Chapter 113: : Empire Conference!

When the news of Morendo's fall into the imperial capital immediately set off a storm in the high-level, the emperor who liked to fight in the north also realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately retracted into the northern defense, recalling several well-known generals to return to the matter of emergency!
At this time in the imperial hall of the imperial capital, the major military leaders of the north and the leaders of the mage family gathered together!
The buildings in the north are not as sophisticated as those in the south, and the workmanship is magnificent, and the beauty of simplicity is advocated. However, the size of the hall is much larger than that of the aristocratic garden hall in the southern province.
A white jade stone conference table more than 20 meters long, this emperor: Jia Wen. Augustus is wearing a powerful black armor sitting on the conference table chief!
The height of nearly two meters makes him fully support the mighty of this armor, the expression under the crown is serious, and it looks very oppressive!
The surrounding atmosphere is also very dignified.
The conference table still follows the style of the empire. The generals sit in the left row, and the grandmasters of the family and the ministers of the Empire cabinet sit in the right row!
Since ancient times, the military and the military have been relatively light, even in this prosperous empire that is consistent with the outside world, most generals are not used to those pure politicians and mages, and the literary ministers are naturally not used to rude tycoons. In comparison, they are more willing and elegant This is not only a confrontation between civil and military, but also a factional issue left over from the old and new forces of the empire.
The king opened up the territory and built the city by the family loyal knights and local generals, and the foothold was based on the upstart mages who promised to draw a lot of benefits from the back.
This newcomer and former subordinates who have made great contributions to the past have formed two tit-for-tat strengths that lasted for hundreds of years, and thus formed the current political situation in this civil and military pattern.
In previous meetings, often things had not started to be discussed, the two sides would quarrel, and this time, the atmosphere of the meeting was exceptionally harmonious, and both sides were listening to each other's views on the situation.
Because everyone knows the seriousness of this incident, there is no room for them to fight each other.
For the generals, the gap was opened in the south. In order to regain Morondo, the northern front must be tightened. It is very big!
But even so, the recapture of Morendo in the south is still imperative!
The terrain of Morondo is unique. Due to the immense barrier, the orc has almost completely blocked the possibility of entering the human territory. From the Morundo Mountains all the way to the north, the ferry is thousands of miles. Almost every ten miles is a grain production town. A stable food input channel is also a logistical support for northern warriors to rest assured to fight!
Once Morondo falls, allowing the terrain to be like the north, orcs can come in and harass at any time, it is difficult to organize effective forces to resist with the weak style formed in the south for many years, and it will greatly reduce food production. Military conditions will have a great impact!
For the masters of the major families, once the southern gap is opened, the prosperous road of Empire Avenue will also be greatly affected. Most of the master families are connected with the families in the Western Islands and rely on the land of the empire The specialty products are sold from south to north, earning huge profits. Once the security of Empire Avenue is threatened, it also has a huge impact on their interests.
The reason for all of this allowed the two parties to reach an agreement almost instantaneously for the first time in seven hundred years without any negotiation or compromise: that Morendo had to take it back! !
"How about the strength of the Orcs. How many tribes participated in this operation? Is there any definite information?" Emperor Jiawen said sullenly.
Everyone heard the words and rolled their eyes. Such a sudden attack, without the assistance of magic, relied on the knights who fled back to dictate. Where is the exact information?
After being silent for a while, the first knight of the honorary medal from the left said in a deep voice: "According to the narration of the fleeing knight, the orc is a night attack without any warning. When most knights reacted, Morondo The city wall has been captured, and most of the knights are in a mess. This time the orcs won Morendo, it seems that they did not spend much effort! "
Jia Wenwen said his face was even more gloomy, and secretly said: The life in the south is too long!
The so-called energy storm invalidated the arcane enchantment. The old Duke of Morendo should be alert. After all, the old Duke of Roosevelt was an old general who retired from the northern army. Such an irresistible fall is obviously The men are too unaware of war
But think about it too. Since the failure of the five tribes of the South to attack Morondo seven hundred years ago and the heavy losses, there have been no orcs that have organized an attack on Morondo for hundreds of years. Peace, it is strange to be war-conscious
"But I think that the orcs should not have much troops invading this time!" Said the old Duke Shen who just spoke.
"How do you say?" The emperor's eyes lit up.
"This energy storm is obviously an accident. If the orcs have mastered this kind of thing, this attack will not be just a Morendo. If the orc is strong enough, it should have come to Kodo now. The news that Vill is in a hurry and even fallen! "
The "reasonable" emperor nodded slowly.
"Who would it be?" The Archmage sitting on the right on the right wondered: "From the intelligence point of view, Morendo was attacked the following night after the energy storm. Who was so determined? Organized this invasion? "
"Who can it be?" Jia Wen sneered. "Nature is our wolf chief."
Everyone nodded their heads, and among the southern tribes, it would be him who could have this courage.
"Then, according to your inference, if we now organize a wave of vanguard troops with a quick journey, can we have the opportunity to quickly bring the city back?" Jia Wen asked.
The old prince shook his head and said: "The possibility is too small. Over the years, we have relied too much on magical communication. The South has no habit of keeping pigeons, but the orcs have the means to raise birds to communicate. Morendo will naturally send a message to ask for support, and we have received the message for so long. After the organization has passed, most of the orc support has arrived. "
"That is to say, you still have to fight against the top five tribes in the south?" Jia Wen's face became more ugly.
"It's not easy to say," the old duke shook his head and said: "Anyway, the Leibu clan and the Blackwater Ministry will definitely not give up this opportunity. As for the peace-loving earth clan and the sparsely populated Huo clan can be persuaded to participate It depends on the diplomatic ability of our wolf boy chief. "
"I remember the fellow Hotter," the king said sullenly: "I have friendship with the elders of the Huobu clan."
"So the situation is not optimistic this time," the old duke said seriously: "If Huobu joins the war, we must increase the high-end combat power on our side. It is expected that at least ten more golden knights are needed!"
"Ten" kings have become a little bit embarrassed. Ten golden knights are almost half of the high-end combat power of the north. Once adjusted, the high-end combat power of the north will shrink by half. It's really a problem to support it!
"Don't worry too much about the king," the old duke laughed: "The Golden Knight was recruited to ensure the safety of the accompanying mages. This battle will not be a protracted battle. After all, Morendo is far worse than the inner walls of the Empire. On the outer wall, it is impossible to withstand the magical attack of the Archmage. As for the northern side, our steel and martial empire has stood for so many years, relying on the strong walls and arcane weapons. "
When the words came out, the mage on the right looked a lot better. When I heard the other party said that the South relied too much on magic communication, they all heard their faces dull, and now they nodded secretly: the old duke can talk, no wonder in the north Allow both forces to obey his command.
Worthy of being the Grand Marshal of the veteran of the Three Dynasties
Looking at the people who nodded in agreement with his opinion, the old prince secretly sighed in his face, but he secretly sighed: No one will succeed the empire!
Including this generation of kings, the old duke is not very optimistic about him. Jiawen seems to be martial, but his qualifications are mediocre, and he does not have the military talent he thinks he is.
In comparison, the orc chieftain who could decisively lead the tribe to attack Morondo was very vigilant, and he couldn't help but sigh: how good should such a character be if I could have one in the Iron and Steel Empire
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