Chapter 160: : Fighting: Will to die!

"Boom! Boom!" With rhythmic footsteps coming from the front, like a drum on the ground, the whole ground was shaking.
The chiefs of the major tribes looked up dignifiedly, and saw the black infantry armed to the teeth, stepping neatly, tens of thousands of heavy troops, the stepping sounds were almost exactly the same, the small individuals gathered together, and suddenly changed Become a force that can make the earth tremble!
This momentum makes the lion and wind wolf of the orc in front of the orc become agitated
"This is the elite of the human race? It's really serious!" Hottel did not hesitate to praise himself, and can face the powerful northern orc, it really is not comparable to the waste of Morundo!
The Kagal of the Thunder family is also full of surprises. This tiny human, the individual strength is so unbearable, but the integration can actually have such a shocking momentum!
Then, the human race Longma Chongqi jumped out from the very neat formation interval of the heavy infantry in front, and came to the front side by side, then a bunch of mechanical bird light rides jumped out of the two wings, and the large dragon crossbow arrows were pushed side by side. Between the advance and retreat, there was no trace of disorder, so smooth that the Orc looked a little dazed.
In just a quarter of an hour, hundreds of thousands of troops came down the Empire Avenue in an orderly manner, and the formation was neatly arranged. Such an efficient organization, let alone the orcs, players who are hiding in the dark can see Stupidly.
For the first time, they saw such a real cold weapon battlefield at such a close distance, and they suddenly saw blood boiling one by one, and wished that they had also trained such a powerful army!
Just between the orcs stunned the gods, suddenly a burst of rumbling sounded, but this time it was not the footsteps of the human race, but the real drum sound.
The sound of drums is like a thunderous thunder, followed by the thick singing of the shaman priest. These sounds are extremely wonderful, and they should be depressed by the sound of thunder and thunder, but they clearly passed into the ears of many orcs. in.
The thick song with a serene meaning instantly dispelled the restlessness in the hearts of many orcs, and even those beast mounts slowly calmed down.
Then the tune suddenly changed, and a powerful melody suddenly exploded. The Orcs only felt a blood flow to their hearts, as if the blood veins were burning, and the whole body was full of power.
A closer look will reveal that the orcs in front are bursting with blue muscles, especially those tauren, the earthworm-like green muscles on the muscles of the whole body, giving a sense of explosive power!
Seeing this situation and this scene, a hint of luck flashed in the eyes of both Hotter and Kagar. The dark road: Fortunately this time the earth tribe can come.
"Warriors!" Hotter screamed quickly at the opportunity: "The orcish bloodbath for thousands of years is now, for the tribe's glory !!"
"Roar !!" Many orcs were instantly ignited with their last nerves, and their eyes were mad with red blood, and in response to Hottel's call, many orcs beat their chests with their big hands, dozens of The sound of Wan Orcs flapping their chests instantly overshadowed the drums!
"For the tribe !!"
Different from the meticulous momentum of human discipline discipline, the Orc side is heroic, seeing a group of players boiling again!
On the contrary, the human race was shocked by the soaring pride.
"Don't be confused soldiers!" Suddenly, a thick voice sounded, and the soldiers looked around, but saw an old man slowly pull out his sword. At this time, the morning sun was rising, the sky was dim, and the old man's sword was like a dawn. Dazzling.
"Don't be confused, think about the reasons why you picked up your weapons and put on armor. Think about why we are here?"
Everyone looked at him, his chest suddenly seemed to be blocked by something. For a time, there was a strong thing to express, but he didn't know what to say for a while.
Looking at the appearance of many soldiers, the old man's face showed a gentle smile: "We are here for victory, for the reward after the victory, for the flowers and applause to greet us after returning, for the worship of all peoples!"
"So, what are you afraid of? Soldiers? You are here. If you lose, are you going to go back in humiliation? Look at the orcs with open teeth and claws. Could they go back to those who throw our rotten eggs than they did after the defeat? Are the people terrible? "
The old man's words were like a dose of good medicine that awakened the soldiers' confusion. Yeah, there is no way out. What are we afraid of?
"Tighten your weapons and soldiers. Victory is our only way out. Think about it. If we lose, even if the battle is still not respected, the body will rot in this land. Family and friends will think of us as Shame, think about your wife and children, parents, what is the point of holding our sword? So what are you afraid of? What is more terrible than losing this battle? "
The old man strode forward and reached the forefront of the battle. The sword stood upright. Under the rising sun, it emitted a tremendous light, like a bright light in the night, dispelling the last mist in everyone's mind.
"Advance! Soldiers, for the empire, for glory, for loved ones, for themselves, for the advancement, soldiers, only die!"
"Stop the dead !!"
Suddenly, an unprecedented emotional excitement broke out in the hearts of the soldiers of the Terran Clan. They were all men with swords. Is it possible that only their orcs have the fear of death?
Suddenly squeezed the weapons in his hands, the roaring roar and the orc opposite the confrontation!
"That man is the legendary sword of Buddha Xiao, the of war of the human race?" Hotter narrowed his eyes in the distance.
"Humph!" Kagal mentioned the Thunder Warhammer boldly in the handle: "Human God of War? Hahaha, well, today I will take the first level for my orc glory hall!"
At this point, the momentum of both sides has risen, and the battle is on the verge!
"It's really bloody, this guy, so old," Rox shook his head and smiled, but as the commander, he knew he couldn't be hot-headed.
Immediately calmly issued the instruction: "John, you take five thousand Qingqi to defend the left wing, Punk, you take five thousand Qingqi to defend the right wing, you must not let the wolf riding clip of the wind department hit the back row, and the rest of the generals will strictly guard the rear!
He had been thinking about the orc raid that might be hidden behind him.
Boom Boom Boom!
In the meantime, the earth was shaking for a while, and I saw a giant Cado beast with a height of six or seven meters in front. Under the control of the drums of the knights, my red eyes rushed towards the formation of humans with red eyes. The deterrence brought is extraordinary, even the many soldiers who are determined to die, at this time, the hand holding the weapon can't stop shaking!
"Go on the dragon crossbow !!" Rox commanded immediately!
In front of the heavy soldiers suddenly let out all the avenues, and saw a huge crossbow bed pushed out of the formation by a group of naked muscle engineer fighters.
"Ready!" Rox raised his left hand slightly, calmly waiting for the monster in front to rush into the distance of the most killing range!
Eighty yards seventy yards fifty yards!
Rox accurately estimates the distance
"Marshal!" Seeing the Juguai who had almost rushed forward, he couldn't help but urge.
Rox was indifferent,
He knew that this round of salvo was very important. If he could not break the defense of these beasts, his formation would be instantly dispersed by this beast. Without the formation of humans, it is impossible to beat the orcs in the wild. Army!
So this can be said to be the key winner!
"Thirty yards, let go of the arrow !!" Finally, Roques gave orders at the moment when the other party entered the distance of thirty yards, and the nervous crossbowmen had already pulled the trigger!
jump jump jump!
Just listening to the throbbing bowstring sound, the soldiers around felt that the air seemed to be evacuated, and dozens of silver awns swept away with unmatched momentum!
In an instant, dozens of Kado monsters were penetrated by the huge crossbow arrows. The huge penetration force of the crossbow arrows not only penetrated them, but also stopped their terrifying rush. With the waves of wailing, the dozens of heads The incomparably huge Gado beasts fell to the ground one after another, and the blood instantly stained a whole field of grass!
After seeing this scene, the human races shouted excitedly, and the orc face was full of horror. Old Man also appeared for the first time with an extremely ugly face, and whispered: "It seems that the crossbow arrows will not be destroyed. If we say, our Gadomon ca n’t rush through! "He turned and looked at Hotter:" It's up to you! "
Hotter nodded when he heard the words. The opponent's dragon crossbow was limited and could not be used against the light riding of their blast department. Now if they want to defeat the local formation head-on, they can only outflank the two wings and try to destroy the thing!
"Please organize another wave of attack to cover us!" Hotter asked respectfully.
Old Marne sighed. He naturally knew what the cover meant, but he wanted to send a group of kado-beast knights to death, but this was no way. The war never had a good army.
"Please make sure you succeed once!" Old Marne solemnly said: "I will assign sixty kadoge knights to cover you again, but this is also the last time to cover. The remaining kadobes in the rear must be left to rush Disperse the formation, your chance is only this time! "
"Understood!" Hottel focused his head, then looked at the chief of the Thunder Department, Kagal, and Kagal nodded slightly, straddling a huge black lion, facing the lion knight force behind him: "Thunder Clan warriors, take out your courage, wave your weapons, use your blood to prove your bravery, and let the enemy collapse under our iron hooves! "
Many boys from the Thunder tribe responded with roar.
On the other side of the human race, Rox smiled slightly after receiving the signal from the air gryphon: "I'm coming, everyone is ready !!"
at the same time
Yu Nuwu, who was observing the situation in the dark, received a feedback from the monitor quietly installed on the gryphon. After a sudden smile, he picked up the intercom and said: "Ready to do it !!"
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