Chapter 1138: :plan

"Ryan's first wave of intelligence is no problem..."
The Blood Demon Legion that had reached the outskirts of Kate City verified the traces in Renn’s intelligence and reported to Shaji: "There are traces of fighting here, and there are traces of large-scale migration. They are all in the same situation as he said, although Ren The prototypes of the Andrew soldiers mentioned are gone, but the biological traces left have not disappeared, so I should be right with him."
"But the bad news is that, judging from the traces, another force has collected large areas of creatures here. If you guess right, it should be the forces of the Vogu force."
Shaji Question nodded slightly, looked at one of the high-level blood demons with a silver hair, and asked, "Is the blood essence stone of the sixth battle star in your hands?"
Everyone also looked at the silver-haired Gorefi. She looked very young, but she was the deputy commander of the Fifth Legion and the officer with the most authority in the Gorefiend except Sabo: Verafa Miga.
Verafa looked at everyone's gazes, his exquisite facial features slightly wrinkled, hesitated for a moment, frowned and looked at Shaji: "My lord really wants to trade the blood essence stone with that traitor?"
"What can we do then?" Shaji said in a low voice, "The boy is very thief. The contract is this. If you can't get it out, he won't show up. We can't get Sophia. In this situation, Sophia's role It's very important, you just said that the Vogu forces have already walked in front of us. Without Sophia, why do you think we can find the secret first?"
"Time is urgent..." Shaji impatiently interrupted the other party: "In order to buy time, Lord Bolton has used Fallen Angel Star for consumption. In comparison, your Blood Demon Star's Blood Essence Stone Is it worth hesitating?"
Verafa was stunned, and finally responded: "My lord said so..."
"Hmm..." Seeing that the other party had no objection, Shaji nodded in satisfaction, and then slowed down his voice: "Don't worry, this is only temporary. Renn cannot leave here alive with the blood essence stone. !"
"Understood..." Verafa nodded, and then said: "It requires three general officers and authorization to open the password box of the blood essence stone. Please wait a moment, my lord."
"Yeah..." Sha nodded his head unchecked.
Verafa gracefully bowed, and then slowly retreated with a group of Gorefiend officers.
"Master Verafa..." A group of military officers walked to the back of the team. Among them, Verafa's adjutant asked in a low voice: "Do you have any concerns?"
As Verafa's adjutant, he was very familiar with his boss. This boss was extremely powerful, but he was not a very thoughtful person. There was nothing to hide from those who knew her.
"Hmm..." There was a trace of doubt on Verafa's delicate face: "In the impression, no one has been so rude to me..."
Several military officers were taken aback when they heard the words, and they knew that the other party was talking about the shameless person who interrupted her just now, and a group of people were ashamed.
Lord Verafa has a special position in the Gorefiend Legion, and even Sabo will not make her face on weekdays, so outside officers, even those commanders who are equal to Master Sabo, are very modest to her.
"My lord..." the adjutant smiled bitterly: "This shameful person should be anxious. After all, it is a special situation, so you don't need to worry about it."
"I'm in a hurry..." Verafa nodded seriously, as if being persuaded, but then suddenly asked, "What kind of person is Shajit?"
"Huh?" Everyone was stunned by this question, and the adjutant subconsciously said: "Don't your adults often come into contact with the Shaji people? Why would you ask us?"
"Really?" Verafa frowned, as if in his memory, but...why did you always feel that something was wrong? It seems.... something is missing...
"Determine the trading method..." After unblocking the Bleeding Essence Stone, the Gorefiend Army began to make this plan in place.
"According to the Shah's person, the other party's choice of transaction method is extremely chicken thief. First, the other party will provide Shah's person with a coordinate point. At the coordinate point, there will be a federation and contract password box. All officers above level three are present and can only be opened after the blood pattern authentication. According to the contract, there is Sophia’s blood, which allows us to lock Sophia’s coordinates. On the contrary, the other party requires us to put the blood essence stone in the other designated by him. A coordinate point!"
Everyone immediately understood the other party’s plan. Ren was a 15th-level Thunder fighter and possessed the top equipment bestowed by Lord Bolton. To threaten him, he needs at least 30 thirteenth-level blood. The demons formed a special battle formation to encircle and suppress, and the opponent kidnapped all officers above level 13 to the password box, just to make sure that they were absolutely safe when taking the blood essence stone.
"It's really a chicken thief..." everyone thought secretly.
"Can the technical department unlock the lockbox without us present?" Verafa asked with a frown.
"No..." The blood demon in charge of the technical department shook his head and said: "The Federation and the contract lockboxes were issued by the Tianshen Academy. There is no way to unlock them on the market. You can only follow the contract content."
"Can you move before opening it?" Velafa asked.
"No..." The other party shook his head: "Protected by the deity contract, outsiders cannot move, and can only open it on the spot according to the contract."
"That is to say... We must all be present if we want to get Sophia's blood?" Verafa frowned.
"Yes..." The head of the technical department lowered his head in embarrassment, obviously feeling a little guilty for not being able to help.
"In other words, if you want to get back the blood essence stone, you can only let Master Sabo go personally!" The adjutant next to him murmured.
The surrounding officers all smiled when they heard the words: "Fortunately, Lord Sabo has arranged such a round, otherwise it is really possible that the cunning boy will succeed..."
In a situation where he sang well, Verafa couldn't be happy, and always felt that there was a slight violation...
"Okay, I see..." On the other side, Sabo is running fast. At this time, his physical condition is not very good. The cost of using the secret technique is not small, not to mention that he was awarded by Wei En before. The magic arrow pierced the spine, and at this time he ran with an overload, and his physical energy consumption was indeed not small.
But in the tone of the contact, he appeared extremely calm and steady: "You don't have to worry about the blood spar. The kid can't take it away. As long as I get closer, even if the space warlock is beside him, he will run away. No, the key is that you have to get Sophia's blood!"
"Hmm...I understand..." Verafa replied slightly.
"What are your concerns?" Sabo, who knew Verafa well, quickly heard some questions from Verafa.
Verafa was silent for a while, and finally said: "My lord, how much do you know about Shaji?"
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