Chapter 221: : Martialist without a shelf

"Boss? How come people haven't come yet?" A young man bored his head in the temporary base of the extraordinary group.
This time there were almost a dozen more people in the base, wearing casual clothes, and they were not very old. They looked like about twenty-five to five. Although they were all wearing casual clothes, one by one, whether standing or sitting, or even lying down. , The waist is straight, but the seemingly lazy tone can not erase the spirit that is revealed in the bone, obviously a group of well-trained soldiers.
The flat-headed young man who was called the boss was sitting upright in the corner looking at a miscellaneous book. At this time, he heard his men shouting and frowned slightly.
He was actually very uncomfortable in his heart, but he also worked with those of the martial arts, and he knew the arrogant character of those people, so he was also more patient than his men.
As the crowd complained more and more, the door was finally opened, and the crowd looked away. After seeing the person coming, a group of people who had just hung up and stood upright one by one immediately, respecting the military salute: "Lao Li! "
"Good!" Li Lao nodded with a smile: "Some things are delayed, let you wait for a long time!"
Wang Ye stood upright like the people around him, but his brows were still slightly frowned. He still knew Lao Li very well. Although he was a leader, he was a very authentic soldier and had an extremely good punctuality concept.
It is unbelievable to say that he is late for Wang Ye. The guy who is late is definitely the one behind him, but Mr. Li has taken responsibility for him. Thinking of this, he sighs a little, and Mr. Li is good at everything. Too indulgent.
"Introduce me," Li Lao is not much nonsense. He slightly opened his body and let the person wearing the blue cloak behind him come forward: "This is our No. 01 member of the Dragon Group, and it is the next time to cooperate with you to remove the Pakistani. The main helper of trouble-making and extraordinary personnel inside the iron! "
Wang Yewen Yan frowned even deeper. He remembered that he had received instructions to cooperate with the two new members of the Dragon Team to Pakistan Railway to carry out this cleaning task. The original number made him think that the other party was making a mess, but he did not expect to come. There is only one
Feeling Wang Ye ’s dissatisfaction, Li Lao smiled bitterly. In fact, he was also quite dissatisfied. Originally, only two people made him difficult to explain to him. As a result, he still had to shrink. The key is to stay small. You Even if you leave the elder
"Hello, my name is Li Gou, and my name is Qingque." Li Gou egg swallowed awkwardly, and the new id is still not used to it.
"I received instructions that seemed to say that your martial arts had an elder and a disciple this time." Wang Ye directly interrupted the other person's self-introduction and said, "I am taking the liberty to ask, are you an elder or a disciple?"
"Er disciple," Li Goudan touched his chin and recalled that his role should be like a disciple. At that time, he could not punch.
"That is to say, you promised a total of two people to help, but in the end, only one came, not to mention, actually came only a small one? Does the faction really want to cooperate?"
In the face of questioning, she was helpless because of the corner of her mouth. The nominal elder is actually a young lady in her thirties. In fact, she was forced to marry her for a long time. After making excuses to avoid it, he was surrounded by his father and mother, and if he came temporarily, what should he say?
It's nice to be young
"Wang Ye!" Li Lao suddenly interrupted the other party, although he also wanted to say this, but obviously he just couldn't cooperate with him.
"Lao Li!" Wang Ye did not give up: "The soldiers traveled for nine missions. If the other party didn't take this seriously, I would have no face to lead the team to let his men die!"
"You" Li Lao immediately covered his head, this boy's stubborn temper came again
The soldiers behind Wang Ye were all stunned, looking at each other with a look of indifference, and said, "They all said that the new boss is relatively new, but they didn't expect it to be so new. Yeah, that ’s Mr. Li, a marshal character. "
"Don't be so fierce little brother" Just when Li thought about how to alleviate this awkward atmosphere, then Li Gou Dan took the initiative to pull forward and pulled down his hood, exposing a very beautiful silver-white hair.
"The Lun's family, who is not worse than the elders, is a little smaller, but it is very reliable!"
Li Goudan stood upstairs, with flowing white hair, a beautiful face, grinning and revealing a pair of lovely tiger teeth, like a fairy in a fairy tale.
All the soldiers were shocked by the picture, and the air suddenly became quiet, and even Wang Ye, who was always uncomfortable with the martial arts, could inexplicably say no rebuttal.
"Boss, I think she's quite reliable." Behind Wang Ye, a big man with a back on his back whispered close to Wang Ye's ear.
"Rolling the calf" Wang Ye gave a blank look at the other party. This was a foolish thing. This is a life-and-death task. Can you be serious?
"Cough" Li Laoqing coughed and took the opportunity to say: "This girl is a close disciple of the master of the Xuanji door. Although young, she is a fairyland. I believe she can help you accomplish this task."
Many soldiers were stunned, and some were unclear. Therefore, Wang Ye and the big man were unbelievable. Wang Ye looked at the little girl who came out of the painting and secretly said: This looks like it is only twenty years old at most? In reality, you did n’t graduate from university
Is such a little girl a fairy?
In the impression, the land immortals that Wang Ye touched were all white-bearded old men. Even in a mission to help catch Xie Xiu, the Kunlun master who had met Situ Xue did not arrive in the land fairy land.
But it should be said that this girl really looks better than Situ Xue. He always thought that Situ Xue might be the best-looking woman in the world.
"Oh, Wang Ye, come on," Mr. Li said after wandering some words of encouragement, and awakened Wang Ye, who was a bit dazed.
"Oh" Wang Ye heard her head and nodded quickly. The fortified face woke up like a dream, quite dumbfounded, and Li Lao was slightly funny.
As soon as the two left, a group of soldiers came around and looked at Li Goujian with a curious baby look.
One of the soldiers couldn't help but ask, "Sister, do all the martial arts look like your fairy?"
Seeing the soldiers so blatantly go up to pick a cute family, then the deputy captain Yan Gray who intentionally said that the other party was reliable was secretly screaming. I'm very respectful of these martial arts
He also cooperated with these people all the year round, knowing that the people in these martial arts are arrogant, look down on ordinary mortals, and hate to be watched like this.
It may be possible to shoot directly if he gets angry. Thinking of this, he quickly wants to blame the soldiers for dispersing, but if he yells next second, he will be stuck in his throat.
I saw that the woman seemed completely annoyed when facing the crowd, and she smiled and said in the face of the teasing: "Little brother really can talk, but a little fairy like me is also a rare thing in the school."
"Yu !!" The crowd immediately coaxed.
Seeing that the other party was willing to talk, many soldiers immediately came to have interest and asked questions one after another.
"Will you practice the martial arts, then, what kind of Jiu Tian Yu Lei is really determined?"
"It was made by Zhu Xian blindly, don't believe it, little brother, Yu Jianfei is nonsense."
"Will you fly?"
"My sister can" talk about this, but she is very sorry, she actually really wants to be a wind demon
Looking at this harmonious atmosphere, Yan Hui didn't know what to say for a while, and he looked at Li Gouzan with a daze, secretly saying: This guy is better than he thinks to say
"Lao Li, I think this action can be reconsidered?" Wang Ye accompanied Lao Li to an office outside. Wang Ye couldn't help but enter the door.
"I understand" Lao Li nodded and said: "I just contacted their mysterious master, but the other party still has confidence in his disciples, and I can't say anything."
"What kind of school is so important?" Wang Ye frowned: "Those people who are messing with Pakistani Railway this time, although they are all non-influential characters, there are no traces of the three major forces, but this is obviously a spy. I doubt it. Hidden by a master "
"I think so too" Lao Li nodded: "The people on Lao Mei and the Red Sun have been exploring the border for so long. The disruption of the Pakistan Railway is definitely related to them. Pakistan Railway is currently the most pro-China neighbor. The President has personally asked us for help. We ca n’t stand idly by. You lead the team this time, mainly to detect intelligence, try to avoid crossfire, report to the other party ’s strength as soon as possible, I will use this opportunity to try to ask them again The sect asked for help. "
After a pause, he said: "It's not good, big deal, old man. I'll open my face again and ask for Kunlun once."
Wang Ye's expression was stunned, and he didn't speak anymore. He heard from his father that some people were messing with the Pakistani Railway 20 years ago. It was Li Laofeng who came to Kunlun for help.
With the identity of his old man, he can do it to such an extent that, looking at the official, he is the only one
This is also the reason why he respects the old man in front of him. Compared to those guys who are clamoring to suppress the martial arts, but only for their own benefit, this is the chief who really serves his country.
Although he also hates martial arts, he also knows that there is no martial arts, and Huazhong has long known what cholera looks like.
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