Chapter 693: State of the earth

This time, returning to the sink channel, Chu Xuan immediately began to absorb energy crystals.
Because there is a lot of energy crystallization, it takes a lot of time to absorb it.
So, this will be a project that continues to be good.
During this period of time, Yun Yishi took out his mobile phone again.
Chu Xuan was very curious when he saw that Yunyi's phone screen was still on.
"Your cell phone's battery is durable! Is it still usable?"
"Hey hey, it's durable, of course, do you know how many mobile phone stores I found before I found this phone? Forget it, let me tell you this. If it is on standby, my phone can stand by for a week. If I use it from time to time, it can be used. Two or three days, how long have we been here? How could it be out of power? You care about my mobile phone, it is better to absorb the energy crystals."
This makes sense. Although absorbing energy crystals is almost the same as eating meals, but when you think about it carefully, it is still much worse.
When Chu Xuan ate the third energy crystal, he felt that if he was a water bottle, the energy at this time was likened to water, and it was already in the mouth of the bottle, but it was just dissatisfaction. At the time, no matter how he absorbed, he pretended to be dissatisfied with how to pretend.
When the fourth energy crystal was put in Chu Xuan's mouth, Chu Xuan thought that things should get better, and he began to feel at ease.
However, the reality is still cruel.
It was so cruel that he felt uncomfortable.
A crystal of energy fell into his stomach, and the energy was absorbed, but he still didn't feel the picture was broken.
Although this feeling of breaking through has always existed, it has never been able to break through. It is uncomfortable and uncomfortable.
This made Chu Xuan feel that something was wrong.
Where are these absorbed energy crystals consumed?
Why can't it be noticed? Why doesn't my energy increase?
Chu Xuan took another energy crystal and began to absorb it.
This time, he began to check what seemed to be abnormal changes in various parts of his body.
As a result, no special abnormal changes occurred in his body. Although he had eaten fried insects, he obviously did not possess the abilities of Night Demon.
Could it be that your own abilities are at work?
Chu Xuan began to use abilities again. He used the abilities to grow a piece of grass under his feet and woven it into a futon to sit on it. It seemed that there was a bit of rhyme.
But does it feel important? The important thing is to determine if the power has increased!
Suddenly, Chu Xuan felt that there seemed to be something more in his mind. Although the surrounding environment was very dark, only the cloud-like mobile phone screen was on, but Chu Xuan seemed to be able to see that there was a grass in front of him. Grow, become bigger and bigger, as if it will grow into a tree.
Although he didn't know what the picture he saw meant, Chu Xuan was certain that it was similar to the picture he saw when he absorbed the meteorite. Is this an evolution of the power?
Chu Xuan couldn't think of other situations. The only situation and possibility he could think of was the one in front of him.
Of course, this is not a good situation.
After all, the improvement of abilities was of little use to Chu Xuan at this time.
What is the use of power promotion at this time?
In short, it is useless at all.
After all, if the evolution level reaches the fifth level, even if the pliers worm cannot be cut directly from the back of the pliers worm, all other parts of the pliers worm can be cut off.
But what is the use of power upgrades?
Wrap the bug for a few more seconds?
Although it sounds useful, but if the attack power is not improved, then the current situation cannot be changed.
The reality is so cruel!
If there is a cloud, it doesn't matter if the power is not improved!
"Yunyishi, have you ever encountered such a situation? The absorbed energy crystals have all turned into power growth."
Yun Yishi was looking at the book in the phone at this time. After hearing Chu Xuan's words, he turned his head to look at Xiang Chu Xuan, and then showed a dazed expression on his face.
This really feels awkward, this is all about it?
Is this what happened?
Energy crystals turn into power growth? It seems that I have never heard of this experience!
what! It seems to have and it seems useless.
After thinking about it, Yun gave an answer: "I really don't know this, I shouldn't have it! After all, my ability, but after absorbing the meteorite, it became like this directly, but if there is no If it does, it seems something is wrong again. Looking at my Night Demon ability, you seem to want to absorb the energy crystals before lifting it up. You see, I now have lines on my face."
After listening to the second half of Yun Yi's speech, Chu Xuan had some thoughts.
He felt that the current situation should be normal, and maybe only when the ability is also upgraded to a certain stage, the evolution level will continue to increase.
Chu Xuan looked at it, there was a little bit of worry about the remaining energy crystals, what was he worried about?
The worry, of course, is that these energy crystals are not enough for his ability level and evolution level to be improved.
If you can't improve, that would be bad.
And it is very, very bad.
However, speaking of it now, it's really not the time to care if it is bad or not, the crystallization of energy is the most important thing.
Yun Yishi has been reading the book, and after he has watched a long plot and many chapters, he felt that he wanted to move around and change his position. Then he looked at Chu Xuan again.
However, when he looked over, he was immediately a little dumbfounded.
He even blinked to see if his eyes were misunderstood and dazzled. After all, he had only awakened the Night Demon ability, maybe he would really have dazzled eyes.
But when he looked at the past again, he was still surprised.
His eyelids picked up, and he even shouted.
crystallization! Energy crystallization!
Eighteen energy crystals! What a huge amount of energy this is, however, how many energy crystals are left at this time? How much is left? Only two left!
If there are two energy crystals under your body, then two! As long as Chu Xuan's strength can be improved, as long as he can reach the fifth level, he can kill more insects anyway and obtain more energy crystals.
But, what is the content that really stunned him?
It was Chu Xuan's strength that was still at the fourth level!
It's so unscientific!
With so much energy crystallization, it is that expansion can swell a person to death!
However, not only was Chu Xuan not dead, he had not even been promoted!
By the way, what question did Chu Xuan ask himself just now? What did you ask?
I can't remember it!
Suddenly there was a sound, and the grass vines that Chu Xuan retreated suddenly turned into tree vines.
The degree of tenacity has been increased several times at once.
Seeing this change, Yun Yishi was still dazed.
Because he still didn't understand what was going on.
I don't know what happened.
However, it is not important to figure it out.
What is the important thing?
It was Chu Xuan who had opened his eyes again.
Chu Xuan didn't do anything, the vine stretched out like an arm, grabbed the energy crystal beside it, and sent it to Chu Xuan's mouth.
The cloud next to him looked at this scene, a little dumbfounded.
He had already seen the situation in front of him. Chu Xuan had already raised the level of his abilities to the same level as him. Now he can move flexibly like his arms, which is simply incredible.
It feels incredible and hard to understand.
But thinking about the energy crystallization consumed, Yun Yishi stopped talking.
More than a dozen energy crystals! It was understandable that Chu Xuan could not be promoted, and he had spared it to upgrade his evolution level!
The two energy crystals were swallowed by Chu Xuan and began to absorb them.
Only once, he wanted a breakthrough.
When the energy crystals dispersed in his body, Chu Xuan felt that his body became a little hotter, and at the same time his mental power seemed to be a little confused.
Vaguely, he seemed to hear a voice coming from his ears, and a vague figure dangling in front of his eyes.
The figure seemed to be saying something, but he couldn't hear or see clearly.
That dim feeling made Chu Xuan very uncomfortable, but he couldn't change the status quo.
Although Chu Xuan's spirit was in this situation, the energy in Chu Xuan's body was increasing.
As it happened, the energy entered smoothly this time, and even more smoothly, Chu Xuan's body finally broke through the critical point and sent out huge fluctuations.
Level five! Chu Xuan finally succeeded in progressing to level five!
Although, in the last step, he only needs one energy crystal to be able to advance successfully, but Chu Xuan still absorbed two. The reason is that if one is left, it will definitely be passed by Yun Yi, and Yun Yi will Chu Xuan's heart might as well give it to Xiao Hei, since that's the case, it might as well absorb it herself.
With the successful promotion to Chu Xuan's mind, he also became sober, and gradually recovered from that state of confusion.
After recovering, although I can't recall what I heard or saw just now, it doesn't matter anymore.
The most important thing now is to continue hunting and killing insects!
Chu Xuan looked around. He didn't know if he had been in the dark for too long, or if he had become accustomed to the dark environment or what was going on. He felt that he looked at the surrounding environment more clearly. some.
"Chu Xuan! It's great that you finally woke up, you finally entered the fifth level! So many energy crystals, you know! You know how scared I am! If you can't enter the fifth level, it will be for us In other words, the loss is too great!"
"Loss? What can I lose if I can't enter the fifth level? The most is to spend more time to kill the insects! Okay, since I wake up, I can't stay here and waste time, let's go kill the insects. Come on!"
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