Chapter 895: : Unknown Horror (Part 1)

"You said that you want to take away Chen Shanshan's body and genome?" Song frowned at the other party frowningly.
"Yes ..." Guo Xiaoyun nodded.
Song Yiyi frowned tightly. With the energy of the other party, if he really wanted to take care of his friend completely, he could directly arrange the other party to Huaxia City. From the situation of Chen Shanshan's contact with the other party, it seems that he does not know that this friend has Such a big energy, and the other party does not seem to want to interfere with the life of their friends in the new world ...
In this case, why did the other party make such a request at this time?
"Did something happen?" Song asked with care.
"Hmm ..." Guo Xiaoyun hesitated, and finally decided to reveal a little: "Chen Shanshan awakened the talent of the prophet in the genes and predicted some things. I have to take it back to investigate."
"Prophecy?" Song careed for a moment, "Is there such a thing?"
What arcanes and magics in this civilization have been very nonsense, and now even predictions have appeared ...
"Something you don't understand doesn't mean it doesn't exist ..." Guo Xiaoyun replied faintly.
"Can you ask what was predicted?" Song cares curiously.
Let such an arrogant guy directly ask himself, it can be seen that things should not be small.
"It's not easy to disclose before I investigate it clearly." Yu Nuwugua declined to disclose this time. Chen Shanshan's prediction was not a good thing. If it is not accurate, there is really no need to disclose it to cause panic.
Especially in this city-lord level, knowing that something bad is happening, in case what is prepared in secret, is not good for the stability of the forces.
So he said: "And the accuracy rate of Shanshan's active prediction talent is not high. The main reason why she was taken away is that she was unable to control her talent and caused irreversible physical exhaustion due to excessive consumption. Will be affected. "
Song Yiyi glanced at the other party. Although the other party's reason was justified, he always felt that something seemed to happen ...
After thinking about it, he nodded: "Okay, I'll trouble you, and then I'm curious to ask, her kind of gift of prophecy, will it affect the later transformation?"
"Generally not ..." The intelligent interface said: "Activating this talent in advance, she has a high probability that it will evolve into a sea sacrifice, and it will grow better, and can be trained as a special prophet."
"The Prophet ..." Song Yiyi pondered for a while, and then said: "Chen Shanshan is a citizen of our third city, I hope you can take her back after treating her body."
The meaning of the words is naturally not wanting to lose talent.
"Please rest assured ..." Guo Xiaoyun smiled and said: "Urban planning is determined at the highest level. Once different citizens choose their city, non-urban owners may not change it for life."
Song Yiyi said with a smile: "Then this boy pleases you ..."
"Welcome to you, and thank the city host for your understanding ..." Guo Xiaoyun said politely, and then directly started the transmission, disappearing into the city host room with Chen Shanshan's genome and body.
After the other party disappeared, Song Yiyi couldn't help but ask: "Can the predictor really predict the future?"
Intelligence: "Yes, but it is not completely accurate, but the value is very high, because senior predictors can not only predict certain things, but also calculate risks, and are the best risk control division ..."
"Senior Prophet?" Song Zaiyi seemed to be smiling, "Does it exist? Is it at the top of Luofu or other forces?"
There is no answer to intelligence. Some smart people have obviously guessed some insider information, but the truth is that it is not good to pierce it directly.
On the other side, after the rain girl Wugua brought Chen Shanshan back to Huaxia City General Base, she immediately called the instructor in charge of prophecy teaching at the base.
The prophecy mentor at the base is just a fifth-level living body, which is about the same level as the rain girl without melon. It is just that after a hundred years of federal study, the theoretical knowledge temporarily exceeds the current rain girl without melon.
"Can the mentor judge whether she has the talent of a prophet?" Yu Nuwugua asked directly.
"This ..." the instructor is a Vastru, with light blue skin, which looks a bit like the avatar in the movie.
He frowned and looked at the already dry Chen Shanshan: "It's a symptom that only shows that it is overuse of mental energy. Is it not correct to predict prophecy? Does it tell you other symptoms?"
Yu Nu Wu Gua heard the story about Chen Shanshan's nightmare.
"Nightmare ..." The instructor groaned for a moment, then nodded and said: "This possibility is higher. Generally, the same nightmare is done continuously, and it will also lead to mental exhaustion. Either the nightmare group's surgery, or It ’s activation of prophecy ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrom and and azure, the talent of your d-ballers is really incredible, you can actually activate the ancient inheritance of a few dollars and one gene such as the ancient sea elves.
But it's not too unusual. Since coming here, the talents shown by these d-ball indigenous people are critically attacking him every day, and he has gotten used to it.
For example, this one has become a fifth-grade life in a few years. This kind of progress is that the lineage that has inherited the purified genes of the ancestors in its own family may not necessarily have this speed, and it is still the developer's genome ...
Sometimes he really wonders what kind of turbulence this group of people will cause if they enter the Federation in the future?
Just thinking about it, Chen Shanshan suddenly fell asleep, struggling to see his face, a large amount of virtual sweat on his forehead.
Yu Nuwu's pupil shrank and quickly approached. After sensing it, he immediately noticed that the other party's mental power was passing quickly.
"What is smart?"
Intelligence: "It should be activated once again, so that the instructor who is proficient in mental strain can forcefully turn off the opponent's operation state."
"Incredible ..." The tutor on the side suddenly said: "Good pure spiritual power, the state of her spiritual power communication is the psychic mode that only the ninth level prophet can use. The child's genetic body is very likely. With part of the genes of the ancient powerful predictor. "
"Ancient Power?" Yu Nu Wugua froze: "But you just said that this gene is a few dollars a ..."
"This thing is inaccurate ..." The instructor shook his head and said: "The ancient genes such as Green Titan, Wood Elf, Moon Elf have been extinct for centuries. The genes are derived from some ancient fossils, what Such components cannot be analyzed at all, and even powerful genes are difficult to activate, so this ancient gene is always sold at a low price ... "
Yu Nu Wu Melon: "..."
"However, the situation predicted by her in this state may have a certain accuracy ..." The tutor said solemnly.
"Has a certain accuracy?" Yu Nu Wugua heard her heart suddenly jumped, and the feeling of unrest emerged again, so he quickly said: "Can you judge?"
"You can try ..." The tutor nodded. When I graduated, my tutor gave me some equipment that could visualize the image of the prophecy. At least we can see what her dream is like.
"Where is the device?"
"In my room, wait a moment, I'll take it right away ..." Pausing and playing with the rain girl Wugua said: "If you want to observe her, she must maintain this state for a certain period of time, which requires mental power transmission. . "
"I get it ... instructor, please come back as soon as possible ..." Yu Nuwu nodded.
After the other party left, Yu Nu Wu Gua, according to the mental power transmission method she learned before, gently pressed Chen Shanshan's forehead with both hands and began to prepare to convey the mental power, but at the moment when her own mental power poured into the other party, there was a terrible terror The cold feeling hit my heart!
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