Chapter 547: Dangerous in the core area (below)

The area where the demon vine is located is already the core area of ​​the demon continent. Yang Chen has been able to sense the most powerful position of the magic, and that direction should be the location of the space connection point.
This is the most dangerous area, let alone Yang Chen, those who have been soaring in the demon world for hundreds of thousands of masters, and no one has dared to go so deep.
Do not say anything else, just the magical demon vine, it is enough to devour all the coming masters, the masters as a nourishing fertilizer for its growth.
I don't know how this vine grows, so I can use it magically. Fortunately, it is not very fast to breed the demon vine. It has only been more than 30 strains for so many years. If the mountains grow in the wild, maybe someday is such a powerful species occupying the entire demon continent.
Here, Yang Chen did not use the shuttle, and there was no Yujian flight. All of them walked on their own, for fear of any accident. In this core area of ​​magic, no matter how cautious it is.
Walking along the way, Yang Chen is very surprised. There are also many plants in this area, all kinds of big trees, all kinds of shrubs and vines, all of which are the kind of posture that can absorb the magic, and the growth is extremely strong. However, as the magical demon vine is nothing but unique.
In this area, the monsters are more rare. Yang Chen thought that because of the demonization of the demon vine, the magical monsters around the hundred miles were killed by it, but the fact is obviously not the case.
After walking thousands of miles to the core, Yang Chen finally found traces of the demonized monster. but. The magical monster here is not the kind of monster that is particularly ferocious after being attacked by magical power, but another form.
If you use the words in Yang Chen’s mind to describe it, you can call it a breeder, a monster that is completely for breeding.
A variety of magical monsters that Yang Chen had seen before, can be seen almost all the way. There are a few pairs in every tens of miles, and there are males and females. These monsters seem to be able to survive only by absorbing magic, and do not need to prey, the only purpose of their survival. It is reproduction.
No matter the kind of monster, the speed of reproduction is very amazing. The first demonized leopard that Yang Chen encountered, a few breaths of time, produced the next leopard.
When the leopard was born, it was immediately attacked by magic, and then quickly grew up. In just one day, the little leopard has grown to the point of late Yuan Ying. Then the little leopard began to rush to the outside of the demon continent. It seems that I can no longer afford the magic pressure here.
Runn from the side of Yang Chen, the magical leopard did not even look at Yang Chen. It seems that I am leaving here. It is the initial instinct to hurry up to the magical area that you can adapt to. After arriving at those places. Let’s talk about killing and preying instinct.
Different small leopards have different qualifications and the final achievements are different. The more you can withstand the magic, the higher the level of cultivation, the closer you can stay to the center. Only by this simple way, the whole demon world is covered with magical monsters of different strengths, and the natural strength is also divided.
No wonder Yang Chen can often see the weak and demon monsters appear in the depths of the demon continent. Many experienced people have disdain to kill those monsters that are much worse than their own realm. Otherwise, these monsters will not be able to reach the periphery and become the master's experience. It may even be that even the experience value is not counted. When did you see a monk killing an ant and gaining experience in killing?
Those species. It’s incredible to cultivate it as a realm and even make Yang Chen feel incredible. With the experience of past lives, Yang Chen can easily see. The realm of those species is almost close to the level of the land. If they do, it is easy to kill Yang Chen.
Fortunately, these breeds seem to have no other cravings besides breeding. The first species that I had encountered was the demonized leopard. I found that Yang Chen’s breath also looked at Yang Chen’s eyes, but Yang Chen always used the nine secluded flying sword as a robe to wear on his body. The other party seemed to feel it. It is no less than the magical concentration of the demonized demon vine, so it is not taken seriously, lazily swaying the tail and continuing production.
Here, for the first time, Yang Chen felt the pressure to face death. Fortunately, there is a cover of magic, the other party did not start, otherwise Yang Chen really did not know how to die.
It was discovered that Yang Chen continued to move forward cautiously as long as there was an extremely strong magical cover to be safe. The land of several powerful beasts that have passed along the way, all of which illustrate this point.
There are even two kinds of monsters, which are natural enemies themselves. They are even in the distance of a hundred miles, and they are produced independently of each other.
This makes Yang Chen more and more sure, here is the place where the demonized beast was born. Although these beasts are powerful, they all exist as species and only breed, no matter what else. As long as you don't provoke them, you must be safe.
Surrounded by sinister ones who can kill themselves, but the temptation of that space connection point makes Yang Chen decide to risk his life to explore. Once you can refine the space connection point, the 斩 knives can have the ability to break the space, and the nine secluded swords also have a continuous source of magic gas, the benefits are greater than the sky, worth the risk.
Anyway, it is only a matter of refining the space connection point in a short period of time. It is not necessary to refine at all. As long as the first step is completed, it is like the entrance of Sendai, and you can continue to refine anytime, anywhere. These species are not easy to use, and there is a success rate of 80%.
From here to the most central, there are thousands of miles away. On the road of Yang Chen, it is like a tightrope, passing by a beast that is strong to the extreme, and there is no feeling of attack but a sense of hanging. Even if it is to kill and practice outside, Yang Chen can better understand the benefits of the experience.
It is always between life and death, this is the original intention of the demon continent. Before Yang Chen’s protective magic weapon was strong, there would be no danger to his life. Therefore, although he also sharpened his own attacking means, the real state of mind can only be improved through the experience of the demons, far less dangerous than the present.
What kind of emotional outburst is comparable to the fact that as long as you have a slight misconduct, you will be able to let Yang Chen achieve the purpose of the experience? Although the previous road was only two or three thousand miles away, Yang Chen benefited from the hundreds of thousands of miles from the edge of the demon's mainland to the center.
Walking along the way, Yang Chen even had some vague expectations in his heart. I hope that this road will never go to the end, and it is very contradictory. ^-^^-^
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