Chapter 1003: : Interview (below)!

"Why do you have such remarks about the city under Song's interest in the city?"
In the talk show, someone in the audience asked with a voice.
"I just said what I saw!" Colvin sighed: "It was a city that was full of despair from the beginning. Song Yiyi wanted to create a competitive edge for the citizens and required every citizen to choose a professional skill. Learn."
"Isn't this great?" Shirley asked curiously.
"But they don't have such a condition for universal education now!" Colvin said seriously: "Xinghai's senior knowledge tutors are very expensive to hire, and the materials consumed when learning skills are also a lot of money, and Song cares. But ignoring the conditions of the city ’s initial lack of funds to enforce all this, so where does the money come from? Only through loans, and this huge loan we Song Zhiyi, of course, will not let the official bear it, but double it It is passed on to the citizens, which means that the citizens betray their own future as soon as they shoot! "
As she released the video, which listed the price list of each course, she filled with indignation: "Look at this devil-like price, the highest mecha training is up to millions of points, what is the concept of hundreds of points? Now? The total value of Huaxia City ’s buildings is only tens of millions of points, so that an ordinary citizen can afford a tenth of the city ’s loans. Do you think it is reasonable? "
[I wiped it real and fake? This price looks so ridiculous, the senior just now, come out and say, I am also the third city of choice, will this not be true? 】
[That ’s right. At that time, the country called us to join the third city. I was also optimistic about Song Yiyi before deciding to join it. If the old lady said that, it would be too ridiculous? 】
[Oh, fortunately, I am in the Fifth City. What did I say? Do n’t trust politicians too much, take advantage of what you should get, let me see, although I have n’t been able to enter the city, at least I live in a villa and drive a luxury car. I ’m holding hundreds of thousands of dollars in salary every year. Is n’t it fragrant? 】
[Hey, so to say, this kind of heroic politician is the most important thing, most of them are authoritarians, more terrible exploiters than capitalists! 】
A lot of speech suddenly changed from anxiety to flip, and a large number of barrages made the frontal pronunciation of the third city seem to have no place.
Of course, some people also questioned. At this time, some people in the interview program also questioned. One of the white people in the audience questioned: "But I heard that all cities have such loans to learn skills, right?"
"But that's free choice!" Colvin quickly said: "Citizens of other cities have at least the right to choose, just like the student loans in our country, it is free and two-way! I admit that our country also has Many irrational college students choose to take a large loan but study a major that does not have much effect, but that is a minority after all, because before choosing a loan, you have more than ten years of basic knowledge, you can fully judge whether you are suitable Going to university and studying this major, and then considering whether to make a loan, this is the most scientific approach at present. Just like the fifth city, there is also a loan learning in the fifth city, but Mister Mister has never issued a mandatory policy, and even encouraged Citizens go to work by doing odd jobs, and then come to know the market and then come back to choose whether to learn the skills that suit them ...
After a pause, he said: "And in terms of price, the training price in the fifth city is the cheapest in all cities, and all the same projects are almost half of the third city. Because the owner of the fifth city is our Americans deliberately favoritism, but as a guest official Zhongzheng media people after careful investigation, the conclusion is drawn, you see, this is the fifth city of professional skills table! "
It was said that she released the price list in public, which made some audiences who supported Song Yiyi suddenly speechless.
"So, what about other cities?" Shirley quickly changed the subject and asked, "presumably not all city owners are as extreme as Mr. Song Yiyi?"
"To be honest, there is more or less a sense of power ..." Colvin sighed: "Angel in the first city vigorously promotes industry. The whole city looks like a mine, although there is no clear Against the other choices of the citizens, it deliberately suppressed industries other than mining. The second city is even more exaggerated. It does not allow citizens to temporarily do anything other than agriculture and animal husbandry, and also does not allow citizens to use their earned points to go. Exercise yourself, compulsoryly require citizens to stay in the city for a year, as the name suggests is to let the citizens have a good childhood, please, who is the child who goes in? Everyone wants to develop in the new way, they want to be in the new The world has done something, but was raised by this city owner as a child. I am actually curious whether Mr. Qingming wants to be a city owner or a nanny? "
This remark immediately caused the show to burst into laughter!
Colvin took advantage of the atmosphere to release the pictures taken in all the cities: "Look at this, this is the city picture taken by our reporter team, this is the first city ..."
All netizens hurried to watch the past. After watching it, everyone was dumbfounded. The picture really was just like the other party said. The first city is completely a desolate mining factory. Many demons and green Titans are working hard. After that, he sat and rested directly in the sand, and was buried halfway by the sand soon. It looked miserable ...
All platforms suddenly couldn't help but comment.
[I go, it ’s worse than labor and bricks when I moved bricks. At least I have a clean water room and a wooden bed! 】
[Yeah, this ... can you crawl out? 】
[I heard that ... At least the Green Titan can. I heard that the Green Titan over the Chinatown used to sleep on the sand. As a result, it often crawled out of the sand the next day, like a corpse! 】
Afterwards, Corvin released pictures of other cities one after another, making fun of it while putting it on.
"This is a nursery bed built by the second city for the citizens ... It seems to be better than the first city, but you have to force it to be here for a year ..."
The crowd suddenly laughed again ...
"Well, this is the fourth city. This place is simply anti-human. When everyone supported Elizabeth, I raised an objection. It is not a good idea to let a queen who has never had political experience and a supreme queen. Arthur as The leader of many years, his experience and political ability are definitely higher than some people, but everyone does not listen, now you look at, this city is directly built into a forest ... And it is a virgin forest, go The kind that may be attacked at any time inside, my God, I now think of the picture of my companion being suddenly swallowed by a monster, and now I will have nightmares, but the citizens there must face it every day. These ones!"
"We deeply regret the experience of your companion, but I am very puzzled. What is the reason for Elizabeth to do this?" Shirley asked curiously.
"Why? In her words, to cultivate the wildness of the citizens ..." Colvin couldn't help but indignantly: "Listen to what this is? This is just what a lunatic would say to cultivate wildness. ? We are human beings, a highly intelligent race baptized by civilization, and Elizabeth is thinking of turning people back into beasts again !! "
The audience on the show immediately looked at each other, and then everyone looked at the pictures again, especially some giant spiders, horrible beasts, creepy giant trees covered with dead beasts, etc. The picture was as exciting as a biochemical blockbuster. These things are really all people can't help but shiver!
[I ’m going, is it fake? This ... is too wild, right? 】
[I heard that it seems that the fourth city really turned the city into a virgin forest. I just did n’t expect this to happen. Where is this virgin forest? Is this Nima King Kong? 】
[It ’s terrible. I really want to pay my respects to those Westerners who choose the fourth city. 】
[I ’m in the fourth city ... I ’m going, is n’t it? What if I don't want to be drawn at all now? 】
[Brother silently, it ’s your turn tomorrow .....]
[Speaking of this, the witch is going to say that the fifth city is the best? 】
[It looks like this means ...]
The comments in the comments quickly fed back to the interview program, and many viewers also asked this question: "Is it only the fifth city that is the most reasonable?"
Colvin smiled slightly: "I won't say much, you know it by yourself ..."
It was said that she released the shooting pictures of the Fifth City. After the baptism of the horror forest picture just now, the exquisite small city and the streets full of laughter and laughter in the Fifth City suddenly attracted everyone's attention!
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