Vol 2 Chapter 142: Reincarnation! ! !

Tie Han Han, the chief prosecutor who had just figured out the joints, was pierced into the head by the pair of stabbing gods, and if they were not wearing helmets, the heavenly spirits were all lifted up.
All of this was witnessed by Gu Chen from the side.
"Little brother, I don't know which world's creature you are?"
After the killing of Tie Han Han, the prosecutor, who used double thorns, had amazingly long fingers. Almost a half and a half of the martial arts rank of ordinary people pulled out double thorns.
He shook the red and white things above the double thorns, and asked the ancient dust with kindness in his eyes.
Just when Gu Chen looked at the Divine Martial Rank holding double thorns, the Divine Martial Rank who had just attacked the main examiner of Tie Han Han, but he was reapplying his old skills. He wanted to take advantage of Gu Chen’s distraction and control his six. The sharp sword stabs at Gu Chen.
These six swords are all swords with divine rules.
Manipulating the six-handed Excalibur is manipulating six different god-level rules, and the enemy is like facing the siege of these six martial-level enemies.
"With swords, I am an expert!"
However, in the face of the surprise attack of the six-handed Excalibur, Gu Chen's mouth slightly moved, showing a hint of smile.
If only the Divine Order Sword Domain in the state of burning embers, Gu Chen faced the siege of the Six Swords. Only by using the Forbidden Sword Domain would he be able to defeat the siege of the Six Swords without pressure.
However, in addition to Divine Order Sword Territory, Gu Chen now has one more Kendo realm.
When a creature draws a sword, there must be his reason.
Either because of love, or because of anger, or because of intent to kill, or because of the need to save someone you care about, or even because of greed, because of jealousy, because of evil thoughts.
These reasons are actually the way of the sword, the swordsman's own way.
It is easy to draw a sword, but the ability to persevere with the sword for thousands, tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of times determines how far this swordsman can go and how strong he can become.
If he even hesitated and doubted his own Tao, then it must never be possible to integrate this Taoism into his sword.
And Gu Chen's way, there is no love, no hate, seven emotions and six desires are not in it, nor is it a cold and merciless killing sword.
Gu Chen's way is the easiest way to kill!
I didn’t do it for anything, I pulled my sword, just to kill you!
Pure and simple, without any hesitation.
After all, all my swords are pulled out, is it to show you my big sword?
Of course, Gu Chen has never held a sword in his hand, so pulling a sword is just a metaphor.
Although Gu Chen didn't have a sword in his hand, he had a sword in his sword house, and there were many, many swords!
Precious Excalibur?
Very valuable Excalibur?
Sorry, when Gu Chen decides to make a sword, whether you are a man or a woman, ugly or beautiful, whether you are precious or ordinary, you may be precious.
The only purpose of the sword is to kill, destroy, and put you on the ground. You will not even give you the chance to jump.
Containing the meaning of ancient dust swordsmanship, exuding the sword light that kills all breaths, instantly flooded the six-handed sword.
"No!!! Escape!!!"
The mind is connected with the six-handed sword, and the martial order that can make the six-handed sword like an arm, when the six-handed sword is covered by the overwhelming sword light, makes a terrible scream.
Because, in that short moment, he could clearly feel that the six-handed sword was like a live chicken that fell into the piranha.
Although he was struggling to resist and struggle, but the end of death was already doomed, and there was no way to break away from the sword light like the tide.
The sword light with the meaning of kendo + divine level real damage, each can cut a scar above the six-handed sword.
Ten, one hundred, one thousand!
But for a screaming time, each sword was endured by thousands of sword lights.
From the surface, dense scars began to appear, followed by cracks covering the entire sword god.
When the Shenwujie holding the six-handed Excalibur shouted the second escape word, the Six-handed Excalibur finally disintegrated into pieces of debris in a cracking sound.
The six-handed sword was crushed by the encirclement and suppression, but it was only one breath.
In the next moment, the overwhelming sword light went towards the screaming holder of the Six God Swords.
On the occasion of a thousand shots, the blood-red half-dragon and the martial rank holding the double thorns came to the master of the six-handed sword, oh no, it was the original master's side, and together he supported a dark shield .
"No, my sword!!!"
Even if the dark shield shielded all the three guys in it, it also blocked the means of detection including Shennian.
However, the screams of the master of the Six Divine Swords still passed through the dark shield, as if he had died a wife, and the sorrow came very much.
Okay, these six swords that the heart and the intersect may be more important to him than his wife.
"The monster where the horse came from, in the blink of an eye, destroyed the sword of Brother Xiong. This sword brother without the six-handed sword, what should I do in the future? Without the sword, wouldn't he be called Brother Jian?"
Hiding in the dark and dark shield, whether it is the blood-red half-dragon, or the Divine Martial Order with double thorns, they all breathed a sigh of relief.
Obviously, the two of them have absolute confidence in this dark shield.
This hand-held double thorn Shenwujie even has a mood to mock the screaming Wujian brother.
"Trick demon, don't irritate him. The anomalies here will soon be discovered by other samsaras. But this time there are a lot of perverted guys. As long as those perverted guys come, the guy outside will also slam I can’t get up. It’s just that our earnings in this city’s main palace are afraid that they will all be scrapped."
This blood-red half-dragon is obviously the strongest among the three-player team, and this dark and dark ancient shield is also a one-time precious prop belonging to him.
Therefore, this blood-red half-dragon is regarded as the default captain in this 3-player squad.
"Damn, in order to get the first qualification to enter the city's main palace, we have paid so much resources and concessions, I also used a devastating crossbow arrow! Ah ah ah, my heart, my Liver, I’m going to die of distress."
The thorn demon who was still happily blaming Wu Jianxiong was stunned after hearing the words of the half-dragon, and then he was like a wife who was gone, howling like a pig, and also from the dark and dark shield Came from.
Because the dark shield shielded the mind and spirit, Gu Chen could only hear them wailing and roaring, and they could not understand what they said.
However, just listening to these wails and the frustrated emotions in the roar, Gu Chen could probably guess one or two. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com
It is nothing but distressing the six-handed sword, plus cursing yourself.
The reason why Gu Chen took the risk to take away the Sixth Prince is nothing more than trying to use the Sixth Prince as a breakthrough to understand what is going to happen in this world.
At this moment, the three guys in front of them obviously also know something, so they made a terrifying plot like looting the town dome.
"You guys, thinking that hiding in this turtle shell, I can't take you away? Sorry, my best is to smash the turtle shell!"
Since these three guys dare to take the initiative to take action against themselves, then Gu Chen doesn't mind using them as tongues, and squeezes out the intelligence he wants.
The most fearful of him with the real damage of the level is that the enemy is hard to defend him.
"How...how is it possible!!!"
In the horrified roar of the Scarlet Half-Dragon, Jianguang cut through quickly, and cut the dark and dark shield into two halves in an instant with thousands of channels.
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