Chapter 1333: : Seal and War (Part 2)

"how is this possible?"
  Looking at the huge idol, Ionar’s eyes widened
  The universe has gone through so many epochs, but some titles have not changed. For example, the awakening of the core consciousness of a world is called Gaia consciousness.
This point is unified in many civilizations. Even if these civilizations have not been in contact with each other, in their history, the first life is a giant. She is a symbol of the deification of the earth and the first true creation. The world is also one of the original natural forces (the earth) that can create life. Her appearance marks the beginning of chaos from disorder to order, and it also marks the beginning of all things.
  In the Titan civilization, Gaia is the mother of Titan.
In the Thirteenth Legion, seven legions were hereditary from the Titan family who originally supported Gogones. They were nicknamed the noble legions internally. The secret skills of this type of legion were all ancient inheritances passed down from the ancient Titan civilization. The hereditary is never passed on, and it is different from the Legion of Dawn.
The secret skills of the Legion of Dawn can be learned with a certain amount of military merit, and even if they have accumulated a certain amount of military merit, they can be exchanged and passed on to their descendants as long as they can promise their descendants to join the legion. For example, Ionar’s Yangshen mode, generally in an era, the military merits in the legion Enough general officers will exchange this secret technique and let their children prepare from an early age.
This type of secret technique does not require high pedigree, but requires high physical fitness and comprehension. Whoever practices best will have a high probability of becoming the next generation of army commander. He has trained himself since he was a child, and it is difficult for ordinary people to eat. The pain of understanding barely defeated the peers and inherited the mantle of the mother. The advantage of this model is that it allows the legion to see the hope of rising, and decides who is in the position based on the pure strength. The fair system is easier to inspire people to move forward. , Of course, also caused the secret technique studied in the legion to easily leak out.
   Therefore, it is common for some warrior families to secretly preserve the Titan’s secret skills. Over time, there will always be some profitable people who betray the interests of their compatriots.
Relatively speaking, although the aristocratic legion emphasizes bloodliness and regards high and low from the concubine, they can learn more advanced secret skills from an early age when they are born well, and they can only become vassals if they are poorly born, and they can only become vassals if they are qualified, but the secret skills are It is rarely leaked under the close custody of the family.
This secret technique is one of the top secret techniques most unlikely to be leaked. It comes from the well-known Titan family: the inheritance of the Hera family. It is rumored that the Titans of this family inherited the lineage of the ancient Titan’s mother and inherited the law of the earth and life. .
  Although the bloodline is degraded, and relying on the top secret skills, in countless epochs, no one dares to provoke
  After joining the third force, this secret technique has made great achievements for the force!
"how is this possible?"
Eonar murmured in disbelief. She was one of the thirteenth army commanders. She knew very well that the Hera clan valued this secret technique. The inheritance was sealed in the patriarch’s genes? Only heirs could learn it? Impossible to be exposed.
   "Why are you so surprised?" The dragon looked at Ionar, who was supported by the giant hand, and smiled: "The skills that the gods can use contract subjects are the basic rules, don't you know?"
  "Are you a god?" Ionar stared at the opponent coldly.
   "I'm a parasite, right?" The dragon said quietly.
"No!" Eonar tried to stand up, but the huge serene power made his whole body weak? The mad blood inspired by the Yang God mode completely stopped at this time? He couldn't raise the slightest battle. I can't get the slightest strength
  Yang Shen is a stimulating secret skill? It belongs to the category of Berserkers? And this category is most restrained by the secret skills of the Second Legion!
Rumor has it that Gaia’s mother gave birth to the first twelve Titans? There are two very distinctive offspring, a giant with a hundred arms, the physical strength is the weakest among brothers and sisters? But the brain nerves are very developed, can be a hundred hands Simultaneously control a hundred different weapons? He worked hard to keep up with the strength of his brothers. He practiced his skills to the extreme. It was also the original template for later generations of weapon fighters.
  The other bones and meridians are extremely developed and talented. Once angry, the blood boils and can stimulate several times the usual strength, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to control oneself when the blood is stimulated, and it becomes frantic.
That was the original ancestor of the Berserker. It is rumored that the uncontrolled mode of the ancestor of the Berserker was very annoying to Gaia’s mother. In order to prevent him from harming his compatriots, and for future generations to restrain this violent brother, Created a secret method of comfort, extinguishing the intent of war with a huge life force, and forced the opponent's body into a dormant state.
  In other words, the secret skills of the Second Legion are the nemesis of their Berserkers! !
At this time, the giant hand was soothed, and the deep tiredness quickly eroded Ionar's will. The restraint from the bloodline made her unable to resist at all, especially after she used the Yang God mode, the dependence in this gene was inherent Also let the body calm down without the control of her will, enjoying the comfort of vitality
Yes, this secret skill can not only subdue her fighting spirit, but also replenish her vitality with strong vitality. This is why the Berserker’s ancestors can’t resist physically. This trick was not designed for him from the original design. Malicious, on the contrary, he still thinks about the origin of his body
  This is from the first mother’s love, no naughty child can resist
   "It's not right." Eonar struggled to endure the sleepiness, "You have betrayed Lord Lord, you shouldn't be able to use Lord Lord's law"
  Although she is not a master of the research of alien monsters, she also knows that the host can forcibly disconnect each other, and the lord can naturally also. It is impossible for her to save the lord’s power after such a long time.
  "If" the dragon said quietly: "Your lord did not disconnect me?"
  Eonar: ""
   "What if he forgives me?"
   "I don't believe it!!" Ionar shouted with all his strength!
   "I know you don't believe it" the dragon smiled: "So I didn't intend to use this to convince you in the first place."
   As it gently waved the dragon's claws, the giant Gaia’s hands folded together, completely sealing Ionar.
   And Ionar also slowly closed his eyes under this force
is that true?
  Lord Lord pardoned it?
  Lord did not think it betrayed us in the end?
Is that right?
   "Hu" the dragon took a deep breath: "It's really troublesome girl"
   absorbed the core, barely able to use some of his own power
  The dragon slowly rises, and arrives at the top of the emerald starry sky at a seemingly slow speed in a few seconds
  Looking at the inside of the planet Xiye they were on, the dragon's eyes became cold.
  Let's get started, deal with the last trouble
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