Chapter 602: Nothing pure Yang Jianqi (on)

From the beginning of the light, the eyes of the three were all concentrated on the faint light, and the eyes were brighter and brighter, eventually becoming dazzling.
The deep well, which was originally empty, was finally revealed after Yang Chen’s ban on handcuffs. A huge long sword that stretched almost from the bottom of the well to the wellhead, showing a bright phantom, appeared in front of the three people out of thin air.
The unmistakable swordsmanship can be felt without even touching. The swords in the sky are vertical and the peaks of the whole mountain seem to suddenly become sharper. Those birds that are still far away dozens of miles away, I don’t even dare to fly in this direction, as if there is something that makes them extremely scary.
All of this, the three people in the cave are temporarily unable to know, everyone's eyes are concentrated on getting the sword shadow, no one wants to look away.
Yang Chen didn't do it, and didn't suggest that Shi Shanshan would certainly not do it, just admiring it at close range. However, the two of them did not move, and the middle-aged scribe was no longer able to resist, and began to eagerly start.
With a soft bang, Yang Chen, who was standing there watching, suddenly appeared a sword tip. Pierced from Yang Chen's back and then emerged from Yang Chen's chest. At the same time, the middle-aged scribe has already pointed to Shi Shanshan's body.
Both Yang Chen and Shi Shanshan were equally unbelievable, staring at the middle-aged scribe, and then their bodies fell softly on the ground.
"Teach you a sly, don't meet anyone who believes so in the future." The middle-aged scribe was quite happy. The two rookies did not know how to practice until the Yuan Ying period, and even a little experience of the rivers and lakes, it is simply two unspeakable Shantou Qing.
"Kid, let's go with peace of mind, you beautiful lady, the old man will treat her as a pet." The middle-aged scribe said with great pride, his face could not conceal the ecstasy: "You can be good before you die." Look at how the old man collects this sword. It is also to make you die."
As he said, the scribe was in the laughter of the haha, reaching out and pointing at the tip of the huge sword of the long sword. A drop of blood immediately oozes out of the scribe's fingertips and is stained on the sword. The shadow of the sword is extended from the bottom of the well to the wellhead. It is very easy to do this.
Blood drops to recognize the Lord, this is the lowest level of the first move and the magic weapon to establish a connection, compared to the control of the gods is a lot worse. but. Winning is simple and works well. Although it is a temporary recognition. But I can get time for further cultivating in the future.
The middle-aged scribe is not a guy who doesn't know anything. Naturally, I know that this sword is not here for many years. It is unrealistic to want to collect it for a short time, so I used this technique. As long as the sword does not attack yourself, there will be hope of conquering in the future.
Sure enough, as the scribes did not expect, the huge long-sword virtual shadow saw blood, as if suddenly found the owner. When the light flashed, all the phantoms got into the body of the scribe from the place where the blood oozing.
Sword gas into the body. The scribe's face was also cautious, and stood carefully. A little bit of feeling the movement of the sword in the body, after a while, revealed a reassuring expression, a smile appeared on his face.
"Ha ha ha ha!" The scribe began to laugh again, and the mouth began to mad again because of ecstasy to say to himself: "Six hundred years, finally let the old man get this sword, hahahaha, six hundred years, six Hundred years, hahahaha!"
After a smirk, the scribes looked down at Yang Chen and Shi Shanshan, who were soft on the ground, and did not hide their pride and happiness. Haha smiled: "I would like to thank you both for solving the six hundred years of mystery for me. The question, but also sent a flower-like jade furnace, this trip is not empty!"
"Forgot to remind the predecessors." In the laughter of the scribes, the chest was pierced by the flying sword, and Yang Chen, who should have been mad at the line, was sitting still, and the voice was calm. Where is the injury?
"This sword gas has been cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years in the land of gold gas. The impurities contained in the gold gas will form a protective shell outside the sword gas. And these impurities are impure and impractical, and it is very difficult to control." In the stunned eyes of the scribe, Yang Chen smiled and said slowly: "I originally wanted to refine these golden gas impurities, at least for hundreds of years or longer, but some of the seniors volunteered to use the flesh trials. With the flesh and blood attracted, it saves a lot of effort, so thank you!"
Not only Yang Chen, but Shi Shanshan next to him, but also looked like a faceless thing, no signs of being held. The performance of the two of them made the middle-aged scribes of the Mahayana period dare not go to the West's own eyes. Isn't everything that they saw is false?
To be honest, Shi Shanshan is also a bit strange. Yang Chenming’s chest has been pierced. How can it be so easy? However, before Yang Chen hinted that Shi Shanshan would wait and see, Shi Shanshan was absolutely trusting Yang Chen and also acting. Now, seeing Yang Chen sitting up unscathed, his heart is naturally happy.
Listening to Yang Chen’s words, Shi Shanshan could not help but smile. Everything is under the control of this husband, and I don’t know how this middle-aged scribe who is in control of everything is now.
However, it is clear that the scribe has not been able to investigate Yang Chen is why the chest is not worn, he has found abnormalities in the body, his face began to become difficult to look.
Ah, ah! The screaming screams from the mouth of the scribe, as if he was suffering from it, the body kept bulging a big bag and then collapsed. Here, there, there will be non-stop.
Hey, the continuous voice rang from the scribes, and the blood was seen from the scribes, and then a bright light flew out of the blood, bringing out a burst of blood.
The light that flew out only flew a few steps away, and was swallowed up by a dragon shadow that did not know where it came from. This kind of super-spirited impurity is the most delicious taste of the sky, it is simply a natural make-up, especially after the nourishment of the masters of the Mahayana period, it is delicious.
In addition to the screams, the middle-aged scribes can only watch their bodies being pierced by swords, and the flying swords are swallowed up by the roaring sky. Every flesh of the sword will take away the vitality of the scribes. Slowly, the scribes' voices are getting lower and lower, and then there is no more sound.
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