Chapter 423: : The legend of Alice in the past!

"I was born in a small town called Windsor, and I heard people say that it was an extremely beautiful place, but I didn't get much impression, because from the time of being sensible I have been in the hands of a wizard family called Filnos Slave, when I was ten years old, I had two choices. One was to learn how to serve men and become prostitutes, and go to the largest brothel under the contemporary family Dean to make money for him. "
"What about the second one?" Little Cabbage was curious and aroused interest.
Alice: "The second is to learn how to fight, and then become a gladiator to go to the gladiator field opened by the Filnos branch of the Steel Empire to make money for his family."
Chinese Cabbage: ""
Really evil slave owner
"I do n’t want to be a prostitute. Although I heard that the treatment there is actually good, as long as I do n’t get some inexplicable diseases before I get old, I will have enough money to spend the rest of my life and die in a warm bed. But it ’s too miserable. Listen It is said that the children born will be slaves of the Filnos family regardless of their lineage. I was born with only two choices in this world. I do n’t want my child to be one of the prostitutes and gladiators. A future "
Little Cabbage: "So, did you choose the gladiator? There shouldn't be any chance of having a baby?"
"There are really no losers," Alice smiled. "But as long as you can win all the time, your destiny will change. At that time, the Iron and Steel Empire was still in its golden age of prosperity. Many nobles lacked excellent guards, and many were fighting. The field proved that all his slaves were appreciated by the nobility, and when he turned his side, he became a majestic knight and grandpa. As long as he can win that level, I can live the life I want. "
"That should be difficult?" Little Cabbage hesitated.
"It's difficult" Alice nodded, a flash of reminiscence flashed in her eyes: "Half of people will die during training, and the mortality rate in the first few games after entering the arena is more than 80%. Some people have calculated that there are about ten to thirty guards coming out of the Filnos family ’s arena every year, but the number of slaves that the family enters every year has never been less than one thousand.

"How did you survive?"
"Always win!" Alice said quietly. "From training to the back, it was valued by the four princes at that time. I experienced a total of 317 battles. I won without losing, and I survived."
Chinese Cabbage: ""
Although I didn't hear the description in detail, just from the other party's data, Xiao Cabbage can imagine what a Shura field will be before it succeeds.
"After that?" Little Cabbage was curious what happened to the woman who had been winning all the time
"After?" Alice smiled from the corner of her mouth, seeming to recall something very good: "It wasn't as smooth as I thought afterwards. Although the group of people under the four princes could not beat me, the other party seemed I still do n’t believe that a woman can lead the army, so I was nurtured in the direction of the scout. Ten years later, the four princes became kings, and I became an intelligence leader. Although he was not low, he could only stay in a dark place. This is not what I want "
"Then what did you do behind?" Xiao cabbage quickly asked.
"Prove yourself!" Elise smiled: "I have been looking for opportunities. The king is still martial and wants to be a northern beast. So I secretly tried to prove my chance. Until one year, the king died in a battle. Too aggressive, leading to a big defeat, all the newly expanded land was sent back, and the most terrible thing was that the front was cut off, and tens of thousands of elite troops in the front were cut off, but the situation at that time forced the king to choose. Give up those soldiers to retreat, and at that moment I knew that my opportunity came! "
Waiting for the little cabbage to continue to ask Alice, she continued: "I sneaked into the back alone, avoiding the orcs' chase along the way, and at the same time I continued to collect some small soldiers who fled, taking advantage of the chaos, the more than 100,000 elite troops I actually collected 30% of this, and this result was something I did n’t expect at first.

"Doesn't the Orcs chase you down?" Little Cabbage asked curiously.
"Chasing" Alice smiled: "So I chose to divide the soldiers under my hand into dozens of waves and let them flee to the designated place, and the orcs want to chase us, naturally they can only be divided into dozens of waves. It ’s a tribe. When the people are separated, the command will be different. The interoperability is much worse than before, and our actions are unified, where they are scattered, where they are gathered, what the route is, and what is the estimated time. All of them have precise deployment, and there is also the status of arcane crystal connection with each other. The efficiency is much higher than the scattered tribes. I have designed how to get rid of the killing of several troops, and then quickly merge other troops in other places and gather strength. Then they can ambush and strangle the orc chasing soldiers. "
"After a few waves, there are fewer and fewer soldiers to chase. The tribes were originally alliance-based. After a few waves of heavy losses, some tribal chiefs were reluctant to send the elite under their hands, and they would push each other off, but the more hesitant they were, we The better
"What about later?"
"Later, later, a group of us burned and looted in the grasslands. When we met big tribes, we walked around. When we met small tribes, we robbed and occasionally saved some fellow prisoners. Once the orcs were surrounded, we dispersed. Anyway, it was Constant harassment, when the other party's power is loose, they will be wiped out. In the past few years, our team has grown stronger and bigger, and there are seven or eighty thousand in the future. "
Chinese Cabbage: ""
This tactic sounds so familiar
"Of course, all of this has not been smooth sailing. I have also encountered a lot of danger during the period, and I have almost fallen into a desperate situation. The loss is also very large. Every year, new people are coming in, and every year there are people dying. In the fifth year of rafting behind the tribe, the king finally launched his second expedition to the north. After so many years of rafting, he finally waited for an opportunity. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I and Wang Shangli Yingwaihe won the Heihe River Basin together, so that the Gangwu Empire Successfully established a base in the North "
"What officer did your king give you after that?"
"He still wants me to go back and continue to be his intelligence leader," Elise smiled.
Chinese Cabbage: ""
"But later I found that the situation did not allow me to be in the north for all these years, and all the soldiers who survived were tigers and wolf-like villains. At that time, none of the legions under the hands of the five princes of the king could beat me, and those The soldiers did not trust the king who abandoned them at that time. In this case, in order to ensure that these tiger-wolf soldiers were still used by him to resist the orcs, the king chose to envelope me and made me the sixth prince of the empire. "
"It's amazing" Xiao Cabbage heartily praised it and looked at people's life, which made those poorly mixed but complaining about their bad origins feel uncomfortable.
"What about behind? How are you doing?"
"Very good!" Alice recalled the moment of the highest light in front of her: "In the following years, my status has grown higher and my strength has steadily improved. With my own territory and people, I also found a look. Beautiful scholars entered my lord ’s house, the men looked good, and the children were beautiful, which was in line with my expectations of life.

"Yes" Little Cabbage: "I thought you would find a strong man"
Alice tilted her head and looked at her: "I don't have the strength to find a man with strength, I have the strength to myself. Why should I go to find someone with strength? Isn't it good to find a beautiful one?"
"Good!" Little Cabbage nodded again and again: "Very good!"
"What about behind?"
"Die behind"
Alice looked at the other person and pointed at herself: "Do you look like I am like a living person?"
"Er" small cabbage noodles smoked, swallowed a spit: "Then you die?"
"Don't talk about this disgraceful thing"
Chinese Cabbage: ""
"Then why did you come here again?"
Alice briefly met herself with the undead lord. Afterwards, Pu Yunchuan sent home and was chased by her descendants. Then she talked about her experience of being transported.
The little cabbage suddenly froze in a daze, couldn't help but cursed and said: "The dog is hot, it turns out that other players of Nima put it in?"
"Then why did you find me?"
Little Cabbage asked the question he wanted to ask most
She would like to know that, in the vast sea of ​​people, a stupid fork player that she doesn't know at all put npc into reality, why is it that she is suffering?
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