Chapter 414: : Really match

At this time, Emperor Gan was happily operating the registered company. To be honest, he never thought that he could still have a boss ’s addiction in his lifetime.
The registered capital was exchanged with the jackals captured in the tribe and the rich in the base. The quality of the jackals captured by the small cabbage was not high, both in terms of appearance and strength were far inferior to those previously captured by the players in the five tribes, but the number was better Many, everyone is used for grazing anyway, and they will be able to be used, and they are also selling well.
After selling about a thousand jackals, about 50 million yuan of funds were exchanged. As long as the quota was carefully considered, the two still planned not to exchange real currencies.
In the future, the general direction will definitely be in the game. The currency in the game is much more useful than in reality. Now it is worth a hundred or two hundred million for the quota, although it sounds very powerful, but if you think about it in the future, you will definitely lose money.
Nowadays, as the first player with a cooperative quota and no small territory, the advantage of the Chinese cabbage is extremely huge. It is because it is necessary to seize the opportunity to develop and grow as much as possible. Therefore, the introduction of talent is definitely better than the seemingly gorgeous reality. Currency is much more useful.
And what do they feel it's good for so much money now? This amount of money is used to pay for a few houses in the first-tier cities of Central China. Isn't it good to build a royal palace in my game? Why waste it on this?
The most important thing is that the number of places is not large. Ten places, Liver Emperor owns one, plus Wang Gou Dan has joined, two have gone, and the remaining eight are determined not to be wasted.
They have all negotiated, and the base follows the wood elf civilization route, mainly recruiting talents in biology, agronomy, and alchemy, and then finance and management talents.
In fact, there are quite a lot of people in need, and the eight places are not even enough. In this case, naturally, they will not be sold. This is also the reason why the small cabbages avoided the rich second generation after their appearance on the first day.
This time recruiting people are pursuing quality. If they are recruiting warriors, it is nothing to cooperate with these rich second-generation players, and they can earn a wave of real money. But they mainly want to recruit research talents. .
Although the developer lineage is powerful, from the actual example of the base, the experience of those players who are themselves scum after choosing this lineage is extremely painful, and even there have been developers who gave up becoming researchers. In order to avoid this kind of thing Occurred, they still decided to try to recruit talents for research.
But Xueba generally does not play games, and how to get in touch with Xueba is also a problem. So after discussing for a while, they decided to imitate their own lord and flick a group of people into the game in the name of recruitment.
Since I want to recruit, I naturally have to register a company. Emperor Gan is very keen on this matter. In order to have a boss addiction, he volunteered to contract this matter, but after only two days, he regretted it.
In fact, as a code farmer who has never run a business business, starting a company is indeed a very big trouble.
From corporate verification → preparation of materials, to bank account opening, tax reporting, tax control and invoice application, social security account opening and other messy messes, he just looked dumbfounded when he searched smoothly on Baidu.
On the third day of the event, the liver emperor was still stuck on the piece of material preparation, and finally finally compromised to admit defeat, and handed over everything to the agency to do it.
Because of this, he was mocked by Xiao Cabbage for an afternoon
The efficiency of the agency is still the official, and the electronic business license is given to them in less than a week
So the two agreed to go to the headhunting company today to find professionals to help them find people
After all, high-end management talents and Xiao Cabbage can't usually get in touch with themselves, and ultimately they can only rely on some professionals.
But Emperor Gan Di waited for the right but did not wait for Xiao Cabbage's phone call. It seemed to be four o'clock in the afternoon. No one answered the Xiao Cabbage call. After considering it, Gan Di decided not to waste time. , So I went to a famous headhunting company in city c
"Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?" In the headhunting company, the beautiful lady at the front desk saw a visitor suddenly smiling like flowers.
"No, come for the first time" Gandi honestly said.
The waiter narrowed his eyes slightly. This answer is obviously not like a professional hr, nor is his temperament like a boss, especially the other person's body is particularly eye-catching in a pure suit.
However, as the customer service of a headhunting company, I know that people are not appearances. After all, I am here to recruit senior talents. The more you wear it, the more likely you are to be a big guy.
So the front desk still smiled like a flower: "Then I introduce you to a sir?"
"Oh good" Emperor Gan froze and nodded. A strange feeling rose in his heart. He always felt that the dialogue was similar to the way he went to some indescribable places.
Oh of course, he refers to the barber shop
"Mr. Please tell me your company name"
"Little Cabbage Co., Ltd."
Front desk: ""
Looking at the stunned appearance of the other side, the liver emperor smiled a little bit accustomed, but he actually protested the name, especially after seeing the mighty tauren outside daring to shout out the tribe's name. I even found the boss and talked a few times.
But unfortunately, the big boss seems to be very persistent on this name
As a second shareholder with only three tiers of shares, it is naturally impossible to turn the thigh
The front desk looked at the other party strangely, thinking when the other party was coming to play, and a search on the computer actually found that there was such a company, and the face was even more weird.
Who takes such a name so carelessly? Why not call Gherkin limited liability?
But when she saw the data in the following column, her face changed
50 million registered capital?
How can he say, the name of such a ghost day, the strength is unexpectedly impressive
Although a company with low registered capital does not mean that its own economic strength is poor, a company with large registered capital is certainly not weak.
Because the registered capital represents the responsibility of shareholders, there is a certain guarantee. The more registered capital the company has, the more civil liabilities it will bear. Especially when huge compensation is encountered, the company ’s registered capital is too high for shareholders. Quite unfavorable.
For example, if you register a 100w company, the responsibility you bear is 100w, and you owe 1000w in the name of the company. As long as you go to apply for a bankruptcy, you only pay 100w.
However, there are advantages and disadvantages. The high registered capital represents a certain proof of financial strength. After all, the stamp tax is not enough.
Sure enough, people can't look
It makes sense for seniors to teach themselves not to look down on people.
Thinking of the friendly smile at the front desk, "Sir, please wait for a while in the reception room, and a professional will come to discuss with you later."
"Do you drink tea or coffee?"
"Is there Sprite?"
Front desk: ""
This product really matches his company's name
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