Chapter 769: : Game experience (1)

"Well, brother, are you also a newbie?" In the waiting room, a few people sat bored, and the white fat man took the initiative to come up and talk to Anshun Wangdao just now.
An Shunwang glanced at the other party and curiously said, "Do you know Chinese?"
"A little bit more" The fat man grinned and said: "When I wanted to play that Jiuyin Zhenjing before, I applied for a community account of your Huazhong service, but there was no translated version, so I spent half a year learning Chinese."
Did the Jiuyin Zhenjing go abroad?
The point is not right, he actually learned Chinese in half a year?
An Shunwang was slightly silent. Sure enough, learning was driven by motivation. In the past, when I was studying in Tsinghua, some roommates spent only four months to improve the Japanese language to learn the Japanese movie and learned many Japanese majors. Unsatisfactory level of simultaneous translation!
He thought that this roommate had a different talent. Now that he saw the fat man, he suddenly felt that maybe the problem was not simply talent, or maybe the current teaching methods did not stimulate the potential of students?
"You still speak English, I can understand" An Shunwang replied in fluent English.
"Oh, that's great! Dude, do you know how long this operation will take? This game is from you Huazhong, should you have a guide?"
Anshun froze for a moment, then shook his head: "I didn't come in from the Huazhong service channel. I live in San Francisco now, and I don't know what happened to this operation."
"Yeah, it seems that I can only wait for the result." The little fat man looked sorry, and then looked at the surgery door: "But this game is too realistic. I just glanced at the mechanical arm when I grabbed Sam. In that operating room, those medical props and that operating bed were done very well. Seriously, if it was not a game, I thought it was really an alien who caught us in for a living experiment! "
An Shunwang was a little stunned. He remembered the smart curse words before entering the game, and he couldn't help but sink.
But before further thought, the door of the operation opened again. An Shunwang and the little fat man quickly looked up and saw a green giant nearly four meters high, with his muscles as firm as a hill. Out, the outline of the face is faintly like the foreigner who was sent in before.
"Wow!" The foreign companions hurried up and gathered around each other.
"Sam, are you?" The fat man asked cautiously.
The other party suddenly shook his fist, looked at his body again, hesitantly said: "It should be me"
"Are you using synthetic technology for your face shape? Isn't this the technology in the cg movie? It's actually used in the game? This game is great, how do you feel? Is it any different if you become like this? "
The guy named Sam squeezed his fist when he heard it, and he saw that his right arm was bulging with blue muscles, and his muscles were suddenly as hard as a stone. He was suddenly excited when he saw this: "Oh, oh, this feels great! Just like I was really transformed, I felt like I was all in strength. Wow, this state is so beautiful. I feel like I can kill you with one punch! "
Everyone: ""
"Is it stimulating the sense of body?" A tall, thin young man next to the fat man asked, looking at each other in surprise.
"Should it be?" Sam waved his fists with a eager expression.
Everyone took a step back.
An Shunwang also looked at the other party curiously. He was working in a virtual game company, and he knew a lot about the stimulation of somatosensory.
Virtual game technology has been around for 60 years, and somatostimulation has always been a very big proposition. With the breakthrough of technology, ordinary somatosensory stimulation has been done very well, such as pain and some indescribable coolness
This also led to the prevalence of fostering games
However, in the battle game, especially the improvement of attributes, it has been unsatisfactory.
In today's battle games, your blessings like strength and agility, most games can only provide data and the physical effects of the game itself, but they don't have that sense of improvement. This leads to even realistic physical effects of the game A very unreal feeling.
Even the "Technology", which has the highest technical content, still hasn't made a breakthrough in this respect.
Thinking of this, An Shunwang looked at each other curiously. As an insider, he knew the technological content of Titan's game. This was Blizzard's acquisition of a total of eight top game studios and a collection of the top talents in the industry. The game, the technology used and the cost are the highest in all online games today, which is 11 times higher than the cost of the second-place Empire Age!
This is also the reason why a client of Titan now sells thousands of federal coins. Such a game has not been able to break through. A domestic game has broken through?
An Shunwang has a feeling of dreaming.
"Please players do not try to destroy official business, otherwise the game qualification will be directly confiscated!"
A burst of electronic sounds suddenly sounded, instantly stopping the Sam who was about to break the steel bar next to it.
Sam shuddered at the words and quickly smiled with his head clasped.
"Please do not stay in the waiting room after the operation, and wait outside, please choose the type of operation for the next player!"
Hearing this prompt, Sam quickly said to his companion: "Go, go, I'll wait for you outside."
Fat man Mike quickly said: "Eh, what kind of surgery is your race, it looks great, I also want to choose!"
An Shunwang glanced at the muscular giant strangely. What did this guy look like? Especially the thing shaking between my legs, is my eye almost blind?
In this way, after a wait of almost an afternoon, it was finally Anshunwang who was in the final row, and at the same time a lot of new people came in.
Anshun Wang looked around at those people, with very different skin colors. There were white people, black people, and some Asian populations who were constantly moving to Smecta.
This game actually merges multinational channels into one district?
Although there is now a federal general network, there are almost no games available on this general network, and the game has a multi-national server, which language is the message sent to?
Just then I saw the huge robotic arm handing over a pit father contract and race selection.
An Shunwang skipped the contract that seemed like a rip-off, and focused directly on the race introduction, and then stopped looking at the developer's introduction.
As mentioned above: The developer is a special profession mainly based on the evolutionary brain. With high-frequency computing power, they can quickly absorb and digest a lot of knowledge, so as to be competent in many research and magic professions. The magic system of the game is derived from various basic disciplines as a theory. The level of basic disciplines of players is very high. Please choose carefully the scum of less than 700 points! !
An Shunwang: ""
How many points did you get for Tsinghua?
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