Chapter 797: Qualification of the auction (on)

The auction that caught up with this auction has a very high specification, and the value of the auction is not low, so there is no considerable size. At that time, it is really impossible to enter the auction gate.
Generally speaking, the participation in this kind of auction will be at least the cultivation of the immortal level. The average person is a younger generation. Now, in the process of accumulating his own body, he is not qualified to enter the game. Of course, some of the guys who are superior are exceptional. However, those people, why are they going out and screaming, will not be alone. If you don't say anything, there are people who want to consider security. Let a person go out alone, can't guarantee it.
There are very few people like Yang Chen who come to the monk. Fortunately, the guys at Jufulou were well trained. No one would look at people with that contemptuous eye, and the hospitality was very attentive.
Can exchange for a qualification to enter the field, Yang Chen has something. Not to mention Yanshoudan, Qishenyu these treasures, just look for a few million years of elixir from the second layer of the net bottle medicine garden to meet the requirements. Going out, Yang Chen does not ask for a high-profile, as long as things do things.
"In the next step, I got two million ginseng ginseng, I want to entrust you to take the shot." Yang Chen took out two ginseng ginseng from the medicine garden and placed it on the table in the reception room.
It is said that it is a million years. In fact, after Yang Chen has been carrying it for so many years, and the net bottle medicine garden has merged with the dragon gourd, the two worst ginsengs in the second place in the medicine garden are also 15,000. The heat of the year. After taking it out, the head is full of hands and feet, and the ginseng is complete. It is definitely a fresh top quality.
"Small to go to the master of the palm." This kind of thing, the guys can not make their own claims. I rushed to the master of the appraisal. Each auction site has such an appraiser, and always guarantees that the items collected at the auction house will not be fake.
After a while, a man dressed in the shopkeeper costume entered the reception room. Like the guy, it’s the same face, it looks very good. Really to the master of the palm of your hand, it becomes a real monk, some magic weapons, and some monks to identify.
"Good things!" One saw two complete ginseng. No need to get started, the master of the palm is a nod of repeated: "The body is complete, the quality is good, at least 15,000 years of heat, good things!" While talking, the eyes have been removed from the ginseng, turn When I arrived at Yang Chen’s body, I saw the net bottle that Yang Chen’s hands were playing, and the eyes suddenly lit up.
"I don't know the two ginsengs. Can I let the next three days of the auction?" Yang Chen's purpose is very clear, and it is OK to get a qualification to participate in the auction. It doesn't matter if you are a VIP box. It is enough to achieve the goal.

Is the original customer wanting to participate in the auction after three days?
The master of the palm immediately understood the meaning of Yang Chen. After turning the head to the ginseng and staring at it, I still kept a professional smile and shook my head slightly: "However, the nickname was prepared for half a year, and the two ginsengs could not be used. I will shoot it in three days. I can only shoot it at the general auction three days later today or later. You see..."
It seems that it is catching up with a big business. Even the two complete ginsengs of 15,000 years are not qualified to shoot. Yang Chen can't help but come to the interest. It’s better to come early than to come, and I can’t say what good things are going to happen at the auction.
"When you look at the treasurer, what kind of things can you shoot?" The reply from the people was very simple. Yang Chen asked simply, but the other side also understood his request. It is just a matter of thinking to participate in this auction.
"Guests forgive me, this auction, at least it must be a magic weapon for three products, or a five-turn remedy." The master of the eye did not drag the water, directly replied. Seeing that Yang Chen was still awkward after listening to it, he couldn’t help but say: "It’s quite good like this one in your hands."
Yang Chen hesitated because there were too many things and I didn't know which one to choose. But I couldn't help but laugh at the misunderstanding of this palm-handle. "You are a good eye."
The net bottle medicine garden is of course a good thing. The two spirits of the robbery combine the dragon's gourd and hold any liquid. Any characteristic can be taken off. This guy seems to be just the level of the human peak, but the eyesight is a kind of poison. From the selling point, it can be seen that the net bottle medicine garden is extraordinary.
"Unfortunately, this is the beloved thing underneath, but it can't be taken out." Yang Chen's hand, another jade bottle, gently put on the table and pushed over, asked in the mouth: "The shopkeeper Look, can this bottle of medicinal herbs still make up?"
"Five turns of medicinal herbs!" The master of the palm of your hand reluctantly pulled away from the clean bottle of Yang Chen's hand, picked up the jade bottle and opened the bottle cap, and immediately saw three of them. The five dragons on each of the medicinal herbs reminded him that these are all five-turn remedies.
When you look closely, the master of the palm can't sit still, and stands up and stunned: "Five turns to ask Dan?"
It is not surprising that the master of the palm of the hand is not surprised. Asking Xin Dan is the emperor of the spiritual world, and Yang Chen was refining in the mortal world in advance. Do not look at the spirits of the six products of the seven products of the alchemy teacher emerges endlessly, but there are only a handful of remedies for the six-turn and seven-turn refining system, except for the more difficult refining in the real impact of the alchemy peak. Under normal circumstances, it is a sure refinery that chooses three turns and four turns.
This is especially true for Asking Dan, the ordinary person who is a rookie, and it is enough to wait for a turn and two turns. When you reach the master of the earth, someone will use the three-turn questioning heart, the higher the fairy, the good is the four-turn question, unless they are the real alchemy masters, they will prepare five rounds of questions for themselves and those close to you.
It is difficult to ask the heart of the refining system. Not all of the six alchemy divisions can successfully carry out five refining. Just as Yang Chen was in the mortal world, as long as any kind of medicinal medicine can be refining five cultivators, it is a five-in-one alchemy teacher. Many of the six-in-one alchemy divisions are the simplest to raise the qi, Dan Pei Yuan Dan, what can be transferred and refining, There are only a handful of people who have refining the five-turn questioning heart, even in the spiritual world.
This is not to be counted, Yang Chen took out the five turns to ask the heart Dan, the Dan pattern is all clear dragon pattern, compared to the ordinary kind of Dan, there is nothing better, it is better. After all, it is a medicinal product refining from the Yunling furnace. It has the bonus of Longling refining. It is said to be a five-turn question, but the real effect is already six turns.
The master of the palm is the real person who knows the goods, otherwise it will not become the master of the eyes of Jufulou. Rao is that he is used to good things, and he is also stood up by the five-turn dragon tattoo.
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