Chapter 770: : Game experience (2)

"Wow, I now believe this is definitely a big production !!"
After a group of people performed surgery and walked outside the base, they saw the forest city like a fairy tale, and they all showed a shocking expression!
This is not only because of the truth, but also the architectural style of this city is so beautiful, so beautiful that people forget to breathe
After a few tens of seconds, a group of people responded to the brain's hypoxia and inhaled desperately. The sweet air was sucked into the lung cavity, so that many young people who were used to car exhaust felt like drinking sweet springs The whole person feels crisp
After a long time, someone responded to what Sam said just now: "Great production, absolutely great production, too great this game, did you feel it just now? This game can simulate the perception of fresh air!"
"Yeah, it's incredible!" The companion beside him nodded and said: "There is also this architectural style, I go, even if it is made with software, it is too good-looking, this is simply a design genius, compared to it , Avatar 19 is really weak !! "
An Shunwang was also very surprised to look around. If the previous science fiction base was a partial design and there was a bit of clever space, such a large map design outside has no so-called clever space at all
This absolutely requires a large number of overlays to produce such a texture, and this design is indeed too strong. Although most of the magical designs in the movie are beautiful, they are based on the original scene. For example, the generation of Avatar is based on Zhangjiajie in Central China, but it is He really can't think of where to get the material to design such a wonderful picture!
"Okay, listen to me when you are done."
The Green Titan player who was responsible for leading them aside clapped: "Come with me first, I will introduce you to the basic situation" and said to take the lead to go forward, while walking: "This area is the main city of our base. Of course, it ’s not finished yet. All the infrastructure you see here is built by players.

"Players participate in construction?" Fat man Mike shook his huge body curiously.
Since Mike had a green tendon, he didn't know if it was intentional. He would twist his body from time to time to make his bones crackle.
"You mean these designs are all designed by players?"
"Oh, that's not true" Green Titan players shook their heads: "Design templates already exist, players are only involved in infrastructure construction, and contracting projects only!"
"Package project?" The players froze for a moment, then pointed to those who are still helping to plant green plants: "Those are also players? I thought it was npc."
"Those are indeed npc" Green Titan players nodded: "It is the population that players have plundered from another long map!"
"Can we still plunder the population?"
"Of course, otherwise how do you think this city was built? Are you relying on players to move bricks and mix cement?" Green Titan smiled: "After the player's level is qualified, he can go to another map, where players can do Many things can become mercenaries and researchers of other lords, or help explore unexplored maps. Of course, you can also plunder the population to develop your own forces, build your own city, and build civilization. "
"Really?" Several people shocked again. Is this game so realistic?
"Then how can I get involved here?" Several players all had an expression of eagerness in their faces, and they wished to immediately participate in the game world depicted by each other!
"Oh, not yet" the player shook his head and said: "If you want to go to the new world for adventure, you must meet certain conditions. First, the player level must be upgraded to level 2, and then at least two a weapon specialization evaluation and progress fighting. Specialized b-level evaluation, and to meet these conditions requires you to spend a lot of time and money to apply for professional instructors to exercise you. "
"Money?" Everyone was stunned. An Shunwang laughed after hearing this introduction: "This is about to start charging money? Now I believe this game is made in China."
"Charge money?" The player looked at An Shunwang and said: "Sorry, the recharge service is not supported here at this time. All transactions can only be completed with game currency. Of course, there are transactions in this area on the black market, but the price is expensive. It may be beyond your imagination. If you are not 14 years old and can afford Lamborghini ’s rich second generation, it is not recommended that you use this method to obtain game coins. Oh, you are coming from overseas channels. Now, with the golden price of the current game points, I guess it's hard for you newcomers to have such a black market like Huazhong. "
Everyone: ""
Anshun Wang frowned suddenly, although some did not understand what the other party said, but did not make money for domestic games? really?
There must be routines behind! !
"So how do I get the game currency? Do you want to fight monsters?" Fat man Mike excitedly, now he really wants to find a place to try his strength!
"Daguai?" The player frowned at him. "There is no blame for this map. You can only earn money to train yourself through work."
"Work?" Everyone was stunned again, feeling that the game would not be played according to the routine, and could not help saying: "What work?"
Anshun Wang suddenly thought of the novice task of playing the novice village chief in Lanyueli to kill 20 chickens. Does this so-called work refer to this kind of thing?
If that's the case, it's really white blind, so good art design around!
The other side glanced at Mike, and then said: "Let us Green Titan, there are a lot of jobs that can be found in the early stage, moving bricks, mining and cleaning the sewers. These jobs are very expensive for novices, compared with the cultivation and grazing of elf players. It is easier to accumulate basic funds "
Everyone: ""
An Shunwang: It feels better to kill the chicken
"Of course, if you are willing to spend more time in the early days, you can learn a life skill to make money, such as ironing, leather making, bone removal, cooking, tailoring, etc. I personally recommend bone removal, which is faster to learn. , If you study hard, you can get started in about a week, and now the market is very good, and the boningist is everywhere, and the wages of those player lords are not low! "
He said it is true. In the recent period, because many biological players have cultivated advanced Warcraft varieties, coupled with the increasing consumption level of many players, the catering industry can be described as booming, but the problem is that those advanced Warcraft Muscles and bones are extremely difficult to handle and require high strength and skills. Ordinary aborigines are difficult to compete with, while high-level aborigines, such as third-level aborigines who have performed several biological operations, basically find gold in the forest of the black goat map. No one would do the deboning job at all.
And the one who needs this money and has the ability to make this money is only the new generation of Green Titan players.
For example, a player with a newcomer now, he is a part-time bone remover
Everyone heard it for a while. Advanced Warcraft meat is more difficult to handle and requires a professional boner. Is this setting too real?
"Of course, you still have to pay for the bone removal, so you have to move the bricks first. It's not too late. Come with me. I will take you to the place where the bricks are moved."
Everyone: ""
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