Chapter 478: : Go abroad with me

By the fourth day of the game, the Zhuolu quarter-finals had become even more boring. Basically, they just conceded the defeat when the two sides fell off. This made some people who were originally looking forward to seeing the game a bit disappointed.
Although I know that Kunlun's performance of martial arts has always been urinary, but this year's lineup is particularly good, all the trump cards are out, Zhang Lingyu re-entered the mountain again after 30 years of retreat. Both of them actually fell outside the quarterfinals, which is really disappointing ...
After that, the original dark horse Luofu children all confessed in the next game, leaving many audiences speechless. Although they understood the tactical arrangement, they knew that they reserved their strength for the secret trip in the future, but this behavior was for those who watched the game. It is undoubtedly the most unfriendly.
In the next few days, under several field competitions, Kunlun won the first place in the fourteenth, followed by Quanzhen, Maoshan and Emei's trump cards, and then won the semi-finals. Humble let the atmosphere end in a hurry, then the secret trip was opened after three days, and this thing is exclusive to the ten major schools, and outsiders have no chance to see the lively ...
However, many practitioners did not disperse so quickly. Most of them stayed in Kunlun Town for a few days. Although the accommodation and daily necessities here are extremely expensive, most of them come here to meet people and exchange information. , Those expensive prices are not worth mentioning.
Hearing Guo Hongde explaining these things, Huang Shao asked curiously: "Why don't you set up a spot outside the area for exchanges? The Kunlun Yanwu will be held every three years, wouldn't it delay the development of exchanges?"
"Which is so simple?" Guo Hongde shook his head: "Our circle of casual repairs is very cluttered, and there are all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods. Perhaps an old man who looks like a fairy with a bone and a kind face is a murderous man in the back, or simply Evil cultivation that people's blood, who would dare to go to those open exchanges for loose cultivation in this situation? That's all fledgling newcomers, most of them are hunting sites for some evil cultivation ...
He paused and said: "Although the price is a little bit expensive, and it is only open once every three years, it wins in safety. At least no one dares to make trouble here, and no one has the courage to kill people here, relatively speaking. It ’s much safer to exchange and learn from each other ’s experience here, even to trade some items ... "
"It turns out so ..." Huang Shao nodded suddenly and secretly said: This is a good deal ...
"Now, here ..." Guo Hongde pointed to a larger building in front of him: "This is the trading place Kunlun specially provided for these bulk repairs, but in this transaction, 20% of the transaction should be paid. Handling fee ... "
"Twenty percent?" Huang Shao froze: "So dark?"
"Black is a bit dark ... but after-sales service is still possible ..." Guo Hongde smiled: "But everyone who has traded here will file for Kunlun. If you are murdered and oversold, Kunlun will definitely avenge you. Kunlun has a high case resolution rate, and most of the evil repairs that dared to do so did not end well, which is equivalent to paying a protection fee ... "
"It sounds like the pattern is a bit familiar ..." Huang Shao said silently ...
"Oh, Brother Hong De is here?" Soon after Guo Hongde took Huang Shao into the trading floor, someone took the initiative to greet him.
Huang Shao looked back and saw that the person was an extremely tall old man. The figure was nearly two meters tall. The white beard was a few centimeters long, but his body was quite straight. It seemed to be more spirited than young people. many.
"This is a real person from Xu Bai, Changbai Mountain, a famous senior in the casual repair circle ..." Guo Hongde quickly introduced.
"Eh, what a real person is not a real person, our kind of casual repair is called a real person in this kind of place, and we can't help laughing ...." The old man with the surname Xu waved and smiled, and then asked: "This little brother is?"
"Oh, this is Huang Shao, the young master of the Huang Group." Guo Hongde introduced.
"Oh ..." As soon as I heard it, the second generation of the rich vulgars, who had the surname of Xu, did not have much interest, and then looked at Guo Hongde and said: "Brother Hongde can, when will I get on with Yunshan?" Alright? "
"How can I catch it? Just know a few friends ..." Guo Hongde said modestly.
"Friends who can be watched by Shi Ting are not easy friends ..." Xu Zhenren smiled and said: "When will you know me?"
"There is a chance!" Guo Hongde said quickly.
Xu Zhenren's pupil shrank slightly after hearing that, and then implicitly handed a bag of things over to lower his voice and said, "Don't mind if it's a small gift."
Guo Hongde took the thing and opened it, and then a strong fragrance came across his face. He suddenly surprised his face and quickly covered the bag: "This gift is a bit heavy, I ca n’t bear it, I ca n’t bear it ..." said It is about to be postponed.
Upon seeing this, Xu Zhenren held the bag and whispered, "Xu Mou has something to ask for."
"You talk about things first ..." Guo Hongde narrowed his eyes.
Xu Zhenren hesitated for a while and then whispered: "Xu Mou recently went out of practice, thinking that there was a mistake in the operation of the meridians, and the blood became more unstable in these weathers. If Brother Guo knows Yunshan, would you recommend it? I am grateful to the old man, and the old man is very grateful.
"This ..." Guo Hongde hesitated and then whispered: "I can help you to ask, but what is the specific result, Guo Mou will not guarantee ..."
"It's okay, it's okay, just try your best ..." Xu Zhenren accompanied the smiling face and pushed it back again.
Guo Hongde just put things away in a reluctant manner and sighed: "Yes, Guo must do his best ..."
"There is work, there is work ..."
After two more polite words, they said goodbye to each other, and Huang Shao approached, seeing, "What's so good this time?"
For Guo Hongde to accept gifts under the guise of Yunshan, he has been strange for the past two days. According to Guo Hongde, these loose cultivation practices are too difficult, and they are often willing to pay a huge price for a little guidance or practice.
"Good thing ..." Guo Hongde opened the bag and gave Huang Shao a glance: "The wild ginseng in Changbai Mountain for thousands of years, whether it is practice or death, is a rare medicinal material. Come to Huang Shao ... etc. I'll trouble you for a trip ... "said Huang Shao, who packed most of the ginseng in the bag.
"Thousands of years? Really fake?" Huang Shao didn't agree.
"Eh, I can't admit it wrong. We can do some sort of identification on medicinal materials. The long-term surnamed Xu lives in Changbai Mountain. The ancestors of the ancestors have been visitors for generations. What about ... "
"That means doing practical work this time?" Huang Shao smiled.
Guo Hongde has received a lot of gifts in recent days, and every time he is dirty with Huang Shao, but there are very few real cases of doing things for people. After all, he ca n’t always trouble others Mu Yunji, so they choose some high-quality loose repairs. Things to do.
Although most of them do n’t accept gifts, as long as Guo Hongde does one or two of these things, and his reputation has gone out, many people still line up to give him gifts ...
Guo Hongde hurriedly said: "This Changbai Mountain has a lot of good medicines, and it is rich in the last year's mountain ginseng. It has a good relationship with him and benefits endlessly ..."
"OK ... what you say is ..." Huang Shao smiled and received the gift: "I won't die if I eat this?"
"As little as possible ..." Huang Shao said with a smile: "Even if you don't practice, you can boost your blood ..."
"Oh, that's the case ..." Just as the two were proud of their stolen goods, a glutinous voice came.
Guo Hongde was suddenly taken aback. The voice was almost against the two. He didn't respond at all. He knew that the cultivation of others was far above him.
Huang Shao didn't think so much. When he looked back, he saw a familiar bun face, so he laughed: "Xiaojia, what is the grass on your head?"
The coming person is Wang Chengbo's sister, Wang Goudan ...
"It doesn't matter ..." Wang Goudan grinned: "What thousand-year-old ginseng do you have, I also want to ..."
"Good ..." Huang Shao shook his head humorously and handed two past.
"This is?" Guo Hongde narrowed his eyes and asked.
"Oh ... Cheng Bo's sister, Wang Xiaojia ..." Huang Shao laughed.
Cheng Bo's sister?
Guo Hongde thought about it and immediately remembered that Huang Shao once mentioned that Wang Chengbo's sister was a disciple of Luo Fu ...
Thinking of this, Guo Hongde immediately moved his mind and said: This must be a good stutter ...
"By Xiaojia, what are you doing here?" Huang Shao asked curiously.
"Find you ..."
"Look for me?" Huang Shao froze: "Just to participate?"
"My brother said you can speak the language of several countries? And mixed with you in business class?"
"Ah ..." Huang Shao stunned: "And then?"
"You go abroad with me ..."
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