Chapter 351: Human Federation, Unification 1

Before An Wen went to experiment with the Zerg in the other world, he had to protect the earth.
I didn't know it before.
Now he knew that a civilization with a bad conscience in the universe had entered the memes.
Under such circumstances, the current defense system of the earth has great loopholes.
The dissemination of memes has a huge shortcoming, which is to spread through information.
You don't have access to memetic messages, so you won't be affected by memes.
"How do you defend? Not receiving outside information? That won't work either.
But when receiving outside information, there is a risk of being affected by memes. "
An Wen leaned on the office chair and racked her brains to find a way.
This is not a joke.
Although the odds are low, what if?
To give the simplest example, the three-body civilization locked the Earth's technology tree with water droplets.
This is locked up by technological means.
So what to do with memetic weapons?
It's very simple. Modify the wavelength of a star. When humans observe that the wavelength of this star has a problem, when they start to study, they will win.
And this trick is no solution.
Scientists passed memetic star wavelength data to make all scientists believe that nuclear fusion does not exist, and stars are not nuclear fusion reactions.
At this time, all human scientists will no longer study nuclear fusion, so the technology of nuclear fusion is even locked up.
The scariest thing is that no one thinks this theory is wrong.
If the concept of this meme is replaced by mathematics, such as 1 + 1 = 3, then the human technology system will collapse.
Mathematical calculations are inherently wrong, and all calculation results are wrong.
Then you say you don't study astronomy?
It's not a mental disability because of food waste.
"Do you want to isolate the Institute of Astrophysics?"
When An Wen was thinking about how to resist memetic attacks, a message prompt appeared.
Hope the star is almost finished.
However, the star of hope now has great research value.
After the stroke, human behavior is actually very valuable information, so he raised the situation of the Hope Star to special attention, and the main brain would remind him if something happened.
"Hope that the star nations submit applications jointly, and that China would participate in the United Nations General Assembly to form a human federation?"
After seeing the reminder, An Wen was convinced.
Usually, when something happens, the response of the United Nations is slow, and no matter what the problem is, everyone will talk about it.
Nothing like efficiency can be seen at the United Nations.
But now, how long has this been going on? I hope that the high-level members of the stars have unified their thinking and formed a federation.
As for interest?
No problem, everyone is profitable, and everything serves the liberation of the universe.
Anyway, An Wen is speechless. The memes are so terrible that they twist humans into a rope.
"Master brain, reply to the news, and say that we will not participate in China, let them play for themselves."
"Okay, commander."
Now there is basically no normal person on the Hope Star, and they are all mentally ill, so it is not clear to them.
After a while, the main brain prompts again.
This time, the main brain monitored the high-level meetings of the Hope Star countries and asked him if he wanted to watch.
What else is there to say, let's see.
A holographic projection screen appears, showing the conference room of Hope United Nations.
In the meeting room, I hope the bosses of all the countries in the star are there.
"The reply that China just gave us is that we do not participate in the formation of the human federation.
But it doesn't matter. As long as we work together, even without the Chinese technology, we can overcome difficulties and develop our own spacecraft.
The most urgent task is to take back Dong Dong's expert group. They have the equipment in the prehistoric relics in their hands, which can speed up the pace of our construction. "
The boss of M State spoke.
"I also say that in addition to the United States, in addition to trying to find a way to bring back Dong Qiang's expert group, we must concentrate all our strengths on tackling aerospace technology.
At present, I hope that the resources on the planet are not enough to support our detachment from the universe. We must first manufacture mining spacecraft and collect resources in the galaxy. Da Mao's boss followed.
"Yes, resources are one aspect, and scientific research is also an issue.
We must concentrate all our strength on scientific research, and I suggest that you mobilize scientists to a super city, provide all resources, and strive to complete technological breakthroughs as soon as possible. "The boss of Hans Cat nodded.
"The scientific research power in our country is very weak, but our maids have the best service attitude. I will mobilize maids from all over the country to go to scientific research cities to solve the life problems of scientists."
"Our country now produces a lot of fruits, and I will provide living materials for the research cities."
"We provide scientific research equipment."
"We provide scientific research supplies and daily supplies."
Hope that each country in the star counts as one, all of them are supportive, and they are all sent to the heart.
An Wen felt very sorry to see this situation.
To be honest, when everyone is on the earth, they are fighting.
Even when it comes to the Hope Star, it is developing its armaments with all its strength and can't wait to kill other countries.
But now.
It's ironic that everyone is reconciled and working together.
"In fact, this is also very good. It concentrates the strength of all human beings for development. I don't know how fast the technology tree will climb."
Thinking of this, he suddenly discovered something.
Under normal circumstances, the extraterrestrial civilization chose the mouse to achieve a certain level of technology.
After being brainwashed by memetic weapons, coupled with the equipment given by alien civilizations, a huge interstellar fleet can be created in a short time, bringing together the power of the entire civilization to transcend the universe.
Although the result is to be a white mouse for alien civilization with the power of a civilization, the development of science and technology is not fast.
But humans are different, let alone go to the edge of the universe.
The nations of Hope cannot even make aircraft in the stellar system.
Therefore, they want to go to the edge of the universe and become mice, and they must honestly do research, and wait until the technology reaches a certain level before they can set off.
This is interesting.
"The main brain, we will mobilize 500,000 sets of scientific research equipment from the warehouse, install monitoring equipment on these equipment, and then send these equipment to Hope Star. It is said that we were funded by them in China."
"Okay, commander."
In Anwen's view, the current Hope Star is a group of instrumental people.
Instead of being an instrumental person for aliens, it is better to be an instrumental person for us for a while.
Anyway, you also have to climb technology, so I will use it for reference.
Can the matter of scientists be called copy?
That's the same idea.
The next day, Hope Xing began a national mobilization.
It is really a mobilization of the whole people. All of them participate in it, give all their strength, and work together towards a goal.
A super city ~ ~ said empty, then empty, and then scientists and researchers from all over the world, as well as major universities and colleges move to this city.
Global materials began to be deployed to this city, and no one objected to it, and the more they paid, the happier they were.
It ’s as glorious as if the child received the little red flower.
Watching the glory of Hope on satellite, An Wen began to twitch.
If Marx comes alive and sees that capitalist countries can do this, they must be forced to do so. This is the most idealized socialism in Marx's thinking.
We didn't do it, let capitalism do it.
"So, as long as the minds of all people are tampered with, no social system can be achieved.
If it fails, it means that the thinking is not unified and psychological counseling is needed. "
An Wen muttered, he wondered, if the content of Ma Zhe was edited by meme, what effect would it spread to the universe?
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