Chapter 671: another world

boom! boom! boom!
The magma continued to roll, and many more burst out of the magma area and erupted toward the ground.
These erupted magma fell on the ground, blasting the ground apart like small bombs, making a booming sound.
Seeing this scene, both Jack and Raleigh's bodies became tighter, their eyes were extremely solemn, and they looked at Lin Fan together.
Lin Fan took a deep breath, before he had time to think about anything else, he glanced at Jack and Raleigh, then looked at Huo Qilin, and said, "You must know how to open the teleportation formation here and leave, right?"
Now that the magma here has begun to erupt, it is not a question of where it is, but how to get out of it.
At least, you have to survive before you can think about where you are.
Can't even survive, so does the earth have any impact here?
"of course I know."
Huo Qilin's gaze condensed, and he also looked at the stone tablet, and said, "Use the trunk in your hand to touch the stone tablet to open the teleportation array."
"It turns out that this tree trunk needs to touch the stone tablet to open the teleportation array..."
Lin Fan was a little speechless. He didn't expect that the way to open the teleportation formation exit would be so troublesome. Fortunately, he got this trunk before, otherwise they would really die here today.
Without any hesitation, Lin Fan immediately ran towards the stele.
The eruption of magma affected Lin Fan's speed a lot.
However, he succeeded in reaching the stele.
According to Huo Qilin, he moved the tree trunk towards the stele.
At this time, he had no time to think about whether Huo Qilin was deceiving him.
After bringing the trunk of the tree close to the stone monument, there was light bursting out of the stone monument.
These rays of light quickly blended right in front of the stele.
About ten seconds later, an existence that looked a bit like a vortex of air current appeared in Lin Fan's eyes.
"This is the teleportation array?"
Lin Fan glanced at the airflow vortex, then looked at Huo Qilin and asked.
"Yes, this is the teleportation array."
Huo Qilin nodded and said, "This is the only way to leave here. You can only leave through it. There is no other way."
"Then let's get in quickly!" Raleigh said quickly.
Jack nodded, he wanted to die here too.
Regarding Jack and Raleigh's words, Huo Qilin sneered in his heart, but did not say much at this time.
Because it can already be 100% certain, Jack and Raleigh will undoubtedly die after entering the teleportation array.
However, Lin Fan's physical strength is relatively strong, and may be able to survive the teleportation formation.
Jack and Raleigh did not delay, immediately ran towards Lin Fan, and soon came to Lin Fan's side.
Fire Qilin strode forward and followed.
"Can I take that little red ball?" Lin Fan said, looking at the little red ball on the stone tablet.
"That's what is used to open the teleportation array. Once you take it off, the teleportation array will be turned off. This teleportation array can only be activated once. At that time, even if you put it back, the teleportation array will not appear again. Say, can you take it away?" Huo Qilin asked rhetorically.
"Okay." Lin Fan nodded.
He thinks that the small red ball is a good thing, but since the small red ball is required to maintain the teleportation formation, he naturally cannot take the small red ball away.
boom! boom! boom!
The magma erupted more and more violently, and even the ground here began to shake.
"This place is about to be destroyed by magma, you guys do it for yourself, I'll go first." Huo Qilin said, and then jumped into the teleportation array, and the huge figure suddenly disappeared in the Lin Fan trio. In sight.
"Let's go too!"
Lin Fan knew that he could no longer stay here, and made a quick decision.
"it is good."
Jack and Raleigh nodded without hesitation, and the two of them didn't want to stay and wait for death.
The three of them jumped into the teleportation formation together.
The moment he entered the teleportation formation, Lin Fan clearly felt that the surrounding area was completely pitch black, as if no light could be seen, it was the kind of feeling that you could not see any light.
Immediately afterwards, a huge pressure was exerted on him.
This huge pressure seemed to crush his body.
The huge pain in his body caused Lin Fan to let out a cry.
Although he couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly, he soon heard two more painful screams.
Judging from the timbre, these two more painful screams were undoubtedly from Jack and Raleigh.
"Jack? Raleigh? Can you hold on?"
Lin Fan endured the pain and asked.
His question was not answered.
The screams of Jack and Raleigh were just that, and there was no more sound behind them.
Lin Fan's heart sank. Are Jack and Raleigh both dead?
Just as this doubt flashed in his mind, he saw a flame approaching him.
After the flame was close, he could see clearly that it was Huo Qilin.
"No need to call them, they can't bear the pressure of this teleportation array and died." Huo Qilin looked at Lin Fan and said lightly, without any emotional color in his tone.
After all, Jack and Raleigh have nothing to do with it. If they die, they will die. It will not be sad for the death of Jack and Raleigh.
In the wars it has gone through before, it doesn't know how many people died. If it had to grieve once if one person died, it would have been sad for a long time, and how could it have lived to the present.
Lin Fan's body suddenly stunned. He believed that Huo Qilin did not deceive him. Judging from the screams of Jack and Raleigh just now, there was indeed a scream before death.
He just didn't expect that geniuses like Jack and Raleigh would actually die in the teleportation formation.
"It's your kid, the body itself is strong enough to barely support it."
Huo Qilin said admiringly: "I think you should have practiced the body practice before."
"Cultivating body exercises?" Lin Fan was stunned. He hadn't practiced any body exercises before. He relied solely on the defensive attributes picked up by the ring.
But from what Huoqilin said, he can also be sure that Huoqilin must come from a world where he can practice.
"However, the more the teleportation array goes to the back, the greater the oppressive force it produces. If you want to survive, you have to hold onto the trunk in your hands. This trunk can bring you some protection at critical moments. power."
Huo Qilin reminded: "Remember, you must never let go of the trunk. Once you let go, you will definitely die."
This trunk is the trunk of the tree of life. It has strong vitality itself, and it also has a protective effect on the person holding the trunk in his hands.
In any case, Huo Qilin still held a trace of gratitude. If it hadn't been for Lin Fan to wake it up, then it would not know how long it would sleep, and it might even be impossible to wake it up.
Therefore, at this time, it also wanted to help Lin Fan to survive.
Hearing Huo Qilin's suggestion, Lin Fan naturally grasped the trunk tightly, not daring to relax a little bit.
Unsurprisingly, the oppressive force of this teleportation formation is indeed even greater in the future.
Even if Lin Fan grasped the trunk in his hands, he also endured considerable oppressive force.
Lin Fan kept breathing deeply, adjusting his own rhythm.
At the same time, he looked at Huo Qilin and found that Huo Qilin didn't seem to feel anything under this oppressive force.
"How powerful is this fire unicorn's body?" Lin Fan was shocked.
I couldn't help thinking that in the fantasy novels, the bodies of those monsters were very powerful.
Perhaps this fire unicorn belongs to the level of monsters in this so-called Tianyuan Continent.
As time passed slowly, Lin Fan's pressure continued to increase. After half an hour, he could no longer hold it, and he passed out into a coma.
However, he returned to a coma, but his hands still firmly grasped the tree trunk.
The trunk seemed to feel Lin Fan's coma, and a force began to radiate out, wrapping it around Lin Fan's body to relieve Lin Fan's external pressure.
I don't know how long it took, Lin Fan's eyelids twitched slightly, then opened his eyes and woke up.
What I saw was the blue sky and white clouds, and the air smelled very fresh.
"Woke up?"
A voice came from nearby.
Lin Fan tilted his head to see that it was Huo Qilin standing there.
"How long have I been in a coma?" Lin Fan asked.
"Not much, three days." Huo Qilin replied.
Lin Fan was speechless, didn't he call many in three days? Could it be that he was in a coma for thirty days before calling more?
"Did my two friends really survived?" Lin Fan asked again.
"Didn't I tell you? They have died in the teleportation formation, their bodies are destroyed, how can you still see them?" Huo Qilin said.
Lin Fan sighed softly, unexpectedly Jack and Raleigh would die like this.
"where is this place?"
After adjusting his emotions, Lin Fan stood up, looked around, then looked at Huo Qilin and asked.
"Tianyuan Continent, does your kid have a bad memory? It's not that I haven't told you about it." Huo Qilin said angrily.
"Tianyuan Continent..."
Lin Fanni murmured, with a confused color in his eyes.
Seeing Lin Fan's expression of confusion, Huo Qilin shook his head and said, "Forget it, I think you may have amnesia. Let me give you some information."
As he spoke, Huo Qilin opened and let out a ray of light, and that ray of light suddenly rushed into Lin Fan's head.
Immediately afterwards, Lin Fan felt a lot of information flooding into his mind.
This information is all about Tianyuan Continent.
It turns out that this Tianyuan continent is really a cultivation continent in a fantasy novel.
This world truly respects martial arts.
In such a world, killing is just a family property. There is no legal restriction at all. If your strength is strong, you can kill whoever you want to kill.
Of course, Lin Fan also learned about some monsters.
In Tianyuan Continent, the monster race is very powerful, not even worse than the cultivator.
For example, the dragon race, the Phoenix race and other monster beast races, it is simply the existence that stands at the peak.
The fire unicorn race is also very powerful, but there is still a certain gap compared with the top monster beast races like the Dragon and Phoenix races.
This world is dominated by the cultivation of Huangli, and the energy that exists in the energy crystals is called Huangli.
When on earth, energy crystals were obtained from the bodies of zombies, but in Tianyuan Continent, energy crystals could be obtained from the bodies of monsters.
Of course, the Tianyuan Continent is not called energy crystallization, but called demon core.
Demon core, as the name suggests, is the core of demon beast.
Most of the power of the demon core is concentrated in the demon core. After the demon beast is beheaded and the demon core is obtained, most of the power of the demon beast can be obtained.
This kind of power can become a wild power used by cultivators with a slight conversion.
Lin Fan has the pinnacle strength of a sixth-level evolver on earth, but in Tianyuan Continent, the strength of a sixth-level evolver is actually equivalent to the sixth level of the cultivator's body tempering realm.
The Tianyuan Continent has a very detailed division in the level of cultivation, which is divided into the realm of body tempering, wasteland, heavenly wasteland, desolate pill realm, creation realm, qi creation realm, good fortune realm and other realms.
There is still a higher realm after the good fortune realm.
And the body tempering realm is divided into one to nine levels, one is the lowest, and the nine is the highest.
As for the following realms such as the wasteland and the wasteland, they are specifically divided into early, middle, late and consummation.
All in all, this is a magical world as well as a vast world.
Here, as long as the strength reaches the Desolate Pill Realm, you can fly freely in the sky!
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