Chapter 607: meet

John has heard of the name Chen Chen.
Calculated by age, he is now just forty years old. When he was in his twenties, he witnessed the rise of Blackwatch. In those unbelievable years, it was this fabulously rising company, the technology world. And all kinds of heavy news in the business world continue to swipe the screen.
By the time everyone recovered, the company was already on top of the world.
In those years, I can hear this name occasionally. This name is often mentioned in the topic of Blackwatch. It has also been regarded as a man of power such as Jack Ma and Musk, but every time this name is mentioned. When it was about to be pushed to the peak, there always seemed to be an invisible big hand to press it down.
At that time, John felt that this person was too low-key.
Time flies, more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, this name has long been hidden in the Internet and reality, even John has forgotten the name, replaced by Qian Wenhuan, Liu Zhijian, Xia Yin, etc. Blackwatch The CEOs of the company's continents, these people have become mythical figures in the business world, and often they wave a hand to cause a huge shock in the business world.
Until now, when the name was mentioned again, John was shocked. The original owner of the name was always there, but unconsciously or unconsciously, there was no more information related to this name on the entire Internet.
Even the new-born generation no one knows that Blackwatch has a founder, a guy named Chen Chen...
Now that he heard the name suddenly, John recalled, even though he couldn't help but feel a trace of jealousy in his heart. He was full of power and huge sums of money, but he was willing to hide under the eyes of the public for more than ten years. This kind of person is definitely not a kind person...
This scene flashed in his mind, John recovered from his thoughts, but saw that the plane had landed towards Walvis Bay International Airport at this time.
After the luxury plane landed on the dedicated runway, waiting in front of John was an extended car and a group of psionics.
There were a total of five people who came. The leader was a man whose breath was no less than Sara's. Although the remaining four were slightly weaker, they were definitely above the Beta level!
Seeing this group of people, John faintly frowned. The Dark Road was indeed the base camp for the invention of Compound L. Those who came to greet him casually were five Beta-level psionicists, and they were also the best in the Beta-level.
"Mr. Oppenheimer."
The headed man walked up, stretched out his hand and shook his hand with John, with a grandiose expression, "I am the head of the B·S·S Black Security Service Department, and my name is Brando, Blake Brando."
"John Oppenheimer."
John replied indifferently. Facing this group of people, John couldn't help feeling a little proud, because these people basically obtained the psionic energy through the L compound, but he was different, his psionic energy was infected with the Fusion Virus. After I awakened.
Only in terms of identity, he is a pure psionicist.
It's like a 36D woman encounters an artificial 36D in the bathroom, and she sees the other person's stone milk that can't even make ups and downs, and she feels pride in her heart spontaneously.
"Mr. Oppenheimer is very psychic."
Just shook hands, Brando immediately smiled, "No wonder you can kill more than a dozen Beta-level psionicists overnight, but the other party can't even know your identity."
"Your psionic power is also good."
John replied indifferently, he is not jealous of these people who gain psychic powers through potions, because he knows that the average person can only inject at most three L-size compounds in his life, the first one has a 10% mortality rate, and the second one is 100% Thirty, fifty percent of the third.
And it doesn't mean that the more superpowers injected, the stronger the superpowers for awakening. The superpowers of awakening are random, strong and weak. If you are unlucky, you can only get a very tasteless superpower after three consecutive injections.
As for the fourth injection? Sorry, according to the known data, the death rate of the fourth injection of compound L is 100%. All the four injections of human grave head grass have grown to more than three meters in height.
"Well, you guys don't compliment each other here anymore."
Lhasa on the side stepped forward, "The boss has been waiting for a long time, let's go see him as soon as possible."
Hearing Lhasa's words, Brando shrugged, showing a look of helplessness to John, then three people got on the stretch sedan, and the other four got into another ordinary vehicle, and then headed towards the direction of Life Science City. Drive.
John is no stranger to this world-famous city. After all, as long as people on the earth, no one does not know this city built by the Blackwatch Company alone. The population of this city may not be large, but it is online I often hear a joke, that is: if you go to the streets of Life Science City and buy a pack of cigarettes, you can also run into nine billionaires, and a few are politicians of a certain country.
Although a bit exaggerated, it is enough to explain the prosperous degree of Life Science City. Every day, rich people come here to seek the most superior treatment conditions, and there are also international stars who come here to seek top-notch plastic surgery techniques. This is the most prosperous city in the entire Earth Federation.
Looking at the traffic lights and billboards formed by countless holographic projections on the street, and the high-rise buildings full of science fiction on both sides of the road, John feels that he has entered a cyberpunk world, but unlike the descriptions in science fiction movies and novels, there is nothing here. The slum or the dark side of the city, because the poor and the gangsters are not eligible to enter here.
Looking at this unique city, John had a hint of novelty in his eyes. Finally, he looked at the driving position in front of him.
The driving seat is vacant. Generally speaking, even if it is automatic driving, there should be a driver sitting in the driving seat as a backup to prevent unexpected situations.
"This is not ordinary autonomous driving."
Brando on the side seemed to see John's doubts and couldn't help but chuckle, "However, the intelligence responsible for driving is not in the car, but in the city's intelligent management center."
"What is there?"
John curiously asked.
"It is in charge of all the electronic intelligence of the city."
Brando replied, "There is a supercomputer that controls every vehicle in the city. The advantage of this is that there will never be a car accident. Not only that, except for private areas, all places in the city are controlled by cameras. The blind spots, even the traffic lights on the road, the giant screen advertisements in the sky, and even the electronic signs on the facade of every store, are all controlled there."
"It's really amazing."
John couldn't help nodding.
With Brando taking the initiative to provoke the topic, John gradually relaxed a lot. During the conversation, the vehicle finally came to the bottom of the Blackwatch headquarters.
As the car stopped in front of the gate, the door opened automatically, and John then slowly got out of the car.
He looked up and immediately saw this tall building. The whole building was so clean that there seemed to be no trace of dust, and the floor was smooth and transparent, as if the whole building was made of glass and crystal.
In this scene, John couldn't help but recall a game called "Mirror's Edge: Catalyst". The high-rise buildings in the entire city were almost identical to the scene of that game.
"PLZ follow me."
Brando and Sara took the lead and entered the building. After passing through the vast hall, the three came to a panoramic elevator, and the bionic man in charge of the service had been waiting for a long time.
"Welcome three."
This beautiful-faced bionic woman was wearing a uniform. Instead of asking the floor where the three of them were going, she directly pressed the button on the top floor and added, "Mr. Chen has been waiting for you for a long time."
Are you finally going to see that Chen Chen?
Looking at the pedestrians on the ground that were shrinking rapidly under his feet, there was a faint feeling in John's heart. He couldn't explain this feeling. He was a little curious and a little proud of that legendary character.
What’s curious is that the guy who founded Blackwatch Co., Ltd. does not know what he looks like, but he is proud that he is after all the top psionicist evaluated by the Earth Federation, and the other party is probably just an ordinary person, after all, a real powerful person. How many bets on the death rate of compound L? The lives of those people are precious.
With complex thoughts in mind, the elevator soon reached the top, and with a ding sound, the elevator door opened quickly.
At the moment when the elevator door opened, John saw only a back view. The other person was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, silently watching everything outside the window, seeming to be watching the crowds at his feet.
Brando and Sara walked out of the elevator first, and then they lowered their heads slightly while listening to Brando's whisper, "Boss, people are already here."
Only then did the figure slowly turn around, and John subconsciously looked at the other person, but what he saw was a slightly handsome man in his twenties.
However, although the other person's appearance is not better than his own, he has a strange temperament on his body, especially those dark to bottomless eyes. The moment he saw those eyes, John suddenly felt a shock in his heart!
In an instant, he seemed to see a shattered world, his eyes dying like black holes, the other side obviously did nothing, just glanced at himself, but his soul shuddered.
Subconsciously, a scarlet light appeared in John's eyes, and he was about to use self-defense methods almost immediately!
"John Oppenheimer?"
However, the other party suddenly spoke. In an instant, the invisible terror quickly dissipated, and the whole world emerged again. John suddenly woke up, only to find that the man in front of him had returned to normal.
It's as if everything was just an illusion before...
"Mr. Chen."
John put away the horror in his heart, he lowered his head slightly, and immediately responded.
"You are very good."
The man in front of him stood up straight, walked slowly in front of him, and seemed to be looking at him, "Alpha-class psionicist, considered by the media to be the strongest in the world, kills five heads of hostile forces in one night, you are indeed very good. ."
"Mr. Chen?"
John raised his head when he heard the words, and tried to look at the other person, "I don't know if you asked me to come, do you have any instructions?"
"I have an agreement here."
The man smiled slightly. He turned around and handed a few thin contracts to John in front of him, "You should have joined the God’s restricted area back then, but because you didn’t choose to join B·S·S, you chose to stand instead. In front of the public, but now that the ten-year contract has expired, you should have a new choice."
John frowned slightly. To tell the truth, although he was also interested in joining God's Forbidden Zone, he didn't want to leave his previous job.
Because in the past ten years, he has become accustomed to being a man in the eyes of the public. He enjoys the people's enthusiasm for himself, and enjoys the admiration and love of the people for himself. This feeling makes him intoxicated...
"Don't worry, the new contract won't let you leave the Power Warriors."
The man in front of him seemed to be able to see through his heart, and only listened to him continue to say, "This new contract is also for ten years, but the terms are much better than before. Your new identity will be Blackwatch North America. The vice president of the district headquarters is only under Liu Zhijian. At the same time, you will formally enter the God Forbidden Zone and get Alpha-level permissions and enjoy the same benefits."
These words made John's eyes shine brightly.
He immediately accepted the agreement and read it down one by one.
Hearing that John's conditions were so good, even Brando and Sarah on the side looked a little complicated, and the person in front of him was soaring into the sky.
"I am willing to sign this agreement."
Soon, John raised his head again, and the joy in his eyes quickly faded.
Hearing this, the man burst out laughing, "John, are you willing to fight for the benefit of the company?"
Hearing these words, John's expression suddenly became solemn, he took a deep breath, and then said, "It is my duty to safeguard the interests of the company, and I will do my best to fight for the company!"

A few minutes later, Brando and Sara led John away.
However, the elevator just went down, and soon came up again, Xiao X walked out of the elevator, "Godfather, John Oppenheimer has left the building, he revealed to Sarah that he will leave within today and return to New York."
Chen Chen nodded and said nothing.
"Do you believe this man?"
Xiao X suddenly became a little curious, "given him such superior conditions, he can really do things for the company with all his heart? Human nature is complicated, even if you shocked him just now, what if he still betrayed?"
"You don't understand this."
Chen Chen shook his head and smiled, "If you tie our chariot of interests, we are naturally our people. This has nothing to do with trust. After all, as a shareholder, who will destroy the company he invested in?"
Xiao X nodded now. UU reading
In fact, there is a reason why she is not at ease, because she is used to using God chips to control humans, but for psionics like John, God chips have no effect.
This kind of chip can only restrain ordinary people and some low-level psionics at present, but for the guardian John, who has an immortal body, the God chip is nothing threatening at all, and even implantation can't be done.
Unless the reality anchor is used to block the psychic power within a few kilometers, the God chip can be temporarily implanted.
However, once the reality stabilization anchor is removed again, John's spirit and physique will quickly recover, and taking out the God chip is as simple as pulling out a thorn in the flesh.
This is why Xiao X is a little worried.
"Controlling people's minds is not the only way to go with God chips." Chen Chen corrected.
Looking at John who had walked out of the building outside the glass window, Chen Chen couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression:
"I hope it's a good knife..."
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