Chapter 604: : Market selection (on)

In order to give a good demonstration to the hesitant people behind, when the number of people is less than one hundred, Isabel let Pu Yunchuan set off with this batch.
The time was exactly the second day after Jack and their registration. On that day, Jack and Bain arrived very early. They gathered outside the city just after dawn, but there were more people than expected.
The total number of his team is only less than one hundred. Many people like the Black Bear have to go farewell with their relatives before they leave. Almost half of them are still in the city. At this time, the scene is actually bustling with more than a dozen people. Individuals, the so-called many people he sees, are soldiers gathered outside by the player lords.
About a dozen players are arranging their own teams. The soldiers are humans or orcs. They are well equipped and stand upright. A few feet away, they give people a powerful aura of elite teachers!
Especially one of the lords, almost all of them have mounts under their hands. Although they are not as domineering as the black gold lion in the market of 30,000 points, they are all high-end goods, with mutated dragon horses and mutated wind wolves. There was almost double the size of the ordinary wind wolf. Looking at the sturdy physique and handsome holster of the mount, Jack and others suddenly swallowed the envy.
Soon Pu Yunchuan yawned and walked out of the city slowly. Obviously, he was mentally weak. Yesterday, Isabel troubled him for a long time on the subject of doggy, and he did n’t sleep well all night.
"Eh, Master Instructor, here and here!" Jack Laoyuan beckoned.
Pu Yunchuan yawned and came over: "How come these people?"
Jack: "Nine o'clock you set, it's still early"
Pu Yunchuan: "Why did you come so early?"
Jack: "We work hard!"
Pu Yunchuan: "Oh, single dog"
Jack: ""
"Adult, who are those people?" Bain asked curiously, pointing to the well-equipped team.
"Adventures," Pu Yunchuan sighed: "They are leaders of some big families, and the elite troops they brought come to Taobao."
Bain was suddenly silent, and enviously looked at the majestic mutant wind wolf in the distance!
Pu Yunchuan looked at his eyes, and then looked at those around him, sighing slightly in his heart, it was clear that they were really shabby.
In fact, Isabel went to discuss business with Xiao Cabbage last time and extorted a lot of weapons and equipment. The quality produced by Xiao Cabbage's house is definitely much stronger than that of ordinary players.
But Isabel didn't take it out for the first time, and it was just the regular equipment that was issued, and the real enchanted equipment was quietly stored.
The reason she also said to herself that the soldiers could not feel that these things came too easily, and they had to form the habit of cherishing all the things in front of her, so she planned to let these soldiers pay for their hard work.
After that, she will specialize in a redemption business area only for the military area in the city. The weapons and equipment in it, including the mounts researched later, will be preferentially exchanged to local soldiers, and the prices purchased by soldiers here will definitely be better than those on the market.
This will allow the soldiers to cherish and make them grateful to Dade!
When Pu Yunchuan first heard this statement, he only felt so familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, and thought about it later, was n’t that the dog lord that Ye Ye often used routines for these players?
After struggling for so long, has it finally been your day to crush others?
However, although the soldiers were not equipped with good equipment, Pu Yunchuan knew that the strength of the soldiers in his own forces was not weak. Although these guys around were well equipped, they were not enough to fight.
After all, his own soldiers are elites who have undergone surgery. Looking at the shabby, it is actually very powerful.
Taking into account the data and mutations of the players' recent explorations, they can adapt, and their own soldiers will certainly be able to adapt.
Thinking of this, Pu Yunchuan placated as much as possible: "Do n’t be greedy, those things should be naturally there, we are not compared to them, there are tens of thousands of soldiers in the city, if you want those things, you will all be energized. Earn him a lot !! "
After listening to his words, Jack and others settled their heads and nodded, then they all looked away, their eyes full of fighting spirit and longing for the future.
It felt like the feeling when I first joined the army. Jack felt that he hadn't felt such a passion for a long time!
When Pu Yunchuan led the team outside, Isabel was not idle. He woke up early and read the mall data recorded in the office.
Under her supervision, every transaction in the mall has been strictly filed. After all, this matter is levied on tariffs, and it is sloppy.
Unlike the fact that they are only now opening up alienation zone exploration missions, other players started to prepare after knowing this station a few months ago. On the first day of the release of the main base mission, there are a lot of foreign adventure players here. .
It also led to the fact that most of the shops' business after the opening of the market was still very good. Isabel was recording the proportion of the market, so as to decide the main business aspect of the market in the future.
She first looked at the most-opened grain shop in the market
There are twelve finished grain stores in the market today, all of which sell high-quality foods. These things are more convenient than military grains, but they are cheaper. Many players who do not have enough funds still choose conventional grains. One military food pill is one point, and one military food pill is only enough for a soldier ’s energy for a day. Most of the people here have two or three hundred people. The consumption of two or three hundred points a day is not counted as other equipment!
Except for a few wealthy players, where are some players who have just barely gained momentum to have such a family to splurge on?
In addition, the exploration mission has just begun. Gangdolin has a lot of places to explore in an area. It is also a good choice to train in the periphery and earn points. It is convenient to return to and from, if it is not a specific destination. Process, the temporary role of Junliangwan is not necessary
This has also led to the fact that today's ready-made food business is quite hot, accounting for one-third of the total account!
However, in the long term, the market for military food pills is very large. After all, as the map exploration becomes farther and farther, it is not convenient to supply back and forth, the role of military food pills will be greater, and the demand will also increase significantly.
Thinking of this, Isabel suddenly thought of another question: No wonder the force of small cabbages gave up the grain market so easily. It turned out that this piece of market prospects had not been expected.
At the thought of Isabel's face, it was a little difficult to look at. The other party shrewdly took advantage of his own ethnic civilization. Starting from the weapon, obviously there was a long-term plan from the beginning, and he should not be left behind.
Thinking of this, she flipped through the information and pressed the call bell on the table.
The soldiers in charge of standing by quickly trot in and salute: "Master, what is your order?"
"You go to the laboratory to inform Master Xiaojuan, let her summon all the alchemists to come to the meeting and say that I have important matters to discuss"
"Good lord!"
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