Chapter 548: : The first entry into Kuroishihara ...

It is said that after Pu Yunchuan's group decided to continue this detection mission, they said goodbye to the wounded Milan group the next day and embarked on a journey.
After entering the Black Stone Forest, it is not as dangerous as they imagined. There have been few mutants encountered along the way, and at most you will see some mutant plants, and the degree of danger is not very high.
According to Pu Yunchuan's analysis, the mutant monsters they encountered outside the forest should have been the top of the black stone forest food, and because of its existence, many creatures have moved away from here.
Before coming to the site, the developer's boss also gave him an analysis. Due to the outbreak of the black goat map, many local ecological circles will be broken. It is very likely that a place will be occupied by a kind of creature!
Obviously Pu Yunchuan encountered this situation, causing the forest to go all the way, even the larger carnivorous creatures could not be seen, no wonder that the guy would hunt outside the forest ...
However, Pu Yunchuan caused a lot of oversized piranhas when they took a bath. At that time, they also scared a group of people to run around with bare buttocks. Afterwards, Pu Yunchuan proposed to grab some fish and eat fresh fish.
The area of ​​the Black Stone Forest is not large. Several people walked out of the forest and headed to the Black Stone Trail almost before dark that day, and then encountered the first unexpected thing ...
That was the original Blackstone Plain's first barrier to humans: the Blackstone Trail level was abandoned ...
Originally, the biggest force in the Blackrock Plain was the Blackstone tribe with the most powerful witch doctor heritage. As the most powerful tribe in this position, they enjoyed the most resources while also shouldering the heavy responsibility of defending the human race.
So the Blackstone tribe spent a lot of manpower to set up a checkpoint camp at the Blackstone trail entrance, and dispatched troops to use this small terrain for military defense and early warning.
First of all, it is difficult to break through due to the terrain, and once the Terran invasion is found, the garrison will use wolves or birds to notify the rear, and then it is convenient for the high-level Blackstone tribes to organize other small and medium tribes to resist the attack of the Terran!
Wesker is very familiar with this model. His military career has been in the seven cities in the northwest for almost his entire life, and this generation of King Jiawen is also a good king. He has accompanied many generals to attack the Blackstone Plains in recent years. The first thing to come here is to calculate how to win here with a thunderbolt, so that the Blackstone tribe can not organize the defense!
There are not many people who can do this in history. There are only three people in total, namely Marshal Rox, Lord Isabel the Red Duke and Lord Elise, one of the ten legends of the golden generation of the Empire!
Wesk had no idea about whether his group could get the Blackrock Trail quickly, but Lord Isabel also said that when the time came, now the Blackstone Plains is likely to have a civil strife, and the garrison on the Blackrock Trail may not be as usual. Strictly, their first task is to detect the authenticity of this speculation.
If here is still the same as before, Pu Yunchuan and his group will quickly return to Gangdolin ...
That night Lisk also led a group of school officials to discuss tactics with Pu Yunchuan, and finally decided to lead Pu Yunchuan to organize the mutant ape mutant soldiers who are good at climbing among the mutant soldiers to carry out a lightning raid ...
If the gate in the Blackstone Trail was successfully opened and a signal was sent, Wesker led the people to launch the general attack. As a result, Pu Yunchuan led the team to the next day, but found that there was no resistance in the Blackstone camp, only a few were starving to death. veteran....
After the interrogation, I learned that, as Isabel said, there was a great disturbance in the Blackrock Plains. It is said that because of this mutation, five major gold tribes across the Org Plains have fled, and two of them have come to the Blackrock Plains. In addition to the foreign high-level tribes, the situation in the plain is very fierce. Almost in the third month of the mutation, the garrison here withdrew from the high-level black stone plain!
Those who stayed here were veterans who had nothing to do with it, and listening to these veterans said that the supply here had been cut off from the fifth month. They had sent letters to them, but there was no response ...
The tribe seems to have happened something terrible!
Facing this situation, Pu Yunchuan asked curiously: "Why don't you run away?"
At this time, Pu Yunchuan directly removed the makeup technique to show the attitude of the Green Titan in order to facilitate the battle, and the soldiers around were basically mutated, which looked more like sub-beasts rather than humans, plus Pu Yunchuan was proficient in tribes. Beast language, so the veterans here are not so resistant, and thought they were also tribes fleeing from outside.
So he smiled and said the situation ...
The Blackstone Tribe is a rare tribe of witch doctor culture. The tribes in charge of the tribe are high-level witch doctors. These witch doctors are better at treating witchcraft than harming people. In the grasslands, they are a group of brave Warriors are afraid of existence.
In the Blackstone tribe, these warriors are also afraid of the upper witch doctors. Once they are caught as deserters, they will be faced with a more terrible guts than death. It is said that after being punished, the orcs will suffer. Even the soul can't be relieved, and sometimes it will even be made into a horrible guren!
Under this horrible oppression, these veterans are also more likely to be starved to death, and none of them dare to try to be deserters ....
After hearing this, Pu Yunchuan suddenly remembered some old horror movies related to Hong Kong Island and Thailand on the Internet. With some inexplicable rituals, then people who are thousands of miles away can grow bugs in their stomachs and heads ... .
What a thief ...
So Pu Yunchuan asked Weisk them curiously about this matter.
Wesker heard something serious: "The witch doctors in the Blackstone tribe are really mysterious, and sometimes people do not know when they were poisoned by poison, but they are definitely not as mysterious as the outside world thinks. They are usually used. Factors such as drinking water, food, air, etc. make you successful, and generally require a witch doctor nearby to operate ... "
Pu Yunchuan was relieved when he heard the words, and secretly said: It ’s better if it ’s not so evil ... Then he asked again: "Then there is no precautions here, are we going to explore inside?"
As soon as this remark came out, several generals around hesitated, and their scale of less than a thousand people ran into the orc base camp of other people. The degree of danger is not low ...
But now the opportunity is rare. As Lord Isabel said, the Orcs are experiencing large-scale civil strife. This is an excellent opportunity to fish in muddy water. It is very difficult to miss this opportunity in the future ...
So after an afternoon of discussion, everyone finally felt that they would continue to go after a rectification, but where to go in the Blackrock Plains was a question.
While hesitating, Pu Yunchuan suddenly came up with an idea ...
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