Chapter 745: Erlong play beads (on)

Up to now, Yang Chen’s process of absorbing the fire has been normal, just like the method that has been absorbed thousands of times before, without any change. ※※
This process continued until the process of the third absorption of the white fire was about to end.
In fact, strictly speaking, it is already absorbed after it is here. All the fires have been integrated into the yin and yang burning fire under the control of Yang Chen, but they started to enter the two fire dragons of Yin and Yang respectively, and this time they entered the two fire dragons at the same time.
The two fire dragons seem to be ignited suddenly, yes, they can be described by the words igniting. Originally it was the fire dragon composed of flames. At this moment, all the flames began to burst violently. From the perspective of Yang Chen’s feelings, it was clearly ignited by the white flame.
Because the white flames have been merged between the yin-fire dragon and the yang fire dragon, the moment of this moment, Yang Chen’s yin and yang burning fire has been separated from Yang Chen’s control for a moment, and is ignited by the white flame.
Fortunately, this situation is only a trivial moment, and then it seems to return to Yang Chen's side again.
At the same time, the white flames of the two fire dragons suddenly turned into a white fireball. The huge fireball appeared in the front of Yang Chen's forehead and burned.
The smoldering dragon and the yang fire dragon sneaked out from both sides of Yang Chen's body, and then seemed to be attracted by the white fireball, and rushed to the fireball. Two long bodies slammed into a white fireball and then slammed into the fireball.
In front of Yang Chen, only the huge white fireball was left, and the two fire dragons had disappeared without a trace. However, in Yang Chen’s knowledge of the sea, the two fire dragons are still flying around in a vivid way, without any change.
Through the knowledge of God. Yang Chen still can clearly feel the existence of Yinhuo and Yanghuo. They seem to have entered a magical space, and there is a magical power in this space that is tempting them to make a series of changes.
The sudden situation did not make Yang Chen panic, the white fire was given by Li, and Yang Chen believed that Li Cheng did not need to use such means to harm him. To kill Yang Chen, Li Cheng thought that this method must not be used. Therefore, this white flame must have profound meaning. At this time, Yang Chen is in need of calm treatment.
The smoldering dragon and the yang fire dragon are changing. At first, Yang Chen couldn't detect how this changed, but after a scent, Yang Chen noticed that clear change.
All the fires, all the fusions that Yang Chen absorbed before, became the fire of the yin and yang burning fire, and all of them were upgraded. A fire is upgraded to become a second-class fire. The upgrade of the second product has become a three-product fire... The six-product fire has been upgraded to a seven-product fire, and the seven-product fire has also undergone an incredible change.
After aware of this, Yang Chen could not believe his feelings. But the clear changes in the knowledge of the gods and the familiarity with the flame cognition made Yang Chen unable to believe. How is it possible that the fire is actually upgrading spontaneously?
This is the case in the outside world, in some unique and occasional situations. E.g. When the ancestors Wang Yong used his smoldering fire to temper his own unicorn fire, he successfully upgraded the five-product unicorn fire into a six-product unicorn fire. This is the only example that Yang Chen has seen before. Even when the purple heart fire of Master Gao Yue was upgraded to the purple heart, it was still achieved by absorbing the high-grade fire of the same origin.
But now Yang Chen can say that nothing has been done. Just because of the white flame, all the fires began to spontaneously upgrade. This kind of thing is really out of Yang Chen’s cognitive range. Even with his knowledge of Da Luo Jinxian. I don't think there will be such a magical fire, but it can upgrade all other fires.
Generally speaking. To increase the level of a fire, then at least the white fire is at least one level higher than the type of fire that is upgraded. But now, even the fire of the seven products has begun to rise. What level is the white fire? It is a kind of fire, and Yang Chen can't say it himself.
From the performance point of view, the white fire seems to be only seven products. If Yang Chen started as a white fire, it would be an ordinary seven-piece fire. Whether he is a C-fire or a Dinghuo, there will be no such magical changes. He can't pass the test of Li Cheng. This white or get one is an ordinary seven-piece fire. Although it is also the top-class fire of the mortal world, it is definitely a sort of sesame and lost watermelon.
Fortunately, Yang Chen learned the lesson, not so rash, and not so greedy, waiting for Li Cheng’s advice. This scene of the present should be the reward that Li Cheng gave to himself.
It is by no means a simple matter to upgrade all kinds of fires. Yang Chen needs to carefully control the changes of each kind of fire. Although the upgrade itself is not controlled by Yang Chen, the process of upgrading is still able to control.
It’s difficult to do it first. This kind of thing Yang Chen has already carried out thousands of times in the process of absorbing the yin and yang burning fire, and the upgrade is also the same. One type of fire that first controls the lowest level of fire first completes this change, then the second type of fire, and so on.
The whole process, under the control of Yang Chen, happened in an orderly manner, and the yin and yang burning fires were quietly between the quiet, and the earth-shaking changes occurred quietly.
Originally, after the yin and yang burned the fire, after absorbing the seven fires, it should have surpassed the seven products and even the eight types of fires. But at this moment, Yang Chen did not know that the yin and yang burning fires were counted as fires. Of course, the grade of white fire, Yang Chen has become more and more confused.
Yang Chenyuan thought that the last step would be completed in as long as ten years, but now it seems that the time of ten years is far from enough. Even if the time for each kind of fire upgrade is not too long, but the accumulation of so many low-to-high fires is almost another decade.
When the pure yang is really hot, the pure yin real fire and the eclipse dragon fire finally raise the grade again under the induction of the white fire, the whole process has reached the final stage.
At the moment of completion, the smoldering dragon and the yang fire dragon spontaneously drilled out from the white fireball. The two fire dragons began to fly up and down around the white fireball. No matter how the long dragon body twisted, the two dragons always turned in the direction of the white fireball.
"Two dragons play beads." Yang Chen's mind, naturally appeared these words.
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