Chapter 788: : Situation (Part 2)

"I don't see it. Pharaoh ..." Yang Rui stared at each other oddly: "You still play with nationality discrimination?"
"Eh, don't talk nonsense ..." The daddy glared at him: "I'm not angry, this is a reason ..."
"Oh?" Yang Rui raised his eyebrows, his face unbelief ...
"This bone remover is a very hard job ..." The dad explained seriously: "If you listen to the name, you should know that this is a Ding work, which is dirty, tired and not decent, although the salary is high, But few people can insist. I am recruiting long-term employees here, but I have no time to admit people who ran for a few days ... "
"This is the reason why you discriminate against your nationality?" Yang Rui laughed: "Can someone who has become a Germanic insist on this job?"
"Don't say it, it's true!" Dad said solemnly: "This is not my prejudice, there are statistics, our shop owners have done rigorous statistics these days, among all overseas players today, Pakistan Iron players and German players have the highest comprehensive quality. First of all, they are harder. Of course, they are certainly not as hard-working as the Chinese in China. However, in the Western European population, German players are more hardworking and have a strict work attitude. , And easy to learn, many shops now like to recruit Germans ... "
"The laziest is the Britons, and no one can last for three days, but most people in Western Europe are quite lazy, which is also related to their too welfare society to live too leisurely, black people are lazy, and they are also sneaky , I like to take advantage of small things, often steal ingredients to go out ..... The players of the Red Sun Country are relatively good, hardworking, and strong in stress resistance, but you also know that 80% of our country is Angry, so I do n’t want to see the players of Red Sun Country, which makes it very difficult for them to find a job. From here, you should be able to see the boss ’s generosity? I have several Red Sun Country employees here. ..... "
Yang Rui stared at each other in a daze. This kind of topic that the bosses in Central China picked on the advantages and disadvantages of the wage earners of various countries felt quite strange. Somehow, Yang Rui had some interest and was curious: "Then do n’t wait to see Asan and the universe What's the matter with the Chinese? The people in both countries have good resistance to pressure? "
The dad was silent for a while, and finally said: "I hate people from those two countries ..."
Yang Rui suddenly rolled his eyes, is this still nationality discrimination? I just changed my preferences ...
Yang Rui then came to a separate compartment under the leadership of the other party. The environment of this compartment was obviously much better than the underground cafeteria just now. There were several other players sitting in it, and it seemed that he had been waiting here long ago.
"Introduce to you ..." The dad smiled and smiled: "This is the middle-level employee of our branch. This is the keyboard away from his hands. He is mainly responsible for the meat cooking of this branch. Cuisine, this is Xiaoluo Jinbian, one of our chefs here, who is learning Landing cuisine, and is good at vegetarian food. This is a fit with Pikachu, our pastry chef, this is The girl with crystal heart is our bartender ... "
Yang Rui froze for a moment, and looked at several players introduced by the other party. Among them were green big men exactly like Pharaoh, and very handsome humanoid creatures. I thought these should be elves in the game data?
But judging from the online name, it should be all from Central China ....
"Lao Wang ..." Yang Rui whispered: "Do you have a foreign chef here?"
"Of course not ....." The dogfather said straightforwardly: "The chef is expensive to cultivate. You need to go to the main base kitchen to receive a professional chef's course. During the training period, you will have to pay for high-end ingredients at your own expense. Small, they are all directional training posts to sign a contract, how is it possible to sign foreigners? "
Yang Rui: "..."
"In fact, it's not just the chef ..." the beautiful elf the side smiled and said: "The higher threshold of life is like this. Similar to the blacksmith who needs a special instructor to guide and consumes good raw materials to train him, or maybe Tailoring also requires special guidance and good fabrics to practice with him. Both need to be cultivated at a certain cost. This threshold of life and occupation is naturally higher. For Chinese players, naturally, they are also trying to leave opportunities to their families. ..... "
Yang Rui froze for a moment, and some of him gradually understood the situation here, so he asked cautiously: Can life like yours only be cultivated in a targeted way?
"That's not ..." The elf player shook his head: "The player can also learn at their own expense, but the previous points are difficult to earn, but there are many places to spend money. Applying for tutorial courses, going to training bases including buying advanced nutritional products to improve physical fitness They all need to spend money. If you spend more money to train such a high-threshold life career, it will greatly slow down your progress to the New Territories. This is a reluctance by many players, so this directional cultivation strategy has appeared .. ... "
Yang Ruiwen narrowed his eyes: "Is this directional cultivation strategy specified by the forces behind this base?"
He is actually very strange. As an alien force, will this give the first-place Central China players too much advantage?
"Ah ... this is not officially formulated, it was proposed by private players ..." Elf players laughed: "Isn't this most players unwilling to learn at their own expense? So the players headed by the Little Cabbage League The forces started this model of directional cultivation, so many private stores have begun to learn in a decent way, and it has become like this ... "
Yang Ruiwen said tightly in his heart, and immediately heard some signs, so he was curious and asked: "Since you all want to go to the New Territories, and come to receive training to do life and career, don't you also slow down the process of your adventure?"
"No ..." The next player interjected and said: "If you don't train your daily life by moving bricks, it will take at least a year to go out, but learning life will be different, and the efficiency of making money will be higher. I have more money to buy nutritional products to improve my physique, so I do n’t feel distressed when I apply for training rooms and courses. I can upgrade my grade quickly, and I can go to the New Territories in about half a year. "
Yang Rui: "Aren't you going to work for Party A for a few years?"
Player: "Yes, but most of the forces also have stores in the location of the station. We can work while working. The working hours are still free, as long as we can complete the contract working hours. Big money can redeem the contract at any time ... "
Yang Ruiwen took a deep breath, and he understood it. This is clearly the group of senior players in Central China monopolizing resources for the Chinese! !
According to this model, Huazhong players have quick channels to make money faster, enter the New Territories faster, and improve themselves faster, while ordinary overseas players can only take it slowly step by step. I am afraid that the gap will widen in the future .. ..
"How is it?" Dad looked at Yang Rui with a smile. "This place is actually good?"
Yang Rui: "..."
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