Chapter 741: Absorbing pure yang fire (on)

The savings of countless ancestors of Taitianmen are all cheaper than the Yangchen family. To be exact, all of them are now cheaper.
According to Li Cheng's method, his method is to use hundreds of magic weapons with super-spirit to form a magic weapon. What he wants is not a magic weapon, but a super-spirit.
These super-spiritual spirits, Li Cheng can use the secret method plus the amount of spiritual power of Shanghai to let them rob. After reaching that level, all the spirits can be completely controlled by Yang Chen and added to the process of refining the entrance to Sendai.
With the spirit of hundreds of robberies, the efficiency of Yang Chen refining the entrance to Sendai can be increased by at least several hundred times. Li Cheng’s secret method is not only simple to achieve the effect of 壹 plus 壹 equal to two, but can be multiplied several times.
Of course, if it is only efficiency improvement, Yang Chen is not enough to thoroughly refine the entrance of Sendai. Strictly speaking, the master of the mortal world wants to refine the entrance to Sendai, which is simply impossible.
However, Li Cheng had given Yang Chen a big killer before, called Gongde. In the merits and debens, there are various applications for merit. With Li Cheng’s understanding of Sendai, it is natural to know that Yang Chen’s coming out from Sendai is sure to have merit.
With the aid of merits, it is actually Li Cheng's ability to determine the key to Yang Chen's refinement of the entrance to Sendai. What kind of effect can be achieved in the end, it depends on how much merit Yang Chen can squat.
More than one hundred magic weapons with super spirits need Li Chengyi's acceptance and refining. This process is not completed in a short time. However, Gao Yue is blessed this time, and he can follow Li Cheng at a close distance to learn his refining techniques.
"Refining these takes almost fifty years." Before starting work, Li Cheng put the words to the front: "If you want to help Ayue, then retreat together. Yang Chen, you have absorbed the fire in these years, ready Refining Yanshou Dan."
"Good!" Li Cheng’s instructions. Yang Chen certainly will not refuse, not to mention that Li Cheng is still in disguise in the teaching of Gao Yue refining, such an opportunity, Yang Chen will not let Gao Yue let go anyway. Now Li Cheng said what it is.
"Refining Yanshou Dan, the pure fire and the pure yin real fire can achieve the effect, but the conversion efficiency of those konjac beads is not too high." Li Cheng's hand suddenly added a transparent ball Inside the ball, a pure white flame is burning: "With this kind of fire, the effect will be much better. Don't waste it."
Li Cheng is really good at Yang Chen. Not only is it obligatory to help Yang Chen solve the problem of refining and chemicalizing Sendai, but also to come up with such a precious kind of fire to complete the Yang Chen refining system. Yang Chen took a transparent ball with both hands and wanted to say something, but after all, he still did not say it. Some thanks. Just put it in your heart, don't say it on your mouth, it looks pretentious.
The place of retreat is naturally in the geographical map of Gong Sunling's mountains and rivers. Those spirits are used nearby, and there is no need to worry about being disturbed.
Originally, Li Cheng also wanted to use the original spirit liquid of the Yang Chen collection in the dragon gourd, but with the Taihumen's Linghu Lake, the spiritual power needed is enough. Those original spiritual fluids can naturally be saved. Moreover, the dragon gourd is now being refining and refining by Arjun and Abi, and it is not necessary to use it.
Concerning the safety of Yang Chen, Li Cheng and Gao Yue retreat in the geographical map of Shanhe. Gong Sunling was also careful to serve, and Yang Chen became a loner in his eyes.
Holding the transparent ball that Li Cheng gave, Yang Chen’s eyes flashed a little confused. This kind of white fire, Yang Chen could not recognize the kind of fire. Former Yang Chen is also a fire repair everyone. The fires that I can basically see are also seen, but I have never seen this kind of white flame.
Although I don't know if I can't name it. However, Yang Chen firmly believes that Li Cheng’s production must be a fine product. This is beyond doubt. Since Li Cheng said that this kind of fire can improve the efficacy of Yanshoudan, it must have this effect. Yang Chen is a treasure.
After getting the kind of fire that Li Cheng gave, Yang Chen did not immediately absorb the fusion, and continued his previous affairs, blending six kinds of fire. Since this unknown white fire can be flush with pure yang, the fire is pure, and it can increase the efficacy. At least it is the level of the seven products. Yang Chen can't act rashly.
The days continue to return to calm and orderly, and the magical absorbing array has now absorbed the magic of almost three-quarters of the area on the demon world, and now the area affected by the magic is still shrinking further. However, as you get closer to the core area, the slower the magical energy is absorbed, the more difficult it seems.
Everyone can understand this. The closer to the core, the deeper the influence of the original magic, and the more powerful the monster is, the more trouble it will be.
Seeing that there will be more than ten years, the area affected by the magic will be narrowed down to the core area. At this time, if someone moves the method of absorbing magic, it is the result of the people. Fortunately, the array of law is now placed in the magic circle, otherwise the major gates will certainly be strict with all disciples, and can not move any brains of the array.
In the core area of ​​the magical array, the objects of the Mahayana and the masters of the Taishou have become the kind of beasts of the two immortals. The beasts of the immortal ones have basically been slaughtered by the sects. These kinds of beasts, even if they are purified and cleaned, cannot be conquered. Therefore, it is their only fate to be killed in the end to harvest the konjac beads.
Yang Chen is sitting in the pure Yang Bie Palace, regardless of the outside. The calmness of the Pure Yang Palace also made some people outside do not know what happened, and they could not go to the door to ask for advice. The days passed were simply uncomfortable.
Thirty years after the various sects of the sects came to the demon world, the first mortals of the sects of the sects began to come one after another, and they took root in the already developed monster world. No way, it will take about ten years to get along the way, to determine the news back and forth, plus the time of the middle construction, there is no way to save.
The pure yang palace came with the second batch of mortals. The first batch had already taken root and even gave birth to the next generation. In addition, the second batch of mortals from the new migration is now more than 20 million mortals within the scope of the Pure Yang Palace. I believe that after a hundred years, this number can be increased to hundreds of millions.
These sects on the demon world, the development of the big step in the future is already a matter of nailing, and there will be no accidents. Now everyone's energy, in addition to building their own sects, there is one left, and they will work together to shut out those large and small sects who later got the news.
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