Chapter 603: Jianqi recognizes the Lord (below)

If someone sees this scene in front of them, they will never believe in the price of collecting this pure Yang Jianqi.
It is not necessary for Shi Shanshan's physical pain to be said. The realm of God's knowledge of the two immortals is not something that anyone can do. Perhaps only some of the elders who have been retreating and guarding the sects in the big gates can do it.
But even then, those people who face this pure Yang Jianqi can not be collected smoothly. Five-way Lingzhi Yulu Dan, it can be said that any injury before the ascension can cure the powerful elixir, one use is a few hundred. Not to mention the ordinary sect, it is the Danding Gate of the alchemy, and there is no such big deal. Except for Yang Chen, no one can take it out.
This is not to mention, Shi Shanshan has at least ten spiritual powers under his body, and each of the spiritual veins can almost match the spirit of the five gates of the present. Even if it is the five major sects, it is impossible to find so many threads just for one person to use.
Geng Jin Ling Liquid Geng Jin Ling Shi, not to mention, waiting for the leisure sects, there are so many pounds and two is already a treasure, and Shi Shanshan is now used, let alone bathing, is used to fill the pool, used Geng Jinling The liquid is also enough to fill dozens of swimming pools.
The price of this luxury, let Beijieyu and Liu Wei of Baguio Xiandao know, they do not know what they think. Those who have such a handwriting will look at the case of the Zongmen area that they control. The forest is big, and there are birds. It really is not honest, but even Baguio Xiandao is no exception.
The reason for using Gengjinling liquid. It was because the last time Shi Shanshan and Sun Qingxue were abolished by Hu Qianyi, Shi Shanshan was soaked with Geng Jinling liquid to recover. The body has been completely transformed by Gengjinling liquid. At this moment, these Gengjinling liquids are used to repair the body of Shishanshan with Ganoderma lucidum Yuludan. Another purpose is to strengthen the Jianqi.
Of course, if you want to absorb these Gengjinling liquids, you must absorb them from Shi Shanshan's body. This is also an important medium for the recognition of Shi Shanshan by Jianqi.
While staring at the situation on the side of Shi Shanshan. On the other side of Yang Chen, he already took the scabbard with pure Yang Jianqi in his hand. This ancient magic weapon can save hundreds of thousands of years of pure Yang Jianqi, absolutely has its own unique. What's more, such a gem of gold is the first choice for Yang Chen to upgrade the quality of the knives.
The cultivation of Yang Chenren Xianjiu’s knowledge is enough to support his distraction. In fact, Yang Chen is in the red dust experience plus these years. The total number has exceeded more than one hundred years, and the cultivation has been in the realm of the mid-Yang Ying. Not because he did not practice. Rather, he has been doing several things at the same time.
Refining the space of the demon world, this has never stopped, and has already completed almost 30%. I believe that there will be more than two hundred years, enough for Yang Chen to refine the space connection point of the demon continent. At that time, it will be merged into the 斩 刀 knife, and the 斩 刀 knife will have the ability to break the space.
Of course, after refining the demon's continental space, there is another entrance to the Sendai station to be refined. That is believed to be more time consuming. But after refining, the effect will be even more horrible.
Refining medicinal herbs, this is the key skill of Yang Chenlai to become famous. Yang Chen has been continuing. The fire of the Yunling furnace has never been extinguished. Nechadan, stationed in Yandan. These are a lot of remedies needed. There are also a few that are required for both Ask Dan and Bai Nian Dan. Moreover, these medicinal herbs are more difficult to refine and take more time. For a long time, Yang Chen has been barely able to provide Zongmen’s reserves and daily consumption.
What is especially important is that Yang Chen is still groping for the experience of various basic medicinal refining, and the fire of another ordinary alchemy furnace has not been extinguished, and has been producing various kinds of Low-grade medicinal herbs or failed medicinal residues.
Devouring a variety of fires, this is the only way to upgrade the yin and yang fire, and it has not stopped. Below the fire of five products, one has swallowed one, and now Yang Chen has been merging and absorbing the five types of fire. Only after the stage of the five products, each type of fire has extremely rich features, each of which is not so easily absorbed.
The sun is really hot and the fire is probably the easiest. In fact, any kind of thing, Netherfire, Nanming, and so on, all need to be carefully operated. Most of Yang Chen’s energy is in the refining and demonizing of the mainland space and alchemy, and the relative absorption of the fire is slow.
Daily practice can't be less. The maintenance of the daily magic weapon, the Tianzhu refining treasure, the sacred ritual, the 乾 养 养 养 养 养 , , , , , 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心 核心Absorbing the magical power on the konjac beads is also continuing. This is not to mention that Yang Chen seems to have nothing to do with holding various types of jade reading.
All of this is supported by the gods of Yang Chenren Xianjiu. All the people who watched Yang Chen seem to have never practiced so much could not imagine that Yang Chen Yang Chen had never interrupted practice.
Of course, because of so many reasons, Yang Chen’s spiritual repair has not been growing rapidly, and it is also a reasonable necessity. However, in the eyes of other people, this is definitely because Yang Chen’s practice is not hard enough and can be understood. The alchemy teacher has never been repaired.
Now we have to add two things, one is to take care of Shi Shanshan, the other is to study the scabbard's refining techniques, and then integrate the scabbard into the knives.
Speaking of it, the 斩 刀 knife was originally a sword, relying on the soul of the sword to exert its power, in essence, it is a plurality of scabbards, and this scabbard is complementary, which can increase the power more and more.
Time flies very quickly, and it’s two years in the blink of an eye. On average, Shi Shanshan takes a five-turn Ganoderma Lucidum every day, absorbing almost the equivalent of a swimming pool of Geng Jinling liquid and more than a dozen Gengjin Lingshi. Do not say anything else, just the glory of Geng Jinling liquid in the body, it is enough to make Shi Shanshan's Geng Jinzheng Yuan to a point where people are speechless.
The wounds on the body have appeared less and less. At the beginning, there are almost a dozen or so at the same time. The number of slowly decreases to a few, and then the one is followed, then the scent of the scent is half a minute, half an hour. Every other hour, every other hour, every other day, every two days, until now, it is already half a month before a wound will appear.
Yang Chen finally let go of his heart. In the past two years, Jianqi has gradually recognized Shi Shanshan, and with a little more effort, he can complete the final recognition process.
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