Chapter 179: Ginseng fruit tree, Tianlong Daozu!

In the shocked eyes of the two of them, Ye Qing slowly appeared in front of them while driving a cloud of auspicious clouds.
Behind him, followed by the emperor Qin Shihuang and Li Shimin, both of them had solemn eyes and solemn faces.
After deterring the heavens with a phantom, Ye Qing rushed to the Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang Guan with his two guardians.
The reason for coming here is very simple, that is, after human beings have a powerful cultivation base, they need to survive the catastrophe, and ginseng fruit and flat peach can avoid the catastrophe, reducing the power of catastrophe.
Don't underestimate this catastrophe. I don't know how many immortals have died under the catastrophe. Without ginseng fruit trees and flat peaches, it would be difficult to survive the catastrophe.
Moreover, once the ginseng fruit trees and flat peaches are owned by others, it means that one's own handle is in the hands of others.
The reason why the Queen Mother and the Empress host the flat peach event is to use this event to win and control the homes of immortals.
The Jade Emperor arranged Monkey King, a peach-loving monkey, in Pan Peach Garden. It was precisely for this purpose that Monkey King was allowed to steal flat peaches, so that the number of flat peaches was controlled. Those fairy gods were loyal to the Jade Emperor in order to avoid the catastrophe and obtain the peaches. .
As for those immortal monks and Buddhas who did not get the flat peaches, naturally they can only rely on the Wuzhuang view controlled by the Buddhists. This is one of the reasons why Zhenyuan Daxian worshipped the brothers with Monkey King.
After all, Daxian Zhenyuan and Monkey King worshiped their brothers, and then they had a relationship with Buddhism, and they would be protected by Buddhism in the future.
It seems that Journey to the West is just a story about upgrading and fighting monsters. In fact, behind this story is the intrigue between Buddha and Tao, fighting each other.
Now the calamity of learning from the West Heaven has been destroyed by the Dragon Heaven, but the battle between the various forces in the myth world is far from over.
Long Tian was familiar with Journey to the West, and he naturally knew the importance of this ginseng fruit tree, which brought Qin Shihuang and Li Shimin to him.
"You, you are..."
Beihai Guanyin's face changed slightly, looking at the boy in front of her, she instinctively felt a slight threat, "Are you the ancestor of the Tianlong Dao?"
"Unexpectedly, all of you Buddhism are blind, and there are people who know the ancestor of the Tao."
Ye Qing smiled faintly, but did not continue to pay attention to Beihai Guanyin. Instead, he set his sights on Zhen Yuanzi, "I have long heard that the ginseng fruit tree in the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, which can produce longevity. , The ginseng fruit that soars by the day, seeing it today, it is really amazing!"
After all, Ye Qingxu shook his hand, and a ginseng fruit had fallen into his palm.
Zhen Yuanzi himself didn't expect the sudden occurrence of Tianlong Daozu, and suddenly frowned: "Tianlong Daozu, Zhen Yuanzi doesn't seem to have any friendship with you."
Hearing this, I was worried that the ginseng fruit tree would slightly tick the corner of Tianlong Daozu's Beihai Guanyin's mouth, and his heart was relieved.
"If there is no friendship now, there will naturally be in the future."
Ye Qing smiled and started straight to the point: "I heard that ginseng fruit can prolong life and is a rare treasure. The Taoist ancestor came today, hoping to borrow the ginseng fruit tree to use it. Of course, the Taoist ancestor will not take Zhen Yuanzi's ginseng fruit for nothing. ."
"Why would Pindao lend you the ginseng fruit tree?" Zhen Yuanzi snorted coldly.
The Beihai Guanyin behind did not speak, but his face was already filled with a thick smile.
Ye Qing smiled, and immediately winked at Li Shimin. At the moment, Li Shimin handed a picture to Zhen Yuanzi.
There is a lot of information written on the picture. Zhen Yuanzi looked contemptuous and contemptuous at first, but immediately, his eyes became darker and deeper.
The above content is very simple, how much Tianlong Sect has developed in three months, and how much less Buddhist temples and Taoist temples have been in these three months.
Even in Nanfangbuzhou, where Lingshan is seated, within three months, the Buddhist temple was reduced by more than half, and it was all occupied by the Tianlong Sect.
This information seems useless, but it is telling one thing faintly, that is, the Buddhism foundation is getting shallower and the human race is developing faster and faster.
Zhen Yuanzi is not a fool. This is for him to choose between Buddhism or Human Race.
The Beihai Guanyin on the side wanted to see the contents of the picture clearly, but found that a spiritual power permeated her, blocking her sight.
"It's true that Tianlong Sect has just held a bodhisattva feast a few days ago. Many bodhisattvas have been cooked into cooked meat."
Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's expression had changed, Ye Qing spoke lightly, adding another fire.
When Beihai Guanyin heard this, his face suddenly changed, and Zhen Yuanzi's heart was shocked. This Tianlong Sect is not even afraid of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva?
"Cough cough, what, Zhenyuanzi Daxian, this Bodhisattva suddenly thought of something he forgot to take, let's go ahead!"
Beihai Guanyin was not a fool, and a lot of sweat burst out on his forehead, and he greeted the two Buddha boys to leave.
Ye Qing gave Qin Shihuang a wink, and Qin Shihuang nodded and followed quietly, preparing to kill Beihai Guanyin.
"Speaking of which, we still have a lot of roots. I thought that the old man was too old to teach people before, and the old man has also heard about it. Tianlong Daozu, you are the same family, and you are the same. Look at the memory of the old man. stand up!"
Daxian Zhenyuan suddenly patted his forehead and said hehe, and immediately he winked at several disciples: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hit a few ginseng fruits quickly!"
The Taoists immediately went to prepare to go.
"Tianlong Taoist ancestor, if you don't mind, how about we worship a brother brother?!" Zhenyuan Daxian suddenly said.
Hearing this, how could Ye Qing fail to see that this Zhenyuan Great Immortal wanted to hug their Heavenly Dragon Sect's thigh, it was not stupid, for the sake of the ginseng fruit tree, this brother also worshiped.
"Okay, in ancient times, people worshipped the handles of Taoyuan three knots, we might as well let the world as a witness, and worship a handle brother!" Ye Qing said with a smile.
Zhenyuanzi Daxian was not too happy to mention it, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.
He is not a fool, and the Tianlong Sect has developed so rapidly. Sooner or later, the human world belongs to the human race and belongs to the dragon sky. As the brother of the dragon sky, his status will naturally not be bad!
It is a pity that he did not expect that he is an immortal, and Longtian is a human being, not of my race, his heart must be different!
Long Tian just used him for the time being!
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