Chapter 66: Earth fire (2)

Chapter 66—The Heart Fire (2)
In this hidden corner, Yang Chen’s thorough practice was warmed up once. Because the long-term control of the spirit control furnace to absorb the fire, Yang Chen has not been so thoroughly warmed up for a long time. This time it took a full ten days to exhaust the fatigue accumulated in the past six months.
After this warming, the meridians and spiritual powers of the whole body have returned to their peak. Not as expected by Yang Chen, the spiritual power of the fire attribute is unique, and it has become the leader among the five elements of spiritual power. Compared with other spiritual powers, it is more than one level.
This is also the meaning of Yang Chen, as the qualification of the nature of the Tianling root fire, the fire attribute is outstanding, it is really normal. The repair of the fire attribute, even under the control of Yang Chen, can cover the spiritual power of other attributes, at least when Yang Chen goes out from Xianyuan, it will not cause too much doubt.
What Yang Chen is doing now is to find an absolutely safe place, and then slowly start to refine and refine the core fire in the Yunling furnace. This is different from what Yang Chen did before. Yunling Furnace itself has the ability to accommodate fire, and it is also a medium for Yang Chen. To truly control the fire of the earth, Yang Chen’s own strength is needed.
Quietly, Yang Chen appeared on the bank of the Magma River, and no one was around. After half a year, if those people are still waiting here, Yang Chen will definitely admire their patience and judgment.
The place that is absolutely safe in Xianluoyuan seems to be only the place where Yang Chen cheated. There will not be an attack by the underground spirits, but there is also an underground spirit that can be used for Yang Chen's practice. It is simply a rare cave house.
There are also many good places outside. However, a monk in Xianyinyuan can only come in for ten years, and the time to go out in the middle is also counted. It is really worthwhile to go out so early. Yang Chen is still here to do things. Finished as well.
Just about to leave, Yang Chen’s heart moved, and the gods let go a little, and a few silky gods slowly spread out around. This is also a little knowledge of the use of Sanqing, which is generally not discovered.
God knows that the silk is spread directly for dozens of miles, and soon Yang Chen has to sigh. For so long, there are still people who are dying around the magma lake, which is a real accident.
Yang Chen underestimated the greed of a group of ambitious people who can achieve the three-in-one alchemy method during the refining period. Even if they have been here for a few years, as long as there is such a chance, these people will still die.
It can be said that Yang Chen, who was strictly speaking, was actually extremely disgraceful and was forced to flee by these few people. Originally, Yang Chen also planned to go out and find those people to settle accounts after absorbing the heart fire. But now, these people have been here to stay, so that Yang Chen is filled with anger.
I have seen bullies, I have never seen such a bully. Yang Chen's last life was controlled by people almost like house arrest. The most disgusting thing is that this kind of guy who is staring at people.
Furious from the heart, evil to the gallbladder, if you still do not care about these guys, then there will be such a situation in the future, even some guys who did not have this plan, maybe Be influenced by these people and join the ranks. These people, do not teach, do not let them know the power of Yang Chen, will never give up.
However, although anger is angry, Yang Chen has not lost his mind. Now, it is only the spirit furnace that absorbs the heart fire, and the worst of these opponents is also a master in the middle of the foundation. After successfully building the foundation to communicate with the world, Yang Chen is more clear than anyone else in the change of strength. That is not to say that a realm of refining can compete. Unless the other party is similar to Jin Tao, Yang Chenxian made a heart-wrenching thing. Under the guilty conscience, Yang Chenxi entered the emptiness and planted the demons. Otherwise, face-to-face is not an opponent.
Can not face face to face upright lessons, Yang Chen can only sneak behind. For Yang Chen of this world, there is simply no such problem. In the past life, Yang Chen has seen countless examples of winning by various means.
Taking advantage of the underground spirits will not pose any threat to themselves, Yang Chenjing quietly leaned on the fire, approaching the guy who left the crowd farthest. Powerful to the beauty of the mid-Jindan, tightly wrapped in the shadow of Yang Chen hidden in the ground, did not alarm the guy who is hunting the underground spirit beast while defending Yang Chen.
Sneak attack on a guy who didn't find himself and was strangled with the underground spirits. For Yang Chen, there is basically no difficulty. The hardest part is to leave others before they arrive.
Yang Chen did not intend to kill this guy quietly. It would not be a shocking effect. Others would not even know that he did it. He would only think that hunting the underground spirits was inadvertent. Yang Chen wants to give these guys a lesson, naturally it will not be easy to do.
The guy who is controlling Feijian, did not expect the crisis around him, but also hunted the beast with meticulous attention. After a few attacks on his sacred beast, he fled to the direction of the principle magma lake. When he saw an attack by a flying sword, he could get at least two pieces of marrow.
If you don't want to, the watcher controls the flying sword to attack the beast. At this time, there was a sudden explosion behind him, and a knife in his hand was swept to his neck as quickly as a thunder. At the same time, there was a shocking sound of screaming in his ear: "冤There is a head, the debt has the Lord, since you are killing the door, no wonder I am, let it die!"
Mixed with the sacred magic, let the monitors glimpse. It was just this sly effort that was attacked deadly. Yang Chen’s swordsman has crossed the neck of the watcher, and the head is spurted a few feet high by the blood, and then falls far away.
The other people in several directions, including the most central one, all heard Yang Chen’s voice at this moment. In horror, all of them are flying in this direction. People have not passed, and the knowledge of God has been madly explored.
It is a pity that even if the knowledge is faster, they are only discovered by the gods. Yang Chen has already set off the flying sword that has fallen in the distance.
"Clean your neck and wait, we will have a period later!" Yang Chen only left a words that made people think very much, and the figures disappeared from their knowledge.
When everyone came over, there was nothing left except the body of the watcher. Qiankun bag, Feijian, has disappeared without a trace, leaving only Yang Chen's threatening words still linger in the ears of several people.
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