Chapter 795: Unexpected ending (top)

Hey, a horrible sound rang in the black smoke, and everyone noticed that there was a sense of unspeakable oysters on his own magic. That feeling is like the magic of your own being melted.
This is how it happened, everyone was shocked, and the brushed recall of the magic weapon. When they were able to see their magic weapon, the four men took a breath of cold air.
In a short period of time, on top of the four magical methods of their lives, there is a thick layer of black gas. I don't know what is attached, but the heart and the gods are connected, but I can feel that this black gas is eroding their magic weapon.
The time is short, so the effect of corrosion is not very obvious, but it also makes the four people startled. What kind of scorpion smog can even be corrupted like this? We must know that their magic weapon has been re-refined by the masters of the spirits, and they have honoured the magic weapon of thousands of years or even longer. How could it be a life that has just risen less than ten years? What is the corrosion of the younger generation?
Can there be such a powerful poison or corrosive magic weapon? How can this be? Is it the four avant-garde people who give Yang Chen's amulet? However, such a violent corrosiveness, at first glance, is not the right way, the side door left, this Yang Chen is not connected with the magic door?
In any case, Yang Chen will die today, even if there is any poisonous body is useless. It’s a big deal to lose a few magic weapons. As long as Yang Chen can’t escape this bondage, as long as Yang Chen’s death, the medicinal herbs on his body will be enough to cover a few magic weapons. Thinking of this, the four people did not retreat, but only recalled the magic of the life. Start using other magic weapons to attack.
The master of the control array has already found through the array, Yang Chen still standing still in place, but only a heavy black smoke protection, we can not see the naked eye, the knowledge can not be detected. It seems that the method has already played its biggest role. Today, Yang Chen is unable to escape. This is simple, and the magic weapon will cover the face and lick it.
Huh, a sound like a high-speed broken air came, everyone was vigilant, and immediately found clues. I saw a jade-like net bottle being cut through the black fog and rushing over to the master of the control array.
Above the net bottle, there is no spiritual power, and there are no other visions, as if they are just thrown away casually. Everyone is clear. This net bottle is the one that Yang Chen has been holding in his hand. It is estimated that it is anxious. Throw it out and want everyone to be distracted?
In the face of the high-speed smashing net bottle, the master of the squad that controls the platoon is very casual to use his own magic weapon to greet it. It is not a magic weapon that can make Yang Chen take it in his hands. At least it is also a good jade. This is going to greet. It is not necessary to open the net bottle, but to collect the net bottle first, which is a bit of interest for such a long time.
Hey, the magic weapon and the clean bottle touched each other and made a crisp sound. As the sound of the collision is simultaneously emitted, it is the sound of the master's surprise. He did not think that his own magic weapon did not stop the net bottle, but was knocked open by the net bottle, and the net bottle still came to him.
Great! In the heart of the master, I still look down on this younger generation. His own magic weapon did not stop the net bottle. However, this is not a big thing, just a small net bottle, can there be any huge damage?
Think of this, the master directly extended his hand, it is necessary to connect the clean bottle in the hand. This time he didn't dare to be as careless as he was before, but he did his best. As long as the net bottle touches your hand, it will definitely be taken over, and there will be no other possibilities.
Hey, the master's hand grabbed the clean bottle and made a slight noise. I thought that the master of the game, I suddenly felt that the hand was uploaded with a strong force, and my hand could not catch the net bottle, and the net bottle was heavy on the chest.
Hey, the sound of broken bones passed directly to the ears of the surrounding three people. Then they saw a scene of heartbreaking, the master who controlled the array, one did not grab the net bottle, and the net bottle was on the chest, the whole person seemed to be hit by a giant hammer. Suddenly, I was flying with a clean bottle.
When the man was still in the air, a series of broken bones were heard, and then fell heavily from the air to the ground. Unfortunately, the net bottle just fell on the chest of the master when it landed. Then, the companion didn't even have a scream to export, and the upper body turned into a flat patties.
How can this be? What kind of violent violent amount can a master of a land class be crushed into a patties? The other three asked themselves to be comparable to their companions, but the three of them were not necessarily able to make their companions so miserable. That little net bottle, actually has such a terrible force?
Between the alarms, the attention of the three has been completely attracted to the companion's tragic death. No one has found that a blood-red rattan has appeared silently at the foot of another master.
The rattan violently violently erupted, like a poisonous snake that was chosen by people, and rolled the master directly into a ball. The speed is too fast, the master did not have time to escape. In fact, he has already made a dodging action, but unfortunately, he smelled a sweet smell in his mouth and nose. He wanted to leave quickly and found that his body did not seem to listen to his own command. Watching the rattan will wrap it around.
On the top of the rattan, countless sharp thorns instantly penetrated into the body of the master. The blood of the immortal master, this moment seems to be sucked by countless vampires, and the blood vessels are empty. Then, the blood red cane that absorbed the blood of the earth fairy seemed to have suddenly eaten the stimulant. The top of the rattan burst open a big flower with blood color. The petals were like giant mouths, and the master swallowed them in.
"Blood demon vine!" Xuantianmen's masters are all well-informed, rattan so obvious features, how can they not recognize it? Suddenly, I was shocked, and it was terrible to see a demon vine that was close to the mature body when it was swallowed up.
"Run!" At this time, I have no choice but to kill Yang Chen. They are all screaming and turning around and fleeing. Anyway, if there is a demon vine, let alone Yang Chen, who is a fairy, is the land of the immortal level. It is slower to escape. I am afraid there will be no more live here. Don't escape at this time, when will it be?
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