Chapter 652: Prepared for nothing (on)

In this life, Yang Chen has a lot of things to plan in order to have a good memory. In addition to the demon continent and the Zhao family, there is basically nothing that Yang Chen can't control. Even if it is a demon continent, it is planned to go through the experience early in the morning.
The kind of practice that relies on all the people who follow, Yang Chen is not in the eyes, relying entirely on the uncertain adventures in his life, it is inexplicable. Practice is self-cultivation, not relying on the days of practice, counting on everything depends on an unpredictable future, which is the most stupid. The reason is just like the life of an ordinary person. There are both planned life and life without direction. It is exactly two appearances. .
It is still the same now. Since it is determined that it is necessary to go to Sakai to collect the pure yin fire, it is still a few decades away from the opening of the well. Yang Chen has already begun to plan in time. Some things need to be arranged early.
When Sakai went in, it was impossible to leave for hundreds of years, and everyone knows this. Those who have lived in the wells before, have been mysteriously appearing thousands of miles around Sakai after decades or even hundreds of years after entering Sakai, without exception. Although Yang Chen thinks that the combat power is strong, he does not feel that he can be extraordinary and break this rule. Although Yang Chen has broken a lot of common sense rules, but what are not all prepared?
Before leaving, many things must be arranged, especially the Zongmen. The old tree demon practiced the shackles. This is the unique method of the demon family belonging to the plant. It happens that the cypress has also reached the Yuan Ying period, and it is already possible to practice this skill. This is also a qualitative improvement for his strength.
Like the cypress, the plant belongs to it, and it has already entered the Yuan Ying period, as well as those Penglai wood demon in Yangchen Medicine Park. They also received the teaching of avatars, and they were divided into scorpions, basically no matter whether they were cypresses or Penglai gods, and they would have at least five points when they reached the Mahayana.
The cypresses themselves and these Penglai gods are all wood. and so. All of them were passed down. The most original method of transmission is passed down, and future practice is to see themselves.
In the past few years, under the medicinal power of Gongde refining pills, the spirit of the gods has risen rapidly. Although it has not reached the full value of Mulingen, it is not far from the full value. This is compared to the innate Lingen who was only seventy at the time, but it was heaven and earth. Although I dare not compare with a few of my own masters and brothers, but also into the ranks of genius.
The practice of the flower dreams. Yang Chen is not pointing at a lot. The ability to communicate with plants and plants, so that she can do more with less in the practice of wood properties. Moreover, the jaw-dropping ability that is manifested in the cultivation of various rare plants and medicinal materials does not require Yang Chen to give too much guidance. In fact, Yang Chen can’t point too much, and Miki and Miki are all too It is ready-made, and Akimoto and Ekima are all available. Just wait for her to go to the Yuan Ying period and then practice.
Ye Yu is relatively complicated. The past Ye Yu is the spiritual genius of the magic gate. Yang Chen is only taking Ye Yu to the door and laying the foundation with the most orthodox Taoist method. However, Ye Yu’s future practice direction, Still the direction of the magic door. With the cultivation and foundation of all kinds of heavenly treasures that Yang Chen does not regret, the practice of practicing the magic gate in the future is sure to have an unexpected performance.
The three apprentices have their own characteristics, but no one has inherited Yang Chen’s school of alchemy. However, Yang Chen has already prepared. His next apprentice will appear in these years. In the future, it is also an alchemy genius. The early alchemy master Mo Chunmei Yang Chen has already booked. Just wait in front of her when the time comes.
The apprentices arranged almost the same thing, and the next thing was the Zongmen. The current development of Chunyang Palace can only be described as thriving. The size of Zongmen has expanded by dozens of times compared with the strongest time of the year. The influence of Zongmen is also due to the emergence of Yang Chen, which is also able to stand out in one or six major gates.
Because the earliest formation of the Hall of Fame, and the complete demon family practice of the Shushu Dongfu, the Pure Yang Palace Hall of Fame is now the first choice for the Yaozu. The income of the 100,000 Dashan Mountain and the magic weapon of the cave-level nature of the Qinglan Mountain Temple make the cultivation conditions of the Pure Yanggong disciples more than those of the super-class gates. In addition, the disciples who have been absorbed in the past few hundred years are all candidates who have taken the initiative to explore the qualifications of the people. The excellence of one match and the pure Yang Palace do not have to worry about the successor.
With the help of Yang Chen, the original elders of Chunyang Palace, except for a few new Jinying infants, all entered the Mahayana period without exception, and the practice management was correct, and the future Zongmen would only The more developed, the better.
Asking the heart of Dan, the second turn to the inner Chadan, the hundred years of Dan, the seven emotions and six desires, and even the extremely precious few merits and refining pills, have become the collection of the pure Yang Gong Zongmen dense land. Pure Yanggong disciples, as long as they do their best to serve the Zongmen, make a great contribution, always have the opportunity to get one or more of them, which also enhances the centripetal force of the Zongmen disciples. The Pure Yang Palace is no longer the loose martial art of the past.
What Yang Chen has to do is to ensure that Zongmen has a healthy development direction. This point, Yang Chen has a vision than anyone. He only needs to put his own advice to the head of the palace and several elders, and everything else does not need Yang Chen to worry about, and naturally someone has done a proper post.
Relatively speaking, Yang Chen’s wife and wife do not need too much attention from Yang Chen. Yang Chen has already planned to bring them together when entering the well. Since everyone is together, they can take care of them all the time, and they don’t need to say anything at this time.
Zhao Jia Manor, Yang Chen has already planned to hand over to Tao Qiqi. Among all the wives, Tao Qiqi is the highest one, and the first one to fly. Before Yang Chenfeisheng, most of the women will rise ahead of Yang Chen. Zhaojia Manor is the home of the family after everyone has soared.
Naturally, the things of the Zhao family are also taken by their own wives and wives. At this point, all the girls are very clear, the home is the home, the Zongmen is the Zongmen, the things at home, will not be casually given to their respective sects.
Everyone else settled down is Yang Chen’s own business. The main ones are mainly two aspects. One is to gather the big yin and yang five-line flying swords. This Yang Chen has already arranged, and is searching for the top-quality Xinjin materials. Only when the materials are complete, will it be refining.
The other aspect is about fire.
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