Chapter 368: Technology upgrade

"That is to return to the core of the spiral star spiral, using the space tear formed by the two supermassive black holes in the core of the spiral star galaxy, to escape the black hole universe.
I don't know what you want to say. Under normal circumstances, no matter how many super-massive black holes result, you cannot tear the space and cross the dimension.
But the star galaxies are different. As the quantum tide is destroyed and the space is further compressed, the collapse of the entire galaxy causes the tear between black holes to form a special force field.
In addition, the time axis and the space axis in the black hole are not changed, which will cause that area to form some disordered channels that span time and space.
Although I don't know where these disorderly channels will eventually lead, I am sure that the exit of the channel is by no means our current universe.
It sounds a little bit wild?
My theory is not imaginary, but I calculated it. This is the calculation formula ...
Due to my lack of high-dimensional space-time constants, the final calculation results are out of order, but it can be clearly seen through the calculation steps that the time and space systems are offset by the data.
The chaotic and disorderly passages of space, which ultimately lead to them, are definitely not a corner of our universe.
Having said that, I have no regrets. The Zerg ’s blockade of the spiral galaxy is being further strengthened.
If you don't want to return to the core of the spiral galaxy to inform the Federal fleet, then find a way to leave the spiral galaxy and spread the news.
Outside the spiral galaxy, there are civilizations that can compete with the Zerg, so go find them.
Finally, I left you a small gift, I hope you are satisfied. "
As the cut-off cg disappeared, An Wen appeared in front of the technology tree list.
"Report to the commander and find the alien civilization science and technology information package. These materials will help individual technology upgrades. Please ask the commander to choose." Shuguang's voice sounded.
"Is this my choice of technology upgrade?"
An Wen looked at the list of technology trees in front of her, listening to the sound of dawn, it became obvious that he knew what he was going to do next.
Mathematics, philosophy, physics, chemistry, materials, engineering, energy, life sciences ... A plus sign appears on the list of technologies.
Of course, this plus sign is not a random addition, you can only choose one.
"What to choose? This time to add something, it should be to make the science and technology tree break through the seventh-level civilization, but you can only choose one, which is a bit pitted."
An Wen frowned. It was really a bad choice.
His tendency is to choose from three technologies: physics, materials and energy.
Needless to say physics, once it breaks through the seventh level, the technology will definitely explode, and he can't figure out what he can do.
The material is the same. Don't look at the fact that he can now produce electronic degenerate materials, but that's already reached the top. With the breakthrough of materials science, neutron degenerate materials will definitely appear. This is no doubt.
It goes without saying that everyone knows what neutron degenerate materials represent.
As for energy breakthroughs, he estimates that both the shield and the energy weapon technology will have a very large improvement, and unlimited energy is not impossible.
In addition to these three, mathematics, philosophy, and life sciences are all possible.
The logical weapon of mathematics is also very powerful.
Needless to say philosophy, he has the power of the heart, isn't it better if he is one level higher?
The same is true of life sciences. At present, life sciences in other worlds have no system. They only have special technologies, but no complete theoretical science and technology system.
If he chooses the life sciences, it is estimated that there is a high probability that they can complete the theoretical system of life sciences.
"Dawn, first seal the data, I have to think about it."
"Okay, commander."
The screen of the technology tree in front of him disappeared, and An Wen got up and left the realm.
How to choose?
He is tangled now.
But he couldn't help but choose to go home.
"Disc ... disc ..."
Back home, An Wen started looking for the disc, and he needed his luck.
His own luck, he knew.
This important decision now requires some luck.
The disc is playing anti-gravity speeding on the seventh floor underground. After being found by An Wen, the disc is unhappy.
"Let's play later and come and do me a favor."
When An Wen finished speaking, he returned to the living room with the disc.
Using a 3d printer, he printed a cylinder and a few signs.
That's right, the way he has to rely on disc luck is to draw lots.
Standing on the disc's turtle shell, he closed his eyes and started shaking the cylinder.
Wow ... wow ...
"Pumps and discs, as I like, pick the most suitable technology ..."
An Wen groaned in his mouth, intensifying his hands.
A lottery was thrown out.
An Wen heard the sound and opened her eyes immediately.
The disc is faster, it grabs the lottery on the ground, narrows its eyes, and tilts its head back.
An Wen squatted down and saw the sign clutched by the disc.
"It turned out to be philosophical technology?"
An Wen has a toothache. Should I choose philosophy?
"Disc, what do you think?"
The disc immediately showed a strange expression, as if to say ... I didn't expect you to be this kind of person.
"This is a technology tree. What do you want?"
After taking a picture of the disc's head, he returned to the laboratory again, locked the door and crossed to the other world.
"Dawn, show a list of tech trees."
"Okay, commander."
An Wen stared at the screen again for thought, and he was still tangled.
After a while, he asked: "Dawn, what do you think?"
"It's all about the commander's will."
An Wen rolled her eyes.
"Dawn, what are the next steps? Where are we going?" Anwen asked.
"Reporting commander, based on the current information, there are two options after comprehensive consideration. The first option is to return directly to the core of the spiral galaxy, but doing so will face the Zerg army.
The second option is to leave the spiral galaxy temporarily, look for high-level civilization, seek help, and then return to the spiral galaxy. "
"Look for high-level civilizations for help? What can they help me with?"
It helps to see what kind of birds are in the high-level civilization in the real world.
For high-level civilizations, low-level civilizations are chives and mice.
"Commanders can look for high-level civilizations for technology exchange to improve our technology."
"Swap technology ... this should be a branch line."
An Wen suddenly thought that this is a special world, this is the game world.
Now he is returning to the core of the star spiral galaxy. It is estimated that it is difficult to go back. The more advanced technology is here.
Then at this time, if UU reads the book, if he leaves the star spiral galaxy and finds the alien civilization, then the setting in the game should be a branch story.
By then he will likely get science and technology from high-level civilization.
In this way, he can upgrade the technology tree of other disciplines.
Thinking of this, look at the philosophical sign in his hand, he instantly understood.
The tree of philosophy and science and technology is not easy to improve. High-level civilization does not necessarily understand philosophy, but high-level civilization must understand mathematics and physics.
In this way, he added this precious skill point to the philosophical science and technology tree, which is the most cost-effective.
An Wen raised his head and, without a word, clicked on the screen to upgrade the philosophy and technology tree.
Suddenly, the philosophy and technology tree changed, and all the original icons disappeared into a brand new icon.
Seeing the name of this icon, An Wen was confused.
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