Chapter 754: The calm of the women (on)

Boom, when the beast suddenly lost his strength and fell to the ground, hundreds of miles away from the crowd concentrated in a detective, violently made a loud noise.
The worst players who are also in the realm of the Mahayana period are not much better at the moment than those who are watching the lively and rising people in the market. They are also talking about it in shock.
As far as the history is known, this is the first time that someone has dealt with the master of the ten. Of course, Yang Chen’s elders who killed the Taitianmen’s celestial products were not counted, and no one outside of Gao Yue and Gong Sunling knew. Even if it is Mrs. Fanghua, she thought that Yang Chen broke open the magical array in a certain way, causing those people’s catastrophe to let them fly. I would never believe that Yang Chen could kill the people’s products. Elder.
I haven't heard of it before, but all that is happening in front of me is happening hundreds of miles away, and it happens under the eyes of so many masters. A group of people from Baguio Xiandao and Qingyunzong have already started to pick up their lips. The Pure Yang Palace, including the elders who are in charge of the palace, is completely speechless. There is no other expression on the face except laughter. From the moment they can’t even speak, they can know what they are at the moment. how do you feel.
Is there anything more to give Zongmen a face than this? The two younger disciples of their own family, together with the two descendants of Baguio Xiandao and Qingyunzong, joined forces to fight the beasts of the ten sacred products. In this world, which sect has such a glorious deed? Even if Baguio Xiandao and Qingyunzong have the same share, do they have only one disciple?
Relative to the excitement of these sects, other Zongmen people are shocked and unbelievable. How can this be? A high moon in the district of the people, three high-rises with three women in the late stage, actually killed a beast of ten people, if this thing is said to others, they will definitely look at the person on the spot. Bragging is not so outrageous, right?
But this is happening in front of you, under the eyes of your own eyes, how could it be bragging? Even if some people think that it is bragging, but there are also a few people in the place where the four women are more than a hundred people, the seven sons of the seven people are still desperately there, is it also an illusion?
How did they do it? Gong Sunling, the magic weapon that can block the attack of the people, is what kind of good thing? Everyone is full of curiosity about Gong Sunling’s life-saving magic. Relatively speaking, Gao Yue's dragon-horned double-flying sword, Sun Qingxue's ultimate magical demon vine and Shi Shanshan's sword gas are used many times, everyone sees clearly.
In addition, there are several people in addition to shock. Still a little bit stunned. Teacher Wushuang and Murong sisters looked at Gao Yue's figure, and there was still some small embarrassment. The same is Yang Chen’s woman. Because of their early marriage, they are not only ladies, but also receive special care from Yang Chen.
This is the case. If you can have nothing to do with Yang Chen, then it is a hell. Yang Chen was so determined that he could solve the problem of the devil's mainland magic. How could he not arrange for these beasts? Now I want to come, they are still not in the heart of Yang Chen's heart, so such a thing did not let them participate.
Maybe there is telepathy. When there is some little sadness between the unparalleled teachers and the Murong sisters, Yang Chen’s voice just happened to be in their ears at this time:
Go to meet them, they also reached the end of the strong It is."
Master Wu and Murong sisters were shocked. No matter what else, the six iron-winged eagle appeared in an instant, flying to the high moon and four women.
A group of people on the side of the scene saw someone flying to the high moon and four women, and they were in a while. Someone immediately wanted to rush over. Before they got up, they were quickly pulled by the sharp-eyed people.
Someone has noticed the arrival of Yang Chen. At this time, the unparalleled and Murong sisters have met four women. They are all women of Yang Chen. That's fine. But if someone else rushes out at this time, it will definitely be misunderstood. What is the temptation of the enchanting beads of the 10th person? As long as someone rushes out, the misunderstanding can be more than one or two people.
A group of people watched the unparalleled and Murong sisters rushed to the side of the four women, and then the four of the Murong sisters were dragged into the Iron Winged Eagle, the unparalleled and the remaining one. However, it quickly took away the beasts of the ten people, and then quickly returned.
At this time, the people realized that they were surprised and found that the four women of Gaoyue were also on the verge of collapse. At this point, it can be seen that there are no spare powers to collect the four devils of the four women.
However, it is normal to think about it. After all, it is a kind of beast. If you put it outside, it’s not good to say that it’s not a wild guess to kill all the monks. If it wasn’t for the four-month-old woman who got the way to deal with the beast from Yang Chen, I really didn’t know how to deal with this level of the beast.
After the initial shock, everyone wants to understand the truth, that is, this is simply Yang Chen’s plan. The method of dealing with the beasts is to be recorded in some of the classics of the Zhaojia Manor, but it has never been made public.
No one can say that Yang Chen is not here. Yang Chen not only brought everyone in the development of the demon continent, but also took on the main work of purifying the magic. If there is no Yang Chen, there will be no people on the demon continent. Any chance. With this in mind, everyone will have to accept the feelings.
As for Yang Chen’s method of dealing with advanced species, it can only be said that Yang Chen deserves it. You must know that Yang Chen is not obligated to tell you anything. If you want to blame it, then there are so many Mahayana so masters who have been practicing for so many years.
"Master Yang!" The girls are still flying back, and everyone here has already begun to greet Yang Chen.
After Yang Chen responded one by one, he did not talk nonsense with everyone and directly took out dozens of jade bottles. When the first rushing Yang Chen was scheduled to extend Yan Shou Dan, they were basically here, just to hand over.
I got my own scheduled Yanshou Dan. Those who are too elders are all smiling and carefully put the jade bottle in the safest way.
During the talk, the four daughters of Gaoyue have been brought back. Everyone is very acquainted with Yang Chen, and they are divided into small circles to continue to share the experience of just watching the four women fighting the beasts.
"Working hard!" Looking at the four women for a while, they have already had some spirit. Yang Chen couldn't help but feel some distress. He directly raised his hand and received all the girls in the Dragon Palace.
(To be continued)
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