Chapter 687: Out of the well (top)

The robbery of the Mahayana was one of the goals of Yang Chen’s entry into the well with his wife and sisters. Now all of them have been reached. Basically, there is no pressure in Yangchen in Sakai, just waiting for the opening of Sakai.
The core of the demon Continental was refining with the help of the annihilation of Yang Chen, which was an unexpected surprise. Ordinary Mahayana smoldering can not support the great energy of the refining and demon Continental core, but the smoldering fire caused by Yang Chen is full of dozens of times of ordinary robbing. This powerful force is Yang Chen. Borrowing the core of the refining and demon Continental, I finally received the effect.
At that time, when Yang refining, Yang Chen was still in the robbery, so the instinct directly sealed the space exit. Anyway, it has been refining, and it is only a matter of Yang Chen’s thoughts.
But what Yang Chen did not expect was that the demon world had a terrible change between the moments. The ultimate magical demon vine died and was replaced by a magical giant tree. The strong genus of the plant allows the magical giant tree to directly occupy the position of the ultimate magical demon vine, and the magical escape is firmly wrapped under its roots.
After Yang Chen’s family left the demon continent, it took less than a year, and the new ultimate monster was born again on the core of the demon continent. Although the strength is not as strong as the ultimate magical demon vine, but it is already the strongest in the core area of ​​the demon continent.
After the centuries of high-concentration magical tempering, the magical giant tree has been successfully catalyzed by the magic gas to the cultivation of the immortal product. In time, it becomes the ultimate magical demon vine. The strength is not to mention.
However, this kind of dream was suddenly interrupted at the moment when Yang Chen refining the core of the demon Continental. Originally, there was a rush of the magical scent of the sky, and from that moment on, there was no trace of magical overflow.
For a time, the core area of ​​the entire demon continent was like a river, and it began to riot. The beasts in the central area, but relying on the magic to nourish, can continue to breed the next generation, once the source of the magic is broken, then there is no ability to multiply.
No magic nourishment. All the species immediately began to storm. It was originally affected by the magic gas. The instinct of the demonized monsters is killing, and now even the beasts have begun to become like this.
Countless species began to madly kill each other, and the entire core area became a huge killing field. If there are guys who have experienced in the demon continent can enter this area, they will be scared by the crazy scene here. Even if Yang Chen entered this area in the same year, he would definitely be spiked, without any luck.
The central area is like this. In other parts of the demon continent, it is suddenly a storm that has been smashed by a demonized monster. The masters who are experienced in the demon world, stunned and watched the magical monsters that have become more than a hundred times more violent than in the past, can't believe their eyes.
The wise man immediately began to madly flee to the periphery, no matter what happened, first go to a safe place to say. And some greedy guys. Then I wondered if I could get more konjac beads by enchanting the monsters.
All of this happened, Yang Chen, who was the initiator of the incident, is still unclear for the time being. He only knows that after he has closed the channel of magical dissipating, he does not have to distract himself from considering the refining space, and he can fully cope with the catastrophe.
Now that all the dust has settled, Yang Chen finally has time to study the spatial node of this refining. the most important is. Yang Chen wants to refine this space node to the 斩 刀 knife. In this way, the 斩 knives have the power to partially break the space. Even if it is just a small point of the core of the demon, it will have the power of collapse after combining the knives.
Of course, the best way is to merge the entrance of Sendai and the 斩 刀 knife. However, the entrance to the refinery of Sendai can be several times more difficult than the core refining of the enchanted continent. Perhaps Yang Chen will continue until he is flying. Spend in continuous refining.
It is a pity that even if the space is refining on the 斩 刀 knife, in the well, there is no opponent worthy of Yang Chen’s use for testing. At most, it is only a good master of the Mahayana period. The only one who is too superior is already killed by Yang Chen as a brand new 斩 刀 knife. Now where can I find a master who deserves to be handed?
The four wives and Yang Chen are just robbing. The most urgent task is to consolidate and repair. In fact, for them, the so-called consolidation and repair is almost meaningless. The previous accumulation was too deep, just like the old tree demon Guishan friends of the year, just entering the early days of Mahayana, the combat power was enough to compete with the masters of the mid-late period of the Mahayana.
To say that it is to consolidate and cultivate, it is better to let Yang Chen have a solid and enjoyable happiness. In addition to Tao Qiqi, the wife and wife are around, and the Dragon Palace is also carried with you. Under such circumstances, is there a better way to consolidate than the yin and yang double repair?
In the days that followed, Yang Chen’s was more fragrant than the most ridiculous faint prince in the world, and other enjoyment was endless. Everyone in the mortal world, even as the emperor's esteem, who has seen the tea that the master of the Mahayana hand-picked? Which one has eaten the feast of the Mahayana chef? Which one of the clothes embroidered by the master of the Mahayana period? Which drink has been brewed by the masters of the Mahayana period?
As soon as I arrived in the Mahayana period, the nature of many things seemed to have changed. The realm decided the horizon. If I said that during the Yuan Ying period, I also thought about the four travels, the growth, the knowledge, the mood, the preparation for the robbery, and now only the rest. Concentrating on the way to practice, the day of flying will become the ultimate pursuit.
In this realm, if it is not necessary, there is no big advantage. Basically, the masters of the Mahayana period will repair the behavior of the Lord, and even the management of the Zongmen seems to be too lazy to intervene, except those who control the desire is extremely strong. This is one of the reasons why most of the gatekeepers of the main gates are basically masters of the Yuan Ying period.
However, it seems that with the emergence of Yang Chen, this situation has changed a lot. At least the gates of the five major sects are now in the all-time period, even the magic gates. Others dare not say that the master of the Pure Yang Palace has also been a Mahayana for many years.
The world of monks seems to have changed a lot without knowing it. At least the five-in-one alchemy that had never appeared before in the past has already appeared, and there are also a number of new medicinal herbs that have never been seen before, and each of them has caused a burst of madness among the monks. And these are all related to Yang Chen.
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