Chapter 947: : Great thing!

"Principal, is that Green Titan?"
Principal: "Uh... from a characteristic point of view it should be..."
"Principal, these deformed elves look a little like pupil color traits...that..."
"Wood Elf, isn't it?" a tutor next to him helped back.
Principal: " looks a bit like..."
"Principal, don't you think something is abnormal?" a tutor wearing a red alchemy robe couldn't help asking.
Isn't this nonsense? Who can see that this is abnormal? The high-quality Green Titans and Wood Elves of Mandae Street, although they have not been specifically tested, but at a glance, they are at least family-level. The key is still two races that have no heritage...
What is going on here?
As they moved to the periphery of Chinatown, the surprise on their faces grew bigger and bigger, and in the end they all showed the collapsed expressions of the three views!
Because they saw that these qualities are like high-quality green titans of their children, they... they... they... are moving bricks! !
"My God... am I dreaming?" The eyeball of the head of the Arcane Department who headed in front of the principal was almost green.
Several of the directors next to me were all trembling, unable to say a word for a long time, let this kind of qualified juniors be absent from work and move bricks? What is so frustrating?
The headmaster also has a broken face, although their school is not engaged in physical education, and even despise martial arts schools. It can be too crazy to do this kind of thing with this kind of seedling...
Seeing everyone with such a weird expression, Wei Lin decided to say something to ease the atmosphere and gently smiled: "Let the headmaster adults laugh, because our force is a new development decision, there is not enough labor force, which is a last resort. Of the....."
"Is this...the reason for them to work?" The principal pointed tremblingly at the group of young men who were sweating in the mine.
Among other forces, which of these young seedlings are not cultivated as babies? Even if they lack labor, they can't be allowed to do this kind of thing. Why don't you ask them to pick the dung?
"Master Principal, in front is the address of the first school prepared by the lord for you..." Wei Lin quickly digressed.
The principal looked up and saw a simple light curtain enclave, and there were many indigenous people doing cleaning work in the enclave.
These natives who do the cleaning look much more normal, it seems that here is not as exaggerated as
"Shall I take you to visit?" Wei Linzheng said, and suddenly Lao Yuan saw Long Lao and Li Lao hurried over.
"Master Qin Men? Excuse me, is this?" Long Lao arrived, looking at the huge team and these deep-scented old monsters, and he quickly asked.
Wei Lin smiled and said: "These are the senior mentors invited by Lord Lord. These predecessors will set up the first senior college in Xinghai to recruit students for the entire Xinghai. The starting threshold is the fourth-level living body, the tuition fee and the specific registration mechanism. To be notified!"
Long Lao and Li Lao were stunned for a while, and they had already been skilled in the lineage of developers. They began to quickly analyze the information in each other's words in their minds!
Senior tutor? Where did you come? Luofu senior? Or.........alien civilization inferred by many data experts?
The starting threshold is four levels to study in this college?
What does this mean?
Long Lao took a breath, and had too many questions to ask, but as a senior politician, he knew that this occasion was obviously not suitable for asking more, so he laughed and said: "I also know that the secret building here is actually an academy , Can I visit with you?"
Wei Lin smiled a little: "This is nature. In the future, there will be many things in this college to be handed over to Huaxia City. After that, I will slowly elaborate with you..."
Long Lao heard the meaning of the other party's words after hearing it. This is to explain that he will explain the ins and outs with himself and tell him not to talk.
Thinking of this, he nodded and quietly followed behind everyone.
The principal looked at the two old people curiously. It seems that the two old people are not too young, but this pure spiritual power is very similar to the developers that Xiye brought in before.
Wei Lin did not intend to let the current Long Lao and the other party have too much communication, so he directly proposed: "Then I will show you first..."
"Okay, please lead the way!" the principal smiled politely.
A group of people, under the lead of Wei Lin, began to visit the newly established college, while Long Lao and Li Lao silently followed the large army.
The college's infrastructure is very good, even the expensive white jade used for road floors, but this is nothing in the universe, of course, it is definitely much better than the original infrastructure of the college.
Wei Lin: "The college covers an area of ​​more than 8,000 acres, the school building covers an area of ​​1.65 million square meters, and the green area ratio reaches 40%. The building materials used are the best that the base can get at present. , The conditions are poor now, and I hope you don’t mind."
"Where and where..." The principal quickly said: "This is much better than ours, it's already very good..."
The mentors nodded in satisfaction, and finally no longer had to live in the place where the beggars lived.
In fact, it can’t be blamed that the principal had been reluctant to use that money to make infrastructure, but the environment there is not allowed, and where the demon energy corrodes, many materials will be corroded and damaged in less than a few years, and the anti-corrosion materials are biased. It is also surprisingly expensive, so the college can only put limited funds on teaching materials and tutor salary.
After a while of sightseeing, many mentors began to talk more, such as discussing which land to use for which department, how to allocate the dormitory of the branch department, etc.
Long Lao and Lao Li, who followed behind, memorized all the conversations in their brains, followed silently, and remained silent from beginning to end, until Wei Lin was ready to settle these mentors to the resting place, and Long Lao carried Li. The old leave and leave.
"What do you think?" Returning to the city master's room, Long Lao asked the old partner's thoughts directly.
Lao Li: "This proves two points. One is that this so-called Xinghai force does have an alien force involved. From the conversation between those so-called senior mentors and Master Qin Men, it is clear that these guys are the same as the mentors in our trainers. Not a d-baller at all..."
"Second, these mentor levels are very unusual. Although I have just been familiar with the mental system, I can also vaguely feel that they and the mentor who taught me psychiatry in the training room are not at the same level. It can be concluded that these mentors are used to build a higher education system, that is to say, to allow advanced players to develop their ability. If so, this is a great thing for our China Town!"
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