Chapter 1050: : Horrible army (middle)

The name Swein made Hottel unable to hold back for a moment, because when he was very young, the last generation of orc elders hated this guy the most!
In the history of the Iron and Steel Empire, there have been many famous marshals, and some people have been respected even in the orc tribe, such as Marshal Rox, the marshal Alice, the black fangs, and Marshal Robert, the sword of dawn. ....
The orcs worship the strong, even if the camp is different, the local strong are respected in the orc group, but there is only one exception, this is the so-called marshal of the imperial ghost Fox Fox!
This marshal can almost be said to be the human who has lost the most orc power in history. During his leadership, the total population of the northern orcs almost disappeared by one third. During that time, it was a disaster in the history of the orcs. Restore vitality.
But the other party relied on not the heroic and warlike force, but the chilling conspiracy!
In order to win the battle, this man is almost useless, and all kinds of despicable means are used. The so-called knight spirit of mankind is like dung in his eyes!
In the grassland, the orcs will not kill children below the frost wolf's back. This applies even to humans. Even if they enter the human city, plunder resources and even women, they will not easily move the children, but the other party is not. It is the standard method of the ghost fox army. Various means of exterminating animals, burning grasslands, feeding alchemy viruses to water sources, and other malicious means have never been soft. Even Alice, who was criticized at first, is not as principleless as him. !
In those years, the elders who came back from the northern grasslands and talked about this guy all gritted their teeth and wanted to eat their flesh and bones!
Savon looked at the screen very gloomy, and remembered the distant memory in his mind. Although the memory is far away, he is still very clear so far. Wailing, even the bravest warrior can't bear such torture, and it feels like everywhere in an instant.
If it is to die in battle, the orcs will never resent, weak meat and strong food, always justice in the grassland!
But this method of deterring nature really makes people have to grudge!
"Admiral!" Savon breathed. "I'm not wrong, that guy is Sweene!"
Hotter frowned and looked at the screen, his eyes full of puzzles, he wondered why human troops would appear deep in the southern grasslands, which is almost not in history...
And didn't Svein die a hundred years ago?
"Admiral Chief..." Savon Jiang resisted the hatred in his heart and calmed down after calming down his emotions: "You have to be careful, although I don't know why this guy will appear here suddenly, but since he came, There must be enough things prepared!"
To tell the truth, hate is hatred, but since Svein took the army, it is a fact that he has not lost a battle against the orcs. It is also true that he has not dared to get close to human territory after playing the northern orcs for 60 years. More, it's dread.....
Seeming to be aware of Savon’s mood, Hotle smiled slightly and patted Savon’s shoulder with a generous palm:
You don’t need to worry, it’s not the same now, now we, don’t say one Sweene, the seven legends of the golden age of the empire, came together, but they were like ants!"
Savon paused, looking at the confident chieftain, and his heart slowly became firm.
Also, now behind the Chieftain, but the unknown God Lord!
I don’t know why, there is still a faint uneasiness in Savon’s mind. Although the army brought by the Chieftain has shown enough reliable strength, he still feels a little inexplicable...
Maybe... Is his previous experience making his shadow too heavy?
There was a lot of discussion on the orc side, and the mech warriors on the front line of the fortress quickly entered the battle state under the command of Jessica and others.In a flash, the entire fort’s weapon system was activated. An exaggerated battery!
The intelligent system is precisely aimed at each unit through the calculation of the firepower network...
"Should this be a local native?" Jessica squinted, looking at the face of the group of humans.
"It should be..." Bernier said, condensing his head. "It's really fast. Do you know if we will teleport here or there will be an army nearby?"
"It's unlikely to know in advance..." Jessica shook her head: "If you know where we will be in advance, they can directly ambush in advance. We shouldn't wait until we are ready to organize the army. Obviously we should Is the power of temporary mobilization..."
"If it's not bad..." In the commander, Ai Wen softly voiced: "If the troops are temporarily mobilized, it is very suitable for data testing..."
In the meantime, an intelligent and clear prompt sounded in the ears of each commander: The Berrecht 7-series plastic fort is prepared, please select the firepower attribute!
"How is the data model analyzed?" Jessica asked the intelligence.
As soon as the voice fell to each commander, an extremely clear virtual 5d picture appeared, which detected: average life level six, biological species: unknown, biological attribute: unknown, biological armor is artificial living armor, specific function is unknown... .
Jessica looked at the model, and the biological armor that was obviously a bit horribly stunned was a living armor? Living armor with hardening properties?
Among the four major armor of living creatures, the cost of living armor is the highest. The number of opponents seems to be at least fifty thousand or sixty thousand. Everyone has a living armor, which is really not a luxury.
"Average level six?" Bernier cares more about the other party's biological level, and solemnly asks: "What is the highest biological level?"
Intelligence: "Unknown, huge hidden energy detected in the army, but no specific data, so it is not included in the average level!"
Three commanders suddenly stunned.
After Jessica took a breath, she asked inconceivably: "Do you mean the average rank refers to those soldiers?"
Units with an average rank of six are not uncommon among cosmic forces, because there is a large gap between the rank of senior officers and the rank of ordinary soldiers. The average value is the average of the sum of energy. For example, a general is a senior of rank 14. Soldiers, the average level of the soldiers under him is about four, and the comprehensive rating is about eight, which is not considered the strongman of the various teams in the army.
Therefore, the intensity of level 6 was said at the beginning to make them more relaxed.
But the other party said that the average level of soldiers is six?
This is a bit of an exaggeration. In the Federation, even the power of the lords, the sixth-level lifeforms can at least be an officer of the company, and it is an interstellar company. The size of the soldiers commanded is generally about 10,000.
Troops using level 6 soldiers as basic soldiers are generally high-level mech teams, arcane teams, sharp knife units and other special forces. However, the scale of 50,000 to 60,000 is opposite to level 6, and to be honest, Jessica has not seen it. been!
They have brought in tens of thousands of mech units, but the blue spirits that can be really controlled are only more than two hundred...
"How to say?" Jessica looked at Bernier.
"Let's use a scorching cannon..." Bernier narrowed his eyes and said: "Live mechas generally have a low temperature resistance, and it is more appropriate to use this test if you don't know the details..."
"Okay!" Jessica immediately pressed the fingerprint permission, the most hesitant on the battlefield, since she should have a decisive attack, she also thinks that this situation is more appropriate to use a burning gun!
With the authorization of the three people, the huge fort on the fortress instantly gathered energy, and the speed of the energy gathering would be exclaimed if the jelly beans were here.
The huge energy converged to the fort in almost a few seconds, and with a loud bang, a ray of light that could almost completely light the entire grassland blasted from the fortress.
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