Chapter 1413: : Four girlfriends in the bedroom

  On the day when the New Territories policy was announced, every city seemed very lively. Although each had some opinions on the policy of their own city, they all started to prepare for what should be busy and prepared.
  For example, there are almost no qualified players in the fourth city. Only after the city management hall failed, didn’t they honestly return to the forest and start desperately upgrading?
  But it’s more enthusiastic. After you have a clear goal, you will find that the players in the fourth city are more proactive in training. This is not only the fourth city, but other cities are the same.
  Eligible people are queuing up for loans at the city bank and are ready to go ahead. Those who are not qualified will work harder after having a clear goal.
  The entire Xinghai is active under the stimulus of policies. Even the fifth city with the most severe social fragmentation now exudes a fresh and positive atmosphere, and of course it is not without exception.
  In some corners, there are always a little bit of people, and the opposite is the case. When everyone is busy and active, they are leisurely and lazy, so they are the little black girls in the second city.
As one of the four best friends in Yunv’s melon-free dormitory, Xiaoheimei has learned Hualing’s laziness to the extreme. She sleeps at home or in her own cornfield every day. After mastering the elemental refinement skills, she is simply Let the cultivated elements control the land
  The disadvantage is that the second city has done a good job of protecting the flower spirits. If you want to change to the fifth city, just like Xiaoheimei, these elements have been cultivated so brightly and put out and stocked, and they have long been robbed.
  As for the New Territories? Little black girl is not interested at all, she has grown corn well, why go outside and run around? Waiting for those guys to make a name for themselves outside, wouldn’t it be good to sell corn to make money?
  After comforting herself in this way, the little black girl is happy and leisurely, still living a life like a salted fish every day
  As usual, the little black girl is going to go to the dog egg restaurant for a little extravagance with the salary she has just received, and then she comes back to sleep beautifully for a day, but she ran into Guo Xiaoyun who came to see her as soon as she went out.
  For this compatriot who seems to be able to find them across the city at any time, the little black girl is not surprised
  But what surprised her was that not only Guo Xiaoyun was here this time, but also the other two roommates.
  The little black girl was so happy that she carefully hid the preferential price of the dog egg restaurant in her bag, and expressed very generously that she would invite a few roommates to have a barbecue in her field!
  A few roommates who haven’t seen each other for a long time came to her field under the leadership of Xiao Heimei, and the few people leisurely gathered together and started a barbecue in the field.
"By the way, don't you have anything other than corn here?" Chen Shanshan, one of the roommates who asked the question, was dissatisfied while eating the sweet roasted corn: "I passed by to see that other elves are multi-faceted development, and they grow everything. Point, you're good, all corn, I can't change the taste!"
"Hehe" Hei Mei buckled her head embarrassedly: "I can grow corn, and I have to learn related crop knowledge when I grow other crops, especially when it comes to variants, which is very troublesome, so I just plant corn, you guys. If you want to eat something else, you can wait for a while, I will take the corn to other fields for you to change some."
  "Okay." Guo Xiaoyun gave the black girl a white look: "Don't move your feet, it's pretentious. The corn is just corn. It's also delicious."
   "That's not it!" When Guo Xiaoyun praised her corn, Hei Mei suddenly smiled: "Our corn is the strongest in the second city. The city owner's designated corn for the queen is different from other families!"
  The proud rooster looks like Guo Xiaoyun and Chen Shanshan's skin twitched, but Yaxin next to each other looks a little inexplicable, her eyes are complicated
  "By the way, Xiaoyun" Chen Shanshan gave the proud black girl a white and turned to the subject directly: "Why do you suddenly remember to let us get together?"
  Guo Xiaoyun looked at the three familiar people, and smiled gently: "I have to go to the far door. I don’t know how long I will come back. I miss you, so I want to get together before leaving."
   "Oh oh, Xiaoyun is going to go outside!" Hei Mei smiled.
  Chen Shanshan was also happy and said: "Oh so envy, I don't know how long it will take."
   Yaxin was taken aback when she heard that Guo Xiaoyun was going to the New Territories, and looked up at the other party: "Do you have any whereabouts in the New Territories?"
   "Let's see" Guo Xiaoyun casually said: "We are developers who want it everywhere."
  "Really?" Yaxin bit her lip. Yes, people are old players who can step into the game first. In such a good environment of China City, can a pig be eligible to go to the New Territories for so many years?
  Who makes people lucky?
  I have bad luck so I can only live like a pig and a dog
It has been three months since Yaxin entered the fifth city, but her life is completely different from what she had imagined before. There, the players in Central China are like a mouse crossing the street, and she, who is also an elf, is transformed into an ordinary upper body humanoid elf. This kind of variety was not popular in the early days of labor, and now it is suppressed by the surrounding white people and Asan players because of the status of the players in Central China.
  A little nutrient solution can only be used to maintain physical fitness every day. It is still the lowest nutrient solution. The nutrient solution can replenish energy, but it cannot solve the feeling of fullness, leaving her feeling hungry at any time
   Then she joined the Xinhua News Agency of the Chinese congressman. The president has been educating them to abandon the label of the Chinese players, show their loyalty, fully integrate into the fifth city, and let the white players accept them again.
After joining the club because of political correctness, no one apparently bullied them, but secretly there are still various methods. Every time the club members lead, they can only do the hardest work behind the Asan players, such as breeding. Carnivorous spider
  God knew how she got used to facing those terrifying species, and her life was in danger at any time, so she saw several of her compatriots accidentally become spider rations.
This kind of spider hunts creatures with cruel methods. After catching the prey, they will be wrapped in spider silk to be completely corroded with venom, and then slowly the body fluid of the prey. The prey will lose consciousness for four or five days in extreme pain. Seeing that scene Xinya felt terrified!
Many spider-raising players will fall into this situation if they are not careful. The meat spider base is very remote and relatively closed. The fifth city does not have sufficient safety measures for this breeding area. Many spider-raising players basically fail to survive after being killed. To rescue, they are all reborn directly after suffering.
  Although life will never go away, but the horrible torture has caused many players to become insane
  This makes Yaxin live as if walking on thin ice every day, for fear that one day she will suffer such horror
  But she knows that this day will come sooner or later, there are always times when you are not careful
The key is such a dangerous job, but the salary is pitiful. Originally, spider breeders were high-income part-time jobs in various cities, but here, in the fifth city, the cost performance is extremely low. First of all, they have to pay the big head to the white players, and some troubles. Players of Asan need to charge a little, and pay Xinhua social worker fees every month. The remaining money is less than a few regular tutor classes.
  This bad daily life is completely different from what she thought before she came
  And looking at this stupid black girl
  Yaxin bit her lip and looked around. The endless corn field filled with the sweet scent of high-grade corn. The treated sunlight gently shone on her face, which made people want to groan.
  There are high-level elemental elves everywhere helping to take care of the fields, and this guy only needs to sleep under the mild sunlight on weekdays.
  Why does such a beautiful and picturesque life fall on the stupidest person in the bedroom? And why is the most unfortunate life aimed at yourself every time?
  Think about her life during this period, and then look at the lazy look of this black girl now, a strong unwillingness surges into her heart, this unwillingness makes her look at the black girl inadvertently a little distorted
  But at that moment, the three roommates looked at Yaxin instantly!
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