Chapter 2052: : Really someone?

  The opponent is really strong
While pursuing, Ye Lin thought that she could not only deal with herself in physical form, but also at the speed of questioning and tempting the other party just now, while not being discouraged, maintaining the current physical form, at least in terms of physical strength and proficiency. The other party is not reluctant
  Fengxing Academy still hides such a card silently, I didn't expect it, but what did the other party mean?
  What does it mean that I can’t smile when I meet? Do you mean that the trump card in the popular team is someone else?
   Ye Lin smiled slightly. She didn't believe this at all. Why did Popular Academy really want to have this kind of trump card, so why was it directly abandoned by Star Academy? As long as there is a solid foundation, the Starry Sky Academy takes into account the friendship between the two families, and will not easily choose this way.
  I just want to give up chasing, how could it be possible
  Finally encountered this kind of ambush opportunity, and caught the ace of the Popular Academy, don't you take the opportunity to kill it and wait for the opponent to react and kill yourself?
  Willing to fight unintentional, especially the assassin-type ranger team is very cheap. Someone provided a position, and he happened to lock the unprotected trump card. This is simply an opportunity given by God!
According to the rules of Interstellar Friendship, after eliminating an academy, you can get additional scores. For example, in this three-level system, if your academy falls in the second level or is eliminated directly in the first level, then it will be ranked according to the learning that was eliminated together. , And the ranking at this time is based on the performance on the court.
   is not based on time. For example, you are higher than me every time you are eliminated first and then eliminated. Without this, the friendship encourages each other to fight each other, so eliminating other colleges will have a high ranking score.
  If you eliminate an academy that is higher than you once ranked, you will get a higher score. Popular Academy ranks in the top ten, it is an out-and-out big score target, and of course you have to win it if you have a chance!
And not only for scoring. According to the rules, the eliminated academy can have the right to exchange a piece of ancient land with the other party, and his own party has the first choice, that is, you can exchange a bad land for a good land. Although the level cannot be too different, it is also one. An extremely rare opportunity.
  Fengxing Academy is an old and strong school, it has a lot of good land, and you can make a lot of money if you change one!
Thinking of Ye Lin no longer hesitating, she opened the secret method in her heart, and her eyes gradually changed from frosty white to icy blue. In contrast, her speed suddenly and extremely significantly increased, and she broke through Bilan’s wind and arrow blockade. !
"What's going on?" Fans watching the match suddenly became nervous. Everyone could see that Bilan was still a long way away from his teammates and could not wait for support at all. In other words, at this time The trump card is against the trump card, the victory or defeat may determine which side loses a trump card
"It's the Heart of Frost!" An old audience hurriedly said: "The Ace of Frost Heart Academy can use a mysterious secret technique to keep one's blood in a cold-blooded state. The increase in Qi and blood will be smoother when you practice. When it breaks out, it will be thawed directly, and the burst of qi and blood in the body will instantly raise the body's function to a higher level!"
   "There is still this kind of abnormal mentality? Is it harmless to the body?"
"People are also old colleges. What damage can it do? That is the secret technique that Frost Heart Academy is famous for. Cold training of bones and blood can condense the blood and blood, and make the blood and blood become purer. It is very powerful, and many are not familiar with it. The assassins of Frost Heart Academy have suffered a great loss!"
"I go"
  The supporters of the Popular Academy suddenly became nervous again, while the group of people who voted for the illegitimate vote became more and more excited.
  Bilan also felt the improvement of the other party, frowning slightly, the other party's speed increased a little, this speed is afraid that the demon star of the year can't keep up, and her own eyes will almost not catch it!
  Bilan took a breath and used the wind induction to barely dodge, but he can no longer stretch the distance and fight back with a wind arrow like before.
  Ceng Ceng
This stalemate took less than a dozen breaths, and then began to lean. The opponent quickly grasped Bilan's wind protection method, and went straight through the air several times, and did not allow the opponent to use the wind induction position. Opportunity, several times when the blade approached, Bilan hides extremely reluctantly!
After a few breaths, the first scar finally appeared. It was just above the ribs and it was close to the lungs. The wound was only as small as a fingernail, but Bilan instantly felt a cold chill rushing to the lungs, breathing instantly. It's a little difficult.
  In an instant, his face became gloomy.
  "Cut" he knew in his heart that this was the unique frost blade of Frostheart Academy. It would begin to corrode the blood veins when the cold poison broke through the skin and blood.
  No more hesitation, Bilan jumped directly into the plane of shadow!
   "Oh?" Ye Lin was taken aback, then stopped where she was and narrowed her eyes: "Is there any other trick?"
  Shadow Shuttle is a good talent, especially if the ranger has it, it will be very troublesome. With the equipment of the team, it can harass the enemy infinitely. Such a good tactic, Miaozi Popular Academy, dare to release it alone, it is really big for him!
  It’s a shame, it’s okay to let them have a big somersault, and I will know in the future that even if they are ranked lower than their own colleges, they have to use snacks!
Ye Lin sneered directly and took out a blue dagger from her waist. The dagger was made of ice, thin like a piece of paper, but the inside of the dagger looked like a star, shining with extremely dazzling cold light. Insert the dagger into the ground, and an ice blue rune instantly formed an enchantment and blocked the surroundings!
  The last time I met a demon star, I was overshadowed by his ability to shuttle shadows. Ten years have passed, how could he not guard against such a move? The senior management of the academy had already prepared her a secret treasure specially aimed at the shadow shuttle!
  I saw an ice-blue line instantly following the place where Bilan disappeared to link up!
  On the other side, Bilan entered the shadow space, and instantly shuttled out of a 100-meter range. The freezing cold on her body was getting deeper and deeper. He had to kill the opponent quickly, otherwise it would be bad for a long time.
  As soon as he came out, he saw a cold glow coming, and his hair exploded in an instant, he bit his tongue suddenly, the energy of the wind exploded, and he reluctantly avoided the blade and backed away suddenly!
what's the situation? Why does the other party know where he appears?
  This kind of thing, he has only seen it with two monsters, but the guy in front of him, regardless of speed or skill, shouldn't be at this level!
   "Oh, good reaction!" In the distance, Ye Lin blew a whistle and exclaimed, "I have watched your previous videos. You never have the skills you have now. Your progress is not so big."
  Bilan looked at the ice-covered stab wound nearly half a meter long on her chest, and sneered palely: "Just kidding, don't look at who I have been practicing with in the past ten years!"
"Pair training? Who?" Ye Lin is a little curious, and the words such as training are generally placed among the same generation. In her opinion, the opponent's skill should be far beyond the current members of the Fengxing Academy. Those who practice duel, are there any cards in the newcomers of Popular Academy this time?
  Bilan looked at the ice-blue silk thread like silk on her chest, and faintly replied: "A guy who can lock my position without you."
  "Are you talking about laughing?" Ye Lin looked at each other amusedly.
  "I don’t usually make fun of this kind of thing." Bilan smiled and looked behind the other person: "Don’t do it, I can do it myself."
  'S words shocked Ye Lin, but she sneered: "Can this trick be used?"
  She doesn’t believe that anyone can completely let her walk behind her unconsciously, even those dragon-level crown princes.
   "Are you sure? Your condition is not very good, the captain asked me to take you back"
  A soft voice came from behind, instantly making Ye Lin’s smile stiff
  Is there someone really special?
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