Chapter 752: Plan to control the tribe

Charman Bronzebeard was first shame and anger, then grief and anger!
This group of people is so unjustified!
But the culprit of all this is Ye Qing!
"Ye Qing, you made me so miserable, I fought with you!" Charman Bronzebeard said, rushing towards Ye Qing.
Without Ye Qing's hands, there would naturally be a "loyal minister" to hold Charman's bronze beard.
"President Ye, this grandson wants to be rough with you, what should I do?"
A "loyal minister" asked.
Ye Qing thought for a while, and said, "Give him to the sheriff and put him in the Stormwind Prison. Through the power of the chrysanthemum explosion, let him sober! In the Stormwind Prison, what are the Jackals and the Defias Brothers? , They all love chrysanthemum burst!"
At the moment, someone gave Charman Bronzebeard to the sheriff, and Stormwind City’s NPCs were also the masters of the rudder. They didn’t even need a trial immediately, so they directly put Charman Bronzebeard into Stormwind City. In prison. To greet Charman Bronzebeard, there are countless maniac and hungry men, like the handsome night elves among Charman Bronzebeard, and what greets him is a dark and sunless career!
But after Ye Qing ordered Shen Yu to pick up the guests, he returned to the Lion King’s Pride Hotel and started drinking beer and eating roasted quail. Is there a happier life than this?
Ye Qing thought about his layout while eating and drinking.
Although Ye Qing does things on a whim sometimes, Ye Qing has his own layout most of the time.
This time is no exception.
Ye Qing's main purpose in coming to this world was to find a birthless mother, nothing else matters.
But the birthless mother in this world is extremely cunning, deliberately creating many clues and targets to interfere with Ye Qing.
But Ye Qing is not stupid, adapting to local conditions, taking advantage of the world's luck and the protagonist.
There are actually two parts to luck in this world.
Part is located in the Union.
Part is in the tribe.
Or how is it called a dual camp game?
The alliance's luck is mainly concentrated in the Diobs Union.
To be precise, it is concentrated on the people such as the eldest lady, the brick, the night man, the bachelor knights, the female virtue, and the four shadows, because in this world, these talents are real roles.
But the tribe’s luck was concentrated on the Jubo Brigade, that magical union.
So Ye Qing first mastered Diobs, and then used it as an introduction, and then mastered the entire league of players.
Why did Ye Qing do this?
Because first, the motherless mother deliberately made trouble, Ye Qing used the crowd tactics to crack them one by one and try them one by one. Anyway, sending them a little equipment, for Ye Qing, is no different from buying a house with a roll of toilet paper.
Cheap, affordable and easy to use!
The second is that this world is actually a double protagonist!
The protagonist of Mingmian is mt, the main force of the tribal chrysanthemum explosion conference, that uncultivated stupid cow, MT!
The theme of this world is "My name is mt".
But there is a real protagonist in secret, that is, all the Yamaguchi players, collectively called "greedy adventurers"!
Is there anything in the world that these greedy adventurers can't do?
They all have the aura of the protagonist!
As long as Ye Qing used the task rewards to mobilize all the greedy adventurers, coupled with luck, and then mobilized the protagonist MT, Ye Qing believed that no matter how deep the unborn mother was hidden, there would be nowhere to hide.
"Mother without birth, you are one foot taller!"
"I'm a devil!"
Ye Qing thought about it, and decided to make persistent efforts to control the tribe.
It's just that Ye Qing's current state is human, and human beings and tribes are mortal enemies, and it is impossible for Ye Qing to go to the tribe to do much.
With Ye Qing's strength, he could naturally push the tribe by himself, but that was meaningless.
So Ye Qing separated a strand of true spirit, and wanted to possess a native of the tribe.
The main city of the tribe, Orgrimmar!
The Horde is not a native force of Azeroth, they are from Draenor!
These bloodthirsty orcs were bewitched by the Burning Legion, fought against Ai Xing's human alliance, and fought two world wars.
Finally the orcs were defeated!
At that time, someone suggested that war criminals like orcs should be cut and killed.
But Terenas, the king of Lordaeron, didn't know whether it was the Virgin or why. He even established a shelter and spent human money to raise orc captives.
This has directly led to a huge increase in the financial burden of the alliance, the conflicts among countries have become heavier, and the internal separation of the alliance.
In the end, Thrall, the chosen son of the orcs, successfully led the orc uprising in the shelter, experienced a series of events, gained a foothold in Camlidor, and created a new tribe.
The new tribe is dominated by orcs, absorbed tauren, darkspear trolls, and undead races, and established a tribal power with Orgrimmar-Thunder Bluff-Undercity-Echo Island as the axis, and Stormwind City-Iron Furnace-Numorrigan (not recovered)-Darnassus' alliance forces contend. The two are evenly matched, but in detail, the alliance is stronger. The tribe must at least wait for the blood elves' appearance and the financial aid of the goblins to have the strength that can truly contend with the alliance.
At this time Orgrimmar is the political core of the tribe!
Orgrimmar was named after the old tribal warchief Orgrim Doomhammer. It was established by Thrall. When it was established, it received the Darkspear troll chief Vol'jin and the Tauren chief Kane . Bloodhoof, Orc Rexxar, Pandaren Chen. Help from Stormstout.
At this time, Orgrimmar’s steel production was not enough, so the main city was built of stone and wood. Until the time of Garrosh Hellscream, the tribe’s industrial strength will be greatly developed, and steel production will catch up with or even surpass the Alliance. Grimma will completely become a steel barrier.
Ye Qing's true spirit wandered here.
Finally, Ye Qing chose his goal.
That is Gamol.
Gamour, a strange tauren.
Squatting in the tavern every day to eat and drink.
But I don't know why, but it's a monster.
Huang Ming is neutral and does not actively attack the player, but can be actively attacked by the player.
Gamol has only 12 levels.
So many players with low hands, doing nothing every day, killed Gamol with their hands.
Every day, Gamol will spend his life in constant death, and he will be killed as soon as he is resurrected.
If you don't have a bad hand, there is no killing!
Ye Qing thinks this Gamol is very suitable, the size is also a celebrity, and it is suitable for counterattack. In terms of Ye Qing show his strength, shock the players, and finally achieve Ye Qing's own goals.
Ye Qing's true spirit entered Gamore's body.
At this moment, a dark tauren entered the tavern and yelled: "Silver scale breastplate, one piece of hardware, a penalty of ten for a fake, a childlike man..."
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