Chapter 524: : Something wrong with the little cabbage .....

Inside the small cabbage base ...
A white deer cautiously served lunch for his chieftain. Her name is Lulusi, and she is the personal nanny appointed by the young cabbage ...
Unlike other orcs in the base, Luluth looks very smart and beautiful, and the lines are far less rough than other orcs, which is in line with human aesthetics ...
However, due to their weak physical stature and lack of competitiveness, this type of animal species is actually very rare in the orc grassland. They generally live in the forest and rely on sour wild fruits ...
As for why it appears in the small cabbage base, it is actually a coincidence. Behind the mountain forest where the Tauren tribe is located, there is actually a family of white deer, but this family is very low-key and understands hiding. , Causing the tauren in the middle of the mountain to know that this family exists, but rarely seen them.
Until that day, the tribe ’s fruit farmers reported that there were thieves stealing fruit. At first, the tribe people thought that they were naughty, and when they went back, they pulled the heads of the young people under the age of ten and beat them hard ... .
As a result, it was discovered by the jackal based on the traces that it turned out to be a thief .....
Later, under the leadership of the jackals, they found the Ruth family ...
The thief was naturally Ruth. Ruth ’s parents were injured by a beast attack some time ago. Her father died badly. Her mother survived but she could only be paralyzed at home for the time being. Four or five children, as the oldest Lulusi naturally took the burden of looking for food ....
But it is too difficult to find food in the mountains this winter. The parents just stole the wild fruit of a mound beast and angered the other party ....
After sloshing in vain, she suddenly boldly came to the Tauren site where her parents did not allow her to come ...
Then I found that there are so many sweet fruits!
The sweet smell tempted her to have the courage to tell the truth that she had never eaten such delicious fruit ...
So under the pressure of life, I finally sat down on this forced theft, and then it was naturally discovered within a few days ...
At that time, her mother was very panic, desperately begging those fierce-faced tauren to let go of their children ... It was willing to pay back the losses by ...
She didn't understand what compensation meant. My mother didn't seem to have a few pounds of meat, and she didn't have much meat ...
Sure enough, the chieftain of this tribe did not look at his mother, so he stayed behind and took care of himself ...
Because I was taken care of by the so-called little cabbage, my brother and sister were also received by the tribe, and they had warm tents and sweet fruits. Of course, the premise is that they can take good care of the little cabbage ...
In order to allow her mother and younger siblings to continue to live these days full of food and clothing, she has been carefully waiting for these days ...
But she actually found that this little cabbage lord who made so many tall orcs worship the gods seems not difficult to take care of, because she sleeps most of the day ... and can sleep more than the wild boars in the mountains ...
All she had to do was to send in the food when she had ordered it, take care of the other person and then take it out. When the sober cabbage was sober, she asked what she would like to eat tomorrow .... That ’s about it ...
At this time, as usual, I did n’t have to shout myself, and the little Chinese cabbage sat up seduced by the aroma of the food ...
After Ruth put the food lightly, he quickly came over and put on a coat for the cabbage ...
But in fact, she thinks that this step is not meaningful, and the tent is not cold. I heard that the shaman said that there is a fire elf guarding the adult. It is quite warm inside. As long as you do n’t pay attention to the wind when you come in, it is impossible Let the little Chinese cabbage get cold ...
However, she heard that there was a tauren before who didn't pay attention to the details and caused the little cabbage to get sick, so she was kicked out, which made her afraid to ...
Xiao Cabbage squinted and walked to the food like a walking dead, and he began to eat and drink. In less than half a minute, a lot of things were eaten clean ...
After eating, I sniffed, it seems to find that I have n’t eaten, so I did n’t even wipe my mouth, and I ran out of bed ...
Lulusi looked at the plate that was licked with no grease, and secretly said: It seems that tomorrow will have to increase ...
She did not expect that this little cabbage looks so petite, but it can be eaten abnormally, and it can be eaten day by day. The key is that it is still inactive. After eating, sleeping, eating ...
She even suspected that the little Chinese cabbage at this time was not sober, but that her instincts were guiding her to do so ...
However, she shouldn't take care of these things. After packing up the plate, she carefully backed out ...
After leaving the tent, Ruth felt that the temperature dropped abruptly, but it did n’t matter much, because she had rarely felt cold since she had a jacket from her. After all, her wild deer was still very resistant to cold and heat. Yes, I used to be naked when I was in the snow and ice, and the whole family hugged and warmed up in the cave when sleeping ...
It ’s like now, there are wind-proof tents, warm quilts, fresh porridge in the morning, full and delicious pastries, and delicious broth and sweet fruits at night, this kind of day without worry about hunger and cold , She really wants to keep it ....
If he could meet this adult earlier, maybe his father would not have to leave them ...
With a grateful heart, Lulu carefully closed the tent and carefully observed for a week to confirm that there was no air leakage before leaving with a plate.
She hasn't finished her work. In addition to this sleepy chieftain, there are a group of people in the tribe who need to be reminded to eat ...
It is the group of humans who have gathered in the metal house all day long and are as thin as adults like little cabbage ...
Unlike the sleepy little cabbage, the group of people is busy all day and night, working at all hours, although I do n’t quite understand what they are busy, but I heard they are doing The important thing is that the shamans and the witch doctors in the tribe treat this group as gods ...
From time to time, I will see a shaman and a witch doctor asking questions with doubt, and every time I get advice, I laugh like a treasure, which looks solemn when facing the other orcs of the tribe in peace days. The appearance is completely different.
"Lilith is here?" In the Tin House, as usual, the first thing he noticed when he came was a young man with a strange glass mirror.
This man is called Jimmy, and it is also the youngest one in this metal house ...
Listening to the tauren in the base said that this guy is difficult to contact. He always dislikes the kobold in the base for serving food, but he didn't see it. I feel that this person is very enthusiastic, although sometimes the passion is too much ...
"What's so delicious today?"
"There are taro raw incense, amethyst rice porridge, red crystal fruit ..." Lulusi smiled and said: "Master Elise said before you left, you can't eat too greasy things at night ... ... "
Looking at Liris's crisp smile, Jimmy's heart beat, and there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.
Seemingly unable to bear the other's eyes, Lucy hurriedly brought lunch to the others.
But at lunch, she obviously felt that Jimmy's eyes would stare at her from time to time, but whenever he looked back, he would pretend to eat seriously.
After Lulusi took the tableware and left, Maya, who was in charge of the potion, gave him a white look: "How do you always stare at Lulusi's butt?"
In the face of the companion's straight question, Jimmy was not ashamed. He asked seriously: "Who can I stare at? The cows in the tribe?"
"Young people have a very strong taste .... Actually they like animal beasts ..." The physicist Bill Els, who is responsible for the research of energy fusion transformation, is a man's expression of slyness ...
"What's the matter? In terms of biology, I'm not a human anymore. Isn't it a prohibition to pursue a different race?" Jimmy retorted.
And Madeleine, who is in charge of biogenetics next to her, said seriously: "From the perspective of biogenetics, there is almost no chance that girl can see you ..."
"Why?" Jimmy froze.
Madeleine: "I have studied the orc genes of this planet these days and found that these guys' genes have a strong fusion and there is no biological isolation between different races."
"Isn't this great?" Jimmy hurriedly said.
"But there is also a strong circumvention. Weak genes seem to be willing to merge powerful ones, but powerful ones have little interest in genes that are not as good as them. I observed that this phenomenon is also true in biological performance, such as the one you like. The beast mother seems to prefer the strong tauren, and often talks to her when she is okay, but the tauren have little interest in her ... "
"You know it again?" Jimmy said a little unhappy.
"Of course I know ..." Madeleine said lightly as if she hadn't seen Jimmy's unhappy face: "I asked the tauren who was accosted, they all said they didn't like Ruthus, the body was too slim , The pelvis is easy to withstand the impact and be crushed during mating ... "
Jimmy: "........."
"Relatively speaking, you are the same ..." Madeleine yawned and looked at Jimmy. "In terms of physiological conditions, you have no attraction to Ruthus like a needle stick .. ... "
"Enough, you vulgar man !!" Jimmy jumped up suddenly.
"Trust me Jimmy, although Madeleine spoke a bit straightforward, but decided to take the heart ..." Maya smiled aside.
What is special about the heart ...
After a pause, Jimmy hesitated and said, "What would you say if I changed a gene and chose Green Titan?"
Madeleine took a serious look at him and said: "You will be kicked by the little cabbage ..."
Jimmy: "..."
"Speaking of Master Cabbage, do you feel that she has been a little wrong recently?" Maya next to him suddenly said.
"What's wrong with her? I slept like a pig lately ..." Jimmy snorted.
"I slept a little too much ..." Madeleine frowned. Recently, the Chinese cabbage has only been active for two or three hours a day. Almost all of the time she is sleeping.
"And the speed at which the elves have evolved at the base recently seems to be a little too fast ..." Bill looked at the floating elves outside the window with some worry ...
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