Chapter 521: : Line selection

These days, after carefully inquiring about the young man of the Thunder tribe, Alice probably understands that a piece of black water is infected by mutation ...
"According to the other party's intelligence speculation, several golden tribes in the middle and upper reaches are estimated to be affected ..." Inside Alice's tent, Alice opened the map and made an appointment for the liver emperor and the old mayor who came with the army Thur explained the current situation ...
"There were many powerful tribes in the affected areas, with a population of up to 10 million. As a nomadic people, the orcs are far superior to the human race in terms of mobility and individual combat ability. Going forward, and in this way, survivors will definitely be greatly compressed in this generation of the middle and late Kasser Plains and the Org Prairie in the north. With limited resources, maybe internal disputes have begun now .. .. what do you think? "
When Joseph heard the words, he fell into a state of contemplation, and the Emperor Gan on the side also pretended to be in a state of contemplation ... The former was digesting intelligence, the latter ..... completely incomprehensible ...
"How many routes are there now?" Old Joseph asked after a moment of contemplation.
"Sanjo ....." Elise pointed to the map. The first was to go west along the Heishui River, straight to the Kaser Plain with the highest golden soil coverage in the north. This area is home to many powerful tribes. , Three of the top ten golden tribes are entrenched here, which is also the most likely area for those who have escaped from the disaster area of ​​the Heishui River Basin. It was originally the place where the largest grassland dispute was in the north because of the large number of tribes involved. After pouring into the millions of victims, it will be even more chaotic, and it is the best place to fish in muddy water, but from the mouth of this little guy called Bagh, I learned that the mutation area is expanding rapidly, and there is a possibility that I will face mutation. The threat of energy, and the tribal resistance there is strong, the relative risk is high ... "
After a pause, he pointed to the middle line: "The second is the Org Prairie which directly points to the northern orc center, where the strongest warhammer tribe of the northern orc is stationed, with the only central city of the orc : Ogg City, and due to the strength of the Warhammer family, this place was originally the best part of the Orc Order, but the core of the outbreak of the Black Goat Map is Ogg City, and the orc loss here is definitely the most heavy, even if it is The Warhammer family, after this cataclysm, will definitely be torn apart without being completely destroyed, so if you walk from here, the resistance you encounter should be the smallest, but because the area affected by this is relatively large, the resources and population that can be contested should be both limited....."
Old Joseph nodded, then pointed to the map: "What about this last one?"
Alice looked at the line that the other person was pointing at, and the beautiful night pupil squinted slightly. She didn't say which one the third one was. The other person pointed it out directly. It didn't happen that the old guy was not only a good politician , Actually read military maps ...
"The third one is to go to the Black Stone Forest. You can reach the Black Gold Plain through the Black Stone Trail. There are the sites of the Black Stone Tribe and the Dragon Crow. There are many entrenched forces. The situation is similar to the first route, but there are The advantage that the first line does not have is that the mutation energy there is relatively weak, and you should not face the crisis of expansion and corrosion of the mutation zone for the time being ... "
"That sounds the third good!" Emperor Gan quickly clapped his hands and said: finally inserted a sentence ...
Joseph is quietly waiting for the following, because he knows that if the road is completely okay, the other party will not get the last word ... and will not give himself a choice question ... .
"It's good, but it may meet other competitors at the base ..." Alice smiled and pointed to the southern location of Black Stone Forest: "The southern location of Black Stone Forest is the Gangdolin of the human city, I remember Only two days ago, the main base announced that it was set as one of the strategic points of future players. The owner here seems to be quite familiar with you ... "
Emperor Gan was surprised for a moment, and felt that the name Gangdolin was quite familiar, and he thought about it carefully. Isn't this the city that Puyunchuan kid eats by eating soft rice?
I'm going to ... meet so soon ...
"Gondolin wants to expand to the outside world, he will definitely follow this path, and if we go here, it is very likely that there will be a conflict of interest with them ..." Elise smiled.
Joseph frowned: "Do you understand that force? If there is a conflict, how sure are you to gain an advantage?"
Alice: "Ten percent!"
Both Emperor Gan and Joseph were shocked, and felt that these words were a bit domineering ...
Alice called Hache and waited for their answers. She was n’t exaggerating that she could win Pu Yunchuan ’s power by 10%. She had paid attention to the power over there. She probably knew the situation. In terms of paper strength, My own side is the elite orcs fed by the Chinese cabbage with Warcraft meat. Both the stability and strength are stronger than those of the mutant soldiers under Isabel ’s hand, and the weapons and equipment here have cultivated many elves because of the early strength of the Chinese cabbage. With the help of high-quality fire essence and gold essence, the forged armor and weapons are definitely beyond the level of this planet ...
Among the high-end combatants, Liver Emperor ranks third in Green Titans today, far higher than Pu Yunchuan, as for strategic aspects ...
Alice smiled slightly, and she admitted that Isabel was the best one of her descendants, but it was only excellent, and she wanted to play with herself, but she was still waiting ...
"No, no ..... this time it was so embarrassing to collide with Laochuan, let's take the first one ..." Gandi was very loyal.
Joseph immediately frowned when he heard the words. From the mouth of Emperor Gan, the owner of the Gangdolin force should have a good relationship with him, but can this be confused?
In his philosophy, human relations belong to human relations, and interests belong to interests. For a little human relations, he gave up a good line. He thinks that his head is flooding ...
So he looked to Alice. As a newcomer, he directly opposed the old man here. If Alice is willing to hold an objection, he will support Alice ...
Alice looked at Joseph's expected expression, then looked at Emperor Gan, and then smiled: "OK, let's go to the first one ..."
The tone was random, and the old Joseph was shocked, and he said: This guy does not look like a person who is acting hard, how can he also follow such nonsense?
But looking around, he found that Emperor Gan's smiley face turned to Alice: "Well, why should you grab a meal with your brother if you have a choice? Oh, yes, I remember the woman in Pu Yunchuan seemed You also have a relationship ... "
"um, yes....."
"What's the relationship?"
"I am her ancestor ..."
"I go, all ancestors come, how many generations ahead is this?"
"I think about it, Isabel was passed on by the child of my sixth husband, Madison, and the genealogy records that that was passed to Isabel for a total of nine generations, so it should be considered to be ahead of the nine generations That look ... "
"No ..... sixth husband?" Pu Yunchuan was taken aback for a moment, he noticed that Alice used a person instead of Ren ...
Faced with this problem, Alice also smiled without hesitation: "I am the first prince of the empire. According to the laws of the empire, I can have seven legal partners. This is not a private male pet ... "
"Your aristocracy is really chaotic ..." Liver Emperor envied with saliva ...
Looking at the two, the farther and farther Joseph could not help but coughed and said helplessly: "Should we discuss something serious?"
"Isn't this all finished? Take the first one ..." Elise shrugged.
"I ..." Joseph suddenly choked, wanting to say that I haven't commented yet ...
But suddenly, he realized something, and suddenly understood why Alice followed the meaning of Gandi. This guy wanted to draw the other side to weaken his sense of existence ...
Looking at the two who had become more and more familiar, Joseph was alert in his heart ...
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