Chapter 1648: : Players who are divided into camps in each school alliance (middle)

  The world is changing. From the beginning of this group of little guys entering the huge civilization of the Interstellar Federation, whether Ysera or Alice, who has just come into contact with this huge civilization system, knows that this huge federation will bring about shocking changes.
  The first step to change is probably from this so-called battle for ancient land
Thinking of this, Alice became a little confused. Xi Ye started interstellar travel 10,000 years ago, and found the D ball just before the crown prince enrolled in this era. It also happened to have successfully passed a group of indigenous people during this crown prince year. A variety of ways, settled in major colleges and universities.
  Is this an accident or a secret arrangement? Because as long as you miss a year, the players will miss the unified exam, and they will have to wait for the next era if they want to participate in the land competition between the royal families.
  "Hey, what are you doing?" Feng Doudou couldn't help but said: "Will you be in a daze after waiting for you?"
  Alice: ""
   There was a slight silence for a while, and Alice shook her head. Recently, she really thinks a little bit, because the more she understands the world, the more she feels Xi Ye’s power is unreasonable, and she always feels that there is a net that is secretly laying the groundwork.
   After shaking her head and putting aside the messy thoughts, Alice sorted out her emotions and continued: "This year's situation is different from before."
  "What's the difference?" Feng Doudou asked a little nervously. He chose the Bronze Academy, and he is naturally very concerned about the welfare benefits in the future.
Alice: "The distribution of the ancient land is based on the interstellar friendship held every ten years." As soon as he said this, Feng Doudou couldn't help but interrupt: "Once in ten years? That is to say, those plots only last ten years. Do you want to repeat the assignment? So fast?"
"Nature is not" Alice said patiently: "The ancient land is very huge, some plots are even equivalent to ten super planets, and there are many secret places on the plots. Development requires a lot of time and energy. Only ten years of ownership is of course impossible, because you may have just picked up the infrastructure in the past and will be taken away by other schools in the next ten years. All previous efforts have been wasted. This is obviously unfair."
   "That" Feng Doudou suddenly puzzled: "Then you just said that you would redistribute once every ten years."
Alice: "Allocation does not mean to allocate land that has been allocated before. Since new land will appear in the ancient land every once in a while, the allocation will be different every ten years. According to my understanding, Once the land is contested, the time limit is an epoch, so most of the academy values ​​interstellar friendship, because every friendship may be an opportunity to increase the resources of the academy!"
   "That's it" Feng Doudou nodded suddenly
"But this year will be extraordinarily different" Alice said quietly: "The crown prince year is very special. This year, after the descendants of the first five imperial clans participated personally, the five imperial clans conspired a lot of high-level plots. After countless eras, they passed Various operations and explorations, the quality of the plots that the crown prince competes for each year is very exaggerated. For example, the most popular ancient forest, the eternal sea, the infinite land and the giant peak, etc., are the royal family and the top ten. A battleground for universities!"

Back then, universities and the royal family cooperated. The royal family was born, and the school offered places to compete for the best resource plots for colleges and universities in a given year. After obtaining the resource land, the royal family enjoyed a certain share of worship, and the school also raised enough resources to expand its scale. It can be described as a win-win situation. This model has gradually matured under the coordination of multiple epochs. The year of the crown prince of one era is also called the year of great controversy!"
Alice looked at Feng Doudou and said with a smile: "In this session, several royal families will send their carefully nurtured royal children to participate. They can almost dominate the top positions of major universities. This year, even if they are as strong as the top ten universities, they will have to Attaching to the royal family, like the adult who came yesterday, represents the top three of Tiryfasen College, but this year, in order to get a share of the higher land, I have to come to cooperate with the Bronze Academy!"
   "That's it" Feng Doudou suddenly inhaled, "Is the royal child so powerful?"
"Of course it's amazing." Alice squinted and smiled: "Look, in your mission, isn't there a wave SS that cooperates and annihilates? That fifth prince is one of the children of the starry sky, and he is still the youngest, with all aspects of combat effectiveness. In the mission that all intersect each other, it is for you to fight against the wave SS. The intensity can be imagined."
  Feng Doudou frowned immediately, but then smiled again: "Then our academy seems to be one of the royal families? Then according to your statement, I should be able to get a share here, right?"
  "This is the truth." Alice picked up a cup of tea and said in a dumb voice.
  "It seems that my choice is good!" Feng Doudou suddenly smiled: "Look at Puyunchuan and the others. So many people gather together in the Shandaer Academy. They are not royalty, and the ranking is low. It must be a disadvantage!"
   "Yeah" Alice nodded slightly in agreement, but her eyes drifted to other places. If the cabbage was there, she would be very familiar with it, every time this guy has a guilty conscience.
   "But right" Alice laughed: "Ma Wuyecao is not fat, only according to your ideas, I am afraid that there are not many things that I will get later."
   "Oh?" Feng Doudou was taken aback, and suddenly said excitedly: "Yecao? Where does Yecao come from?"
Alice: "The resources of the ancient land require a lot of credit exchange, especially the application to enter the ancient land. Not only a lot of credits, but also enough contribution to interstellar friendship, this is the key. If you just want to hold Mixing with my thighs, I guess there won’t be much soup to drink by then.

   "What's your way?" Feng Doudou looked at the opposite with excitement. Alice's operation ability has always been recognized by the entire base. It can be seen from the fact that she has built the Pakchoi power so well.
Every time the base will be popular in which aspect of business and what materials will be hot, the other party will almost know it. Every time the cabbage power eats meat, the power that reacts later eats soup. This makes many people envious that cabbage has such a thing. Good strategist
  Now that I often please this guy, isn’t it just to let her give me some ideas?
   "Well, it's on the opposite side of course." Alice pointed to a very obvious planet in the sky outside the window.
   "Teldrasil?" Feng Doudou was taken aback: "How do you say?"
  "Cooperation" Alice smiled, opened the Ysera channel, and said, "That’s it."
   "Hiss!!" Feng Doudou took a clear breath after listening to the other party's words: "Is this all right? Something will happen if it is discovered?"
"Who let you be discovered?" Alice squinted and said: "Where is there no risk in fishing outside water? What's more, why should I help you with the sword? You have done a lot with me on behalf of Central China City. Business, when did you see me capsize?"
   "Uh, this" Feng Doudou hesitated for a few seconds, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "You said, what should I do?"
  "First Step" Alice smiled and said, "Hide her strength first!"
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