Chapter 673: The infamous SpongeBob

After a while.
Teacher Puff looked at SpongeBob SquarePants and the strange human who had fled from the wild, and roared: "SpongeBob SquarePants, I hate you!"
Needless to say, SpongeBob has smelled Teacher Puff again.
Ye Qing is indifferent.
SpongeBob continued to identify the suspects one by one. Soon all the women in Beechburg had been smelled by SpongeBob. If you make a movie for SpongeBob according to this story, the name of the movie must be "Scent of Scent woman".
Now SpongeBob has been able to identify the women of Beechburg just by taste.
At the same time, SpongeBob is also famous.
Although SpongeBob was already very famous, now SpongeBob's reputation has expanded tenfold.
Just notorious!
The headline of the Beechburg Daily is a sensational headline "The Birth of the Biggest Rogue SpongeBob Squarepants in Beechburg": Women in Beechburg frequently encounter sexual harassment, thousands of women cry and scream, evil tentacles raging everywhere, this All in all, is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality...For details, please buy the Beechburg Daily!
On TV, the broadcaster also broadcasted a report with a heavy voice: "The chef of the Crab King Restaurant, the producer of the delicious Crab King Pot, the small yellow square we have always loved, the SpongeBob with square pants, he has fallen! Sponge! The baby now uses evil tentacles to harass the women of Beechburg everywhere and smell them. Now let’s look at the reports sent back by the frontline reporters!"
After the broadcaster said, the screen turned around and there was an interview report by frontline reporters.
"Ms. Sandy, you and SpongeBob are good friends, right?" The frontline reporter interviewed Sandy first.
Sandy said, "Yes."
The frontline reporter said: "Does he also harass you?"
Sandy said, "Yes, he harassed me."
The frontline reporter said: "What do you think about this?"
Sandy said, "I see with my eyes."
Frontline reporters interviewed Zhenzhen, the daughter of Boss Crab.
The crab boss comforted his crying daughter.
The frontline reporter said: "True, are you friends with SpongeBob SquarePants?"
Zhenzhen said: "It used to be. The SpongeBob SquarePants used to be a cute child, but since he met a human magician, he has fallen!"
Crab boss added indignantly on the side: "This human magician is a thief! He used magic to steal money from my vault, and then used my money to spend it with me, and also rewarded Brother Octopus. I have lost a total of several Millions! Ooo..." The Crab boss cried loudly when he thought of losing money.
The frontline reporter said: "Then Mr. Crab Ajin, what do you think of SpongeBob's harassment of your daughter?"
Crab boss said: "SpongeBob SquarePants must lose money! At least three months of wages must be lost!"
Crab boss got an expression in Qian's eyes.
Really aggrieved: "Dad, you are so embarrassed!"
Immediately afterwards, frontline reporters went to interview Teacher Puff again.
The frontline reporter said: "Ms. Puff, have you also been harassed by SpongeBob?"
Teacher Puff said: "Yes. I never thought that SpongeBob would do such a thing to me!"
The frontline reporter said: "Ms. Puff, what do you think of this?"
Teacher Puff said helplessly: "What else can I see? Anyway, as long as I meet SpongeBob SquarePants, I will be fine."
The frontline reporter summed up to the camera: "Dear audience friends, through my interviews with several parties, we know that SpongeBob is no longer the loving SpongeBob, he has fallen and became Beechcraft. The hooligan of Fort Beech, the big satyr of Beechburg, the big devil of Beechburg!"
All this spread rapidly in Beechburg.
Everyone is hiding from SpongeBob.
Even the members of the famous Strongman Club in Beechburg, after seeing SpongeBob SquarePants, all fled in fright.
No one dares to provoke a man with magic, no, it's a sponge.
SpongeBob is not scary, the most scary thing is that SpongeBob can magic.
Beechburg was in a panic.
Looking at the messy Beechburg, SpongeBob SquarePants said anxiously: "It seems that Voldemort has already begun to do evil. Behold, the residents of Beechburg are extremely scared!"
Ye Qing's face twitched, and he thought they were afraid of Voldemort, they were afraid of you SpongeBob!
"Voldemort must be disguised as a resident of Beechburg!" SpongeBob said, "So I suddenly had an idea."
Ye Qing said, "What do you think?"
SpongeBob said: "As long as I smell everyone in Beechburg, I can find Voldemort's trace."
Ye Qing sighed: "You should have thought of it long ago."
SpongeBob said: "Now start acting!"
The flute...
Police cars came flying in.
One by one police cars surrounded SpongeBob SquarePants.
"You can't go anywhere!" the sheriff said, "Mr. SpongeBob SquarePants, you have committed group harassment, abuse of magic, and you have been arrested!"
SpongeBob SquarePants said: "Between you, there must be Voldemort hidden, for the love and justice of the world, to save the world-blasphemy tentacles!"
Rows of tentacles rose from the ground.
One by one policemen were bound by tentacles.
SpongeBob sniffed it all the time.
"He...he...he didn't even let go of men!" The sheriff was shocked, "He is the most evil criminal I have ever seen!"
The sheriff could only watch himself being sniffed by SpongeBob.
"There is no Voldemort among you!" SpongeBob said, letting go of the police, and then used the "group teleportation technique" to send these police officers back to the police station.
The police failed to sniper SpongeBob!
SpongeBob is even more notorious!
But SpongeBob’s idea of ​​finding Voldemort has become a kind of obsession. SpongeBob has forgotten everything and just wants to find Voldemort and save the world.
For this reason, SpongeBob worked tirelessly and heard one by one. This time, SpongeBob's target is men.
The men in Beechburg have been killed!
The danger of SpongeBob SquarePants rose by three stars.
When SpongeBob came to Brother Octopus's house, finally, the two saviors of Beechburg came to stop SpongeBob!
Sea Superman and Ocean Ranger.
"SpongeBob SquarePants, stop your evil behavior!" Sea Superman said, "You were a good boy, although it was very annoying, but now you are causing a lot of trouble to the residents of Beechburg, all because The instigation of this evil magician!"
The Ocean Ranger said: "Don't talk nonsense, take SpongeBob SquarePants quickly! He is a hundred times more evil than any super criminal!"
Hai Chao said humanely: "But that evil human magician can't let it go, he is the master behind the scenes!"
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