Chapter 535: : Heavy routines

"A little bit of progress" Xi Ye looked at the video, nodded secretly at Pu Yunchuan's performance, and then asked: "Is this set of rhetoric arranged by Isabel in advance for him?"
Intelligence: "From the monitoring point of view, it should not be, all players do not know what is being monitored, and there should be no secret operations"
"Always feel a little fake" Xi Ye habitually knocked on the table: "Where do you think he learned these words?"
Intelligence: "Sino 2 animation, S2 novels, forum mouth guns, all possible"
Xiye: "How is the effect?"
Intelligence: "From the point of view of monitoring, most of the soldiers are willing to continue the journey. The small soldiers are hesitant and are arranged to the injured disabled soldiers to return. From the current point of view, Pu Yunchuan's performance has been recognized by the soldiers, as long as they can Going back with success, I believe I will slowly gain a foothold in the military. "
Xiye Wenyan nodded. As a combat player, how to position himself in his own power. The example of Pu Yunchuan is a typical example for the majority of players. It has great promotional and demonstration significance. After all, most players today are just ordinary people. , How to quickly adapt to their role positioning, some excellent case demonstration is necessary
"Master Lord, Kunlun's secret realm has been unusual for more than a month." Smart reminded another important matter
Xiye Wenyan sighed slightly. The secret situation was seen outside the Kunlun ancestor ’s permission. After all, Kunlun itself was also very worried about the safety of his core disciples. This time the secret situation was suddenly blocked for more than a month. It was too abnormal.
However, after reaching the periphery, Xiye found that this secret realm has a strong legal power. How strong Xiye does not know, but she ca n’t enter, that is to say, at least above the fifth level, for a low-magic planet. The power of the law above level five is very surprised in Ye heart.
Generally speaking, the laws of local appearance are all religious civilizations. The original gods formed through faith will form some incomplete laws in places, such as the of time and the of the earth. Of course, it is difficult to compare them to their regular gods who have been systematically trained.
After all, did you pay so much training fees?
According to the comparison, the local gods formed by the indigenous people want to compete with the regular gods, at least higher than the strength of the third-level living body. That is to say, behind this Kunlun secret law, there is at least one unknown existence above eighth level.
This made Xi Ye feel a little worried in her heart
There is only a mysterious undead lord on the other side of the New Territories. On the d-ball side, there may be an indigenous living body above level 8, which has caused many unknown variables in the original development process. Is this the good thing in Central Chinese?
"Continue to pay close attention to these two player forces, their success has a positive impact on the base, but as long as there are no major problems, try not to interfere"
Intelligence: "Good Lord Lord"-
As the intelligence said, Pu Yunchuan is very popular in the Wesker team because of the performance of these two days, and he can even compare with Wesker.
After realizing this situation, Mirren was even more determined to return to Gangdolin. He advocated abandoning the soldiers and ran away that day. He did n’t know that those soldiers had passed them. Most of the soldiers walking in the camp today look at themselves. His eyes are a bit cold.
In fact, Mirren was quite wronged. At that time, the survivors on the rock wall basically wanted to escape, including Wesk, and the result is now like a shameful way of doing it.
Now that I have lost my legs, if I continue to follow the team, the danger will increase, and I will certainly not get any good. It is better to go back and just report my thoughts to Master Isabel.
The fat man named Yunchuan, who obviously has stronger strength than the general, but pretends to be an ordinary soldier lurking next to Lord Isabelle. There is absolutely no conspiracy. He has to go back and report all this to the adult, so that the adult can see this clearly. Guy's face! !
Isabel is a wise nobleman, and he will never be deceived by this sinister guy like these one-strength soldiers!
Two days after I figured it out, Mirren looked very honest, and was subordinated to the group of disabled soldiers after listening to the command. During the period, he did not provoke Pu Yunchuan once.
After distributing supplies and escorting the soldiers, Pu Yunchuan's group and Millen were completely divided into two waves. The thought of Pu Yunchuan's mood was particularly good when he thought that he didn't need to see the hair catcher in the later trip.
But it cannot be shown at this time, because Jack and others are comforting the black bear who is about to be taken back.
At this time, the black bear shrunk in half of its body, and its hands and feet were condensed like a short radish. A face was half normal and half like a withered bark, and it looked quite lame.
Black bear's emotions can be said to be quite collapsed as if he was not a ghost or a ghost. Jack found that he wanted to commit suicide several times and stopped him in time.
Now when he heard that he was going to be arranged back, the black bear became more and more unwilling, sobbing: "Brother, let me stay, I would rather die here, rather than go back and be crippled like this"
He looked at Pu Yunchuan and showed his hunger. With the status of Pu Yunchuan today, as long as he went to talk to Wesk, the possibility of leaving a black bear was very high.
Pu Yunchuan glanced at the other party, stupefied: "You are now dragged down by this situation, we still take great care of you"
Black Bear's face suddenly darkened when he heard the words, and he smiled bitterly: "Also"
Jack and others frowned at Pu Yunchuan, feeling that this brother was too realistic
"Then give me a break," Black Bear asked. "I really don't want to go back and toss this ghost like this."
"Brother, you" Jack was anxious, just wanted to persuade, but was interrupted by the black bear: "Brother don't say it, you have seen me like this, even and pee everyone needs to wait, and the disability is nothing The difference, there is still your care here. After I went back to me, I did n’t have any relatives and children. Was n’t it rotten and dying at home?
The people around were suddenly silent, the other party said sadly, but it was the truth
"You panic, aren't you a good guy when you go back to the doctor?" Pu Yunchuan pouted.
When the people around were stunned, the black bear was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly: "I am laughing, how can I treat this look?"
"Who said that the doctor is not good? Isn't there a mage there? I tell you that the mage is very capable and will definitely heal you."
"Adults don't need to comfort me," Black Bear said sadly.
"I didn't comfort you," Pu Yunchuan said seriously: "I used to be much heavier than you. I was not cured, and not only was healed, but my body was much stronger than before." Pu Yunchuan said, bending his arms and applying makeup The technique was dismantled, revealing Green Titan ’s sturdy arms and saying: "My body is different from yours, but it is not a mutation, but the mage transformed me."
"What?" Several people around for a moment froze, and the black bear's eyes lit up: "Really?"
"Of course it is true!" Pu Yunchuan vowed: "You don't think I have practiced grudge, why is it so strong?"
As soon as the words came out, everyone suddenly realized, secretly said: so
The black bear became agitated at once: "Isn't the adult framed me?"
"What are you doing?" Pu Yunchuan rolled his eyes. "I'm not eating too much. You can go back home with peace of mind. When you go back, go directly to the old mage in the metal house and say that I recommend you. He Will help you "
After a pause, he said: "But this matter has not been made public yet. After you have been cured, don't spread it everywhere."
Black Bear nodded with excitement when she heard the words!
Seeing this, Pu Yunchuan was relieved in his heart, thinking about Isabel ’s second thing, please, it seems that the problem is not serious.
Biological evolution experiments require volunteers. In general, if you use ordinary soldiers to experiment, you will definitely encounter resistance. Isabel told him before coming. If you want to popularize the biological experiments in the Zuan civilization, you must let the public see the benefits. The first batch of volunteers must be arranged as soon as possible.
Obviously, the black bears, wounded and disabled soldiers, are the first ideal volunteers.
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