yan fluently.
She was born with the ability of light system + sword system. After touching the golden desert on the ground, she used the gold in the golden desert to condense into a golden tulle dress and put it on her beautiful snake. Beautiful body.
After feeling the wind blowing across her cheeks, she waved the whole breeze through the air, as if she had her own refrigeration and air conditioning.
If the power of her talent surprises Gu Chen, then her incredible advancement in emotion will make Gu Chen feel horrified.
The initial ignorance, innocence, lasted only a few minutes, when she closed her eyes again for a while and opened her eyes.
Her eyes have become no different from a cold sister, all emotions are hidden in it, only when looking at Gu Chen will reveal a little attachment and trust.
"I want to give myself a name, Qi Yu, do you think your master is okay?"
She is wearing a golden tulle dress, UU reading books www. uukanshu.com in Gu Chen's somewhat uncertain eyes, like a little girl, she smiled and tilted her head, her eyes were soft and looked at Gu Chen like water, and asked with her dreamlike charm. Road.
"Saitama? Why did you think of this name?"
"It is the deed of the contract, the jade jade, there is no reason why, just like the name."
"Yes, that... my name is Gu Chen, cough~ hello."
It's amazing enough to plant your own bodyguard.
This kind of bodyguard turned out to be a talented super sister who charmed all beings.
Even, this peerless elder sister is so beautiful, so that even Gu Chen can't hold it, so that Gu Chen doesn't even know how to treat her.
Wouldn't it be too violent to use such a beautiful woman as a bodyguard?
What kind of gadgets did I grow? I just want to grow one. I can bring the super bodyguards I run with at the crucial moment.
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