Chapter 605: Can not send (not)

Shi Shanshan’s words made Yang Chen shake his head and make a joke. He was too late to hide. He had accidentally left a lot of troubles for himself. Now I don’t know how to solve it. How can I leave them a few? Still not enough for yourself?
However, people are already around, apparently knowing the whereabouts of Yang Chen. After a greeting, it was still a little rude. So, Yang Chen took Shi Shanshan’s small hand and put away the shuttle, which appeared before Tao Qiqi and the teacher had no double-sided.
The intimate situation of the two people's handles is seen in Tao Yuqi and the teacher's eyes. After all, it is not very comfortable for the two women. But Shi Shanshan is the wife of Yang Chenming's media, and how close is it, others can't say anything, and the people who practiced did not put those worldly etiquette in their eyes.
"I have seen two fairies!" Yang Chen rushed to Tao Qiqi and the teacher's unparalleled manner. After all, he is a man, and courtesy is also a courtesy.
Yang Chencai just gave a ceremony, and the faces of the four people on the scene changed at the same time. Hundreds of drowning gods and thunders appear around the crowd, and when they see signs, they will burst open in an instant.
When the mind was moved, Admiralty appeared in the body of Yang Chen. He was about to block all these attacks. He suddenly found that Shi Shanshan had already moved.
"Don't!" Yang Chen had only had time to shout out this sentence. The swordsmanship in Shi Shanshan's body was revealed through the body, and the smashing of the water and the thunder of the gods would become two halves. Even if the water and thunder has reached the edge of the explosion, there is still no one to escape the fate of being cut open.
Nothing is pure and savvy in the mortal world. Almost is the invincible existence. Don't say that the water is thunderous, even if it is ten times more powerful, it will not escape.
The threat of drowning has disappeared, but new troubles have followed. Without the pure Yang Jianqi, Shi Shanshan is just just collecting it. Even the refining and chemical industry has not started, and it is simply unable to control it. Just because these years have been fighting against Jianqi, the subconscious is in danger, but the fatal problem is. Can not put it.
Yang Chen almost realized that it was not good, and a rush of a flash, appeared in front of Tao Qiqi and the unparalleled, and the golden bell opened to the maximum. Even the knives were taken out and blocked in front of themselves and the two women.
In the distance, there were more than a dozen screams before death, and the screams were full of unwillingness. Yang Chen knows that those who are always squatting around and not scatter around are waiting to count them.
These guys die and die, no one cares. The trouble is that the two women behind Yang Chen, the Qiqi fairy of Taitianmen and the Aoki fairy of Qiankunmen also made a painful cry.
Nothing is pure and sturdy, and it is invincible. In the mortal world, only the scabbard can be restrained. Fortunately, Yang Chen has already absorbed the scabbard into the knives, so the knives that have been rushed out have blocked most of the sword.
However, the remaining part of the sword is still breaking through the blockage of the 斩 刀 knife, two subtle swords, directly breaking through the dragon shadow defense on Yang Chen Golden Bell. Passing through Yang Chen’s body, he directly fell into the body of two women.
At this moment, Yang Chen did not even feel the pain in his body. Tao Qiqi and the teacher are in the hands of the unparalleled death, and can not die in the hands of Shi Shanshan. Although Yang Chen does not want to let Taitianmen lose his name, and let the four major gates join forces to attack, it is obviously not the time. Shi Shanshan took the lead. If something goes wrong, it is the same fatal trouble for Shi Shanshan.
Things happen too fast. Although Tao Qiqi and Shi Wushuang have already made a defensive posture, the bodyguard magic weapon is also called in time, but in the face of the supreme pure Yang Jianqi, even if it has already passed Yang Chen to offset some of the power of the sword, it still can not withstand. The two men's bodyguards were shattered, and the sword gas directly passed through the bodies of the two women, bringing the two women up and down, and falling heavily.
Yang Chen’s movements are fast enough, but it’s just enough to catch the bodies of the two women. In the first time, Yang Chen took out two five-turn Lingzhi Yulu Dan and sent it to the two women's Tankou. The two women’s injuries were not too heavy, they were not fatal, they still kept their minds, and they swallowed the medicinal herbs. No one said anything.
At this time, Yang Chen discovered his physical injury and also took a five-turn Lingzhi Yuludan. I was relieved to see that the two women were hurt but the spirit was good.
Shi Shanshan finally took the sword back, but after this, she never dared to use it anymore. Pure Yang Jianqi can not be received, and the enemy and me do not divide, it seems that only part of the refining and refining, can be used again.
Seeing that Yang Chen was injured, the cold and beautiful Hanmei Fairy was also in a big rush. He resisted the temper and waited for the sword to recover. This came to Yang Chen. Looking at the sword wounds on Yang Chen, I couldn't help but have some resentment against Tao Qiqi and the teacher.
Shi Shanshan certainly knows that Yang Chen has refining the scabbard. If he is alone, Jianqi can't hurt Yang Chen. It is because of the need to protect both of them, Yang Chen will be injured. Therefore, for the two women Tao Shuqi and Shi Wushuang, Shi Shanshan has no good feelings before.
However, the situation at the moment is in the heart of Tao Qiqi and the unparalleled division, but it is no better. Shi Shanshan hurt both of them. For whatever reason, Yang Chen’s heart will always be embarrassed, which gives them the opportunity to get closer to Yang Chen.
However, for the strength of Shi Shanshan's sword, the two women were shocked and jumped. At the moment when the sword gas hit, the two women could not resist at all. At that moment, even Tao Zhiqi in the late Mahayana had to admit that she was not the opponent of Shi Shanshan. As for the teacher who is similar to Shi Shanshan's repair, there is a feeling that it is difficult to look back.
Shi Shanshan is just like the middle of Yuan Ying in the middle of Yuan Ying. Even if it breaks through, it is just the late Yuan Ying. It is a big realm with Tao Yuqi. It can make her feel like this unmatchable. Even Tao Qiqi can’t help but fear. .
Aoki Fairy originally thought that everyone was almost the same. Now I found out that I was so far away from Shi Shanshan that I was unconsciously. The original Hanmei fairy, although famous, is not as shocking as this.
Everything seems to be a change that has occurred since the relationship with Yang Chen. If Tao Qiqi and Shi Mushuang started to deal with Yang Chen because of Zongmen, then I saw the performance of Shi Shanshan, but the two women did not agree with each other.
It seems that practicing with Yang Chen is not something that cannot be accepted.
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