Chapter 1951: : Road to Glory.....

The boiling cheers instantly drowned the wombat girl's voice trying to find an excuse to take her grandfather away. The transition from despair to a miracle of vitality made even the proud fallen angels on weekdays as crazy as those auxiliary soldiers!
"Boss" the wombat girl said softly: "What should I do?"
Grandpa Lu didn't return to her, but stared blankly at the group of boiling people. He could clearly see the eyes of those people. When he looked at himself, there was a kind of intense heat, as if sparks could pop out of his eyes. Same.
He is familiar with this look. When he was very young, he remembered that his grandfather would often show to himself a video of a teammate's game, because he retired early, and although he gained a lot of money, he lost a lot of glory. Among his teammates, there was one of the most dazzling existences, replacing his dreams, and has been on the road full of cruel competition but also full of glory and flowers.
Although it was very hard work, it is said that at a young age, he was full of occupational ailments, but the kind of glory and worship that people enjoyed at that time was what my grandfather regretted and longed for all his life.
At that time, I seemed to understand what Grandpa said and didn’t seem to have moved. But today I did. Looking at this group of worshiping gazes as saviors, my grandpa suddenly felt that sometimes in life, something should be pursued.
As a result, the originally weak one looked up like a proud rooster like a chicken blood.
"Everything is quiet" Grandpa Lu made his voice louder as much as possible, but in fact, because of his weakness, the volume was as small as a mosquito, but even so, everyone fell silent when he saw him open his mouth.
The feeling of being the center of the world in an instant makes Grandpa Lu's chest firm again.
"It's only temporarily safe now!" Grandpa Lu said in a hoarse voice.
Everyone looked at each other, and their hearts sank slightly, but for some reason, they didn't feel desperate. People who always felt that they were so powerful, since they stayed to help them, they would definitely not only help them to survive.
Immediately, after a slight sinking, the gaze looking at Grandpa Lu turned into anticipation.
Grandpa Lu was a little stunned when he saw this. While he was extremely comfortable, he felt a little complexity in his heart. In fact, he was not sure that he would really protect them.
This kind of expectation of being the same as the savior at the beginning is certainly very good, but at the same time it is very heavy.
But there was almost silence for a few seconds, and Grandpa Lu rang out again and said: "But don't worry, everyone, I will definitely take you with you and survive!"
As soon as these words came out, the head of the city boiled again!
"From now on, everyone will be re-registered and managed by her." Grandpa Lu pointed to Chen Shanshan and said: "Everyone's abilities and attributes must be clearly written down. Next will be a long defensive station. It will stop like this. Everyone can't hide privately. If you want to live, everyone has to move, work hard for the last bit of strength, and wait for the reinforcements to arrive!"
"Do we have reinforcements?" one of the slender fallen angels asked cautiously.
"Naturally, there are, or am I here to accompany you to die?" Grandpa Lu rolled his eyes.
This is very polite, but it is what everyone wants to hear most. For a moment, everyone's originally desperate heart is completely restored to life, and they are full of expectations for living!
"What should I do now?" the big Naga Urn next to the black-clothed man outside Stormwind asked in a huff.
He can also see that the current situation is quite tricky. The Red Lotus Flame is one of the top sacred fires. The enchantment arranged by the caster with this talent is unrealistic to attack by the crowded tactics.
I saw it just now, as long as it sticks to a little bit, no matter how many people you are, you can be burnt clean.
"That guy can't always use this thing" the female Naga next to him said: "On this plane, it is impossible for a mage of the plastic energy system to stop us. The key now is whether the opponent has reinforcements."
"Theoretically there won't be any" the man said in a low voice: "For this operation, we have conducted various investigations on Bolton's forces. The nine demon legions have a very strong mutual interest circle, and the fallen angel legions have almost no on this plane. No matter how much effort it takes to occupy such a good position, it will definitely arouse envy. Most of the reports returned by the scouts sent out are in line with our expectations. The legions stationed in several other cities are deliberately delaying the rescue time."
"Most?" The female Naga frowned when she heard this, most of the meaning is not all!
The man was silent for a few seconds, and finally said: "The scout sent to Cuicheng failed to come back."
Female Naga: ""
"How likely is the Blood Demon Legion to support in time?" The female Naga said with a solemn expression.
"I don't know" the man sighed and shook his head: "In the original plan, the Blood Demon Legion should be the least likely to come to support. After all, they were not only taken advantage of, but because they occupied the military fortress, the normal force was unmovable."
"Really?" The female Naga took a breath and felt a little relieved.
Naga’s biochemical soldiers are the least compatible with the blood demon army. Those blood demon that can obtain energy from biological blood are the ones that are least afraid of human tactics. This is also where Cuicheng only relies on blood demon. The reason why the devil can die for the card owners!
"Should be" the man was a little uncertain
The scout sent out did not come back, and it does not necessarily mean that the blood demon legion supported them. After all, most of the officers of the blood demon family were born as scouts. It is normal for the sent out scouts to be found to be intercepted.
But the inexplicable anxiety in his heart made him a little unsure.
"Theoretically," the man took a breath and said, "Cuicheng has to be heavily garrisoned. Even if the troops are divided for support, Cuicheng can't send much. If there is no certain scale, it is impossible to rescue Stormwind City."
The woman nodded slightly. They prepared a lot of things to contribute to Stormwind. The biological materials used by the rioters were all very high-level, otherwise they wouldn’t have mutated so many four on those zero-level beings. Class variants come.
In addition to the biochemical soldiers, they also prepared a lot of weapons. The Gorefiend regiment wants to beat them in a field battle. At least 30,000 regular troops. As far as she knows, the total number of pure Gorefiend soldiers is probably only 30,000 or 40,000. about
"This way" the man thought for a while, and decided to calm down: "Continue to expel the scouts to explore the situation on the side of Cuicheng, notify us as soon as there is a turmoil, and then let Marshal Hill create some pressure on Cuicheng!"
"Okay!" The woman nodded, turned around and released something similar to a wind snake, which quickly flew to the sky, towards the base of the empire.
"Hurry up here too" the man turned his head and looked at the enchantment opposite: "Start the evolution wheel, don't hold it for too long, it will change after a while!"
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