Chapter 2016: : Ten years (one)

Time flies, especially for the people who have joined Xinghai. Every day is so fulfilling that they will find that time flies very quickly. After the first batch of players announced their departure from the universe, Xinghai officially announced its existence to humans. Years, and these ten years have changed the world tremendously
  At this time, Lei Xue, who has served as the chief officer of the base for ten years, is writing a diary, summarizing some of his work and the changes in the world over the past ten years.
After all, after today, she will retire from her current position. The new base chief will be succeeded by another young and promising developer player. After years of investigation by herself and Lord Lord, her disposition, standpoint and ability are very consistent. Of course, this position is not afraid of trouble. After all, Lord Xiye is watching on it, so you can change it at any time.
As for myself, tomorrow I have to go to the Central Star Territory Federal Bureau of Culture to register to participate in the federal ten-year unified examination, and it seems that I can catch up with the federal event early, and go to the so-called interstellar friendship on the spot. Lord Lord left it for me. Tickets, there are not many people who have this treatment in the entire base, it can be regarded as a special preferential treatment for ten years of hard work.
Lei Xue opened the diary and recorded the summary that she wanted to write down today. The pen and ink on the diary are very old. The last time she wrote the diary is a year ago. She writes the diary very casually. When she is not busy, she remembers Write some when you are, and spend more time dealing with the daily base of the base and learning the massive knowledge taught by the instructor.
Let’s talk about the big environment on the D-ball today. In ten years, the six major cities of the Mars base have developed rapidly. A large number of players have taken a place on the planet in the New Territories to establish their own forces. At the same time, the demand for the population of players has become more and more. Big.
  As of the day before yesterday, the 97th expansion has been carried out, and now more than 10 million players have been recruited!
  There are about 5 million players in Central China!
This is not base favoritism. On the contrary, the base has given the six major city owners very great autonomy. Otherwise, many city owners will not be allowed to bring their own small private activities and various policies that benefit their own ethnic groups. Moreover, the urban population is not limited to Huaxia City. With a recruitment rate of 50%, it is obviously impossible without the support of other city owners.
  As for the reason why this happens, it is because after a few years of work, all the city owners have to admit that the players in Central China represent competitiveness! !
This is the development period. Every city is in a period of rapid accumulation of original capital. According to the rules, every player who goes out has to pay taxes to the local city, so players who can live together can bring a lot of money to the local city. A large amount of taxation can buy more lord technology and build the city better.
The failure of the Fifth City made all the city owners understand one thing. Even if they favor their own ethnic group in the city, it will not be able to improve their competitiveness, because outside the city, when outside, everyone speaks by their ability and becomes a leader with the ability. You don’t have the courage to become a good wage earner, but no matter what you become, you need to rely on the ability to speak, and the ability to rely on policy favoritism is useless.
Take the Fifth City as an example. In order to come to power, Mister not only promised white priority, but also proposed to suppress the players in Central China, which received a lot of support. Therefore, he did a very balanced job in the proportion of the employment population. The players in Central China Only 7%, and the remaining 30% are local North American whites, then 10% Indians, then 20% local North American blacks, and then other races from various countries. But in just a few years, I got the bitter fruit!
White gamers are raised by the policy to be lazy, not to mention, the Indian population and other blacks are not good at them. Their descent acceptance rate is low, and their learning ability and growth rate are far lower. Opened two levels!
Today, in the other five major cities, the proportion of level 4 players is as high as 30%, while the fifth city now does not even have 9%, and even the level 3 and 4 players who are forced to rely on resources have arrived in the New Territories. Or the Emerald Star Territory is also very unpopular.
Lords of all sizes who develop planets know how to recruit capable people. Not only do black players grow slowly, they are also lazy, and their work enthusiasm and effort are far lower than those of other races. Nowadays, they are basically discriminated against in the market. It is not a very poor manpower situation, and basically no one wants to hire.
  While there are very few black players who develop themselves as lords, the interesting thing is that as long as the black players who can successfully gain a foothold and become lords, they don’t recruit kinsmen himself.
  This led to the fact that in the next few years, when the five major cities recruited people, the proportion of black players became less and less. This often caused protests from various human rights activists on the D ball, and of course also the protests of the blacks themselves.
  At the beginning, considering the political correctness, the first and fourth city owners hesitated a little bit and relaxed the ratio, but as the city’s external population competition plummeted, there was no hesitation anymore.
  After all, when I was on the D ball, this thing was all for show. When it really concerns actual interests, who would take this so-called correctness seriously?
  This has also led to the continuous parade on the D ball, and there are old and non-protested people in various countries.
  Of course, the protesters are not only the old Fei, but also the A-San Yi clan. Now they thoroughly understand what is called a show. After Mistre stepped down, the new City Lord took the stage and almost immediately slashed the admission rate of A-San players!
  After all, most of the black players are of North American nationality. What is Asan? What is their human rights to me?
  New town owners who have no psychological pressure directly reduced the admission ratio to less than one percent. Unless they are very good doctors, scientific research talents, and are willing to become developers, they will be admitted, otherwise they will be temporarily put on hold
On the contrary, players in Central China are more and more favored by cities with their high pedigree, hard work, and diligence. This is different from the previous situation where foreigners began to deliberately suppress their jobs because they were robbed of jobs by Central China, and now the whole nation competes abroad. Next, you don’t need Central China players, your opponents will use them. No way, major cities can only increase the admission ratio of Central China players.
  In the tenth year, the acceptance rate has reached 75%. This data has been unanimously protested by many people outside.
  But no matter what the protest, the city can’t stop the city from continuing to do so. Natural selection is competing with each other. In many cases, power and relationships are not very useful in the new era.
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